Fact Sheet (2)
QorIQ P1021/P1012 Communications Processors - Fact Sheet[QP1021FS]Featured
P1021/P1012 Modular Development System (MDS)[P1021MDSFS]Featured
The QorIQ® P1021/P1012 Modular Development System is designed for hardware and software developers using the P1021/P1012 QorIQ processor family to accelerate development and testing and improve time to market. The P1021/P1012 MDS enables:
The P1021/P1012 MDS consists of multiple boards that provide a comprehensive development system—a P1021/P1012 processor board, a platform and several expansion modules adding support for a TDM, ATM, etc.
Development Tools Linux® OS 2.6, supporting DUART, local bus, DDR, flash, TSEC, I²C, PCI Express (root complex and end point), and SPI
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