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S32 Debug Probe.
- S32 Debug Probe
- USB power supply
- USB cable
- Arm 10 pin probe tip and ribbon cable
- Arm 20 pin probe tip and ribbon cable
S32 Debug Probe enables NXP target system debugging via a standard debug port while connected to a developer’s workstation via Ethernet or USB. S32 Debug Probe may also be referred to by industry-standard terms such as a probe, JTAG probe, JTAG emulator or target probe.
Using S32 Debug Probe’s Ethernet connection, developers can debug systems remotely or effectively share a single system within a team. Alternatively Or, S32 Debug Probe connects directly to the developer’s workstation with a single USB cable. S32 Debug Probe is designed to work in conjunction with S32 Design Studio and NXP Automotive Microcontrollers and Processors. It is a critical debug tool in all phases of the project.
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S32 Debug Probe.
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