The S32 Compilers for the S32 Design Studio include, but not limited to:
GCC, also known as GNU GCC, is an open-source software system (the toolchain) which is used to create a “target” executable file from source code. GCC for ARM refers to GCC configured and built specifically for ARM, Ltd. Processors - the ARM instruction set is the “target.” In particular, the NXP GCC for ARM toolchain supports the many NXP system-on-chip (SOC) devices which contain ARM processors.
The LAX C/C++ compiler, with the assembler and the linker, generates executable binary files for the LAX family of vector signal processors. The LAX compiler system is a complete toolchain to accelerate DSP algorithms using the LAX vector signal processor.
The Signal Processing Toolbox (SPT) contains all the hardware modules required for processing of the sampled RADAR signals. It is a powerful processing engine containing high-performance signal processing operations, driven by a specific use-oriented instruction set. The programmability ensures flexibility for modifications of signal processing. The CPU is removed from frequent scheduling of hardware operations, but still controls and interacts with the processing flow. SPT is programmed using the NXP SPT Assembler based GNU open-source tooling.