P1022 Reference Design Kit (RDK) | NXP Semiconductors

P1022 Reference Design Kit (RDK)

Product Details

Block Diagram


P1022-RDK System Block Diagram



  • Dual-core Power Architecture® e500 cores up to 1000 MHz
  • Bootable 4-bit SD/MMC port
  • 0ºC to +70ºC operation with supplied passive heat sink


  • 512 MB 64-bit DDR3-667 memory
  • 8 MB SPI serial flash memory for boot loader
  • MicroSD port for booting and data storage


  • 2 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet Ports
  • 2 USB 2.0 ULPI PHYs (one host, one OTG)
  • DVI interface
  • x4 PCI Express® slot (physical) supporting up to x4 lane width
  • SATA connector for optional HDD or SSD
  • Two serial ports
  • Standard 16-pin JTAG header supporting Power Architecture technology

Power Management

  • Battery backed up RTC
  • Small form factor enclosure with power supply and power cord


  • Wolfson audio codec headphone out and microphone in


  • Configuration DIP switches and debug LEDs


  • Quick start guide, user’s guide, hardware reference manual, schematics, bill of materials (BOM) and Linux source code
  • MicroSD card with firmware, Linux® OS, and root file system preinstalled


N true 0 TSPP1022RDKen 2 Fact Sheet Fact Sheet t523 2 en_US 1 1 3 English 1299535978017732660839 TSP 443.5 KB None None documents None 1299535978017732660839 /docs/en/fact-sheet/QP1022RDKFS.pdf 443544 /docs/en/fact-sheet/QP1022RDKFS.pdf QP1022RDKFS N N 2016-10-31 Overview of the P1022RDK /docs/en/fact-sheet/QP1022RDKFS.pdf /docs/en/fact-sheet/QP1022RDKFS.pdf Fact Sheet N Y 736675474163315314 2022-12-07 pdf N en Sep 21, 2011 Fact Sheet t523 Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Y N Overview of the P1022RDK false en_US en Fact Sheet Fact Sheet 1 2 1 English The NXP<sup>&#174;</sup> development systems provide an I/O-rich carrier blade whose personality comes from the QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> processor embedded in a plug-in COM Express module. This module/carrier combination provides unparalleled development flexibility. 1284567559151704189849 TSP 199.1 KB None None documents None 1284567559151704189849 /docs/en/fact-sheet/QCOMEFS.pdf 199124 /docs/en/fact-sheet/QCOMEFS.pdf QCOMEFS documents N N 2016-10-31 QorIQ<sup>®</sup> Development Systems with COM Express™ Modules /docs/en/fact-sheet/QCOMEFS.pdf /docs/en/fact-sheet/QCOMEFS.pdf Fact Sheet N 736675474163315314 2022-12-07 pdf N en Sep 9, 2010 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet Y N QorIQ<sup>®</sup> Development Systems with COM Express™ Modules false 0 P1022RDK downloads en true 0 Y TSP Fact Sheet 2 /docs/en/fact-sheet/QCOMEFS.pdf 2016-10-31 1284567559151704189849 TSP 2 Sep 9, 2010 Fact Sheet The NXP<sup>&#174;</sup> development systems provide an I/O-rich carrier blade whose personality comes from the QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> processor embedded in a plug-in COM Express module. This module/carrier combination provides unparalleled development flexibility. None /docs/en/fact-sheet/QCOMEFS.pdf English documents 199124 None 736675474163315314 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/fact-sheet/QCOMEFS.pdf QorIQ<sup>®</sup> Development Systems with COM Express™ Modules /docs/en/fact-sheet/QCOMEFS.pdf documents 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet N en None Y pdf 1 N N QorIQ<sup>®</sup> Development Systems with COM Express™ Modules 199.1 KB QCOMEFS N 1284567559151704189849 /docs/en/fact-sheet/QP1022RDKFS.pdf 2016-10-31 1299535978017732660839 TSP 1 Sep 21, 2011 Fact Sheet Fact Sheet None /docs/en/fact-sheet/QP1022RDKFS.pdf English 443544 None Fact Sheet 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/fact-sheet/QP1022RDKFS.pdf Overview of the P1022RDK /docs/en/fact-sheet/QP1022RDKFS.pdf documents 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet N Y en None Y t523 pdf 3 N N Overview of the P1022RDK 443.5 KB QP1022RDKFS N 1299535978017732660839 true Y Tools


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