MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code | NXP Semiconductors

MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code

MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code IDE

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MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code

MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code Block Diagram


Power with Ease-of-Use

  • Built on Microsoft Visual Studio Code platform, customize using marketplace extensions
  • Advanced editing: multi-cursor, auto-format, syntax highlighting, code snippets
  • Code smarter with Intellisense: completions for variables, methods and imported modules
  • Flexible use of MCUXpresso SDK using Github, with optional Open-CMSIS-Packs
  • Full support for Zephyr-based project development
  • Industry-standard GNU toolchain with a choice of libraries: optimized C library or the standard GNU Newlib / Nano library
  • Easy SDK example importing with MCUXpresso Configuration tools, including pins, clocks, peripheral and trusted execution tools
  • Source Control Management / Git integration
  • Project management view displays application information on target architecture, components, build configurations and software repository

Advanced Debug Capabilities

  • Supports PEmicro Multilink, SEGGER J-Link, MCU-Link or LPC-Link2 probes
  • Rich viewing capabilities for peripheral registers, global variables, textual/graphical live variables
  • Support for FreeRTOS, Azure RTOS ThreadX and Zephyr RTOS
  • Image Info view gives detailed overall memory usage, memory regions content and static call graphs including stack usage information
  • Device tree viewer to help with component structure of Zephyr projects
  • Integrated GUI Flash programming tool

Host Support

  • Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS / 22.04 LTS
  • MacOS 11.x Big Sur, 12.x Monterey, 13.x Ventura
  • Microsoft® Windows 10 and 11

Supported Devices

System Requirements


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  • Development IDEs and Build Tools

    Visual Studio Code Marketplace

Note: For better experience, software downloads are recommended on desktop.

Y true 0 SSPMCUXPRESSO-VSCen 2 Fact Sheet Fact Sheet t523 1 User Guide User Guide t792 1 en_US en_US en User Guide User Guide 1 1 kb 1.0 English MCUXpresso tools extension for Microsoft Visual Studio Code provides an easy and fast way to create, build and debug applications based on MCUXpresso SDK or Zephyr projects. 1688569210287743573603 SSP None None documents None 1688569210287743573603 USER-GUIDE-MCUXPRESSO-VISUAL documents N N N 2023-07-05 MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code User Guide N 132339537837198660 Y 2023-07-05 EXTERNAL en Jul 5, 2023 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code EXTERNAL Fact Sheet Fact Sheet 1 2 2 English MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code Factsheet 1690475939903726144674 SSP 279.0 KB None None documents None 1690475939903726144674 /docs/en/fact-sheet/MCUXPRESSO-VSC-FS.pdf 278992 /docs/en/fact-sheet/MCUXPRESSO-VSC-FS.pdf MCUXPRESSO-VSC-FS documents N N 2023-07-27 MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code /docs/en/fact-sheet/MCUXPRESSO-VSC-FS.pdf /docs/en/fact-sheet/MCUXPRESSO-VSC-FS.pdf Fact Sheet N 736675474163315314 2024-03-20 pdf N en Mar 20, 2024 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet Y N MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code false 0 MCUXPRESSO-VSC downloads en true 1 Y SSP Y Y Fact Sheet 1 /docs/en/fact-sheet/MCUXPRESSO-VSC-FS.pdf 2023-07-27 1690475939903726144674 SSP 2 Mar 20, 2024 Fact Sheet MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code Factsheet None /docs/en/fact-sheet/MCUXPRESSO-VSC-FS.pdf English documents 278992 None 736675474163315314 2024-03-20 N /docs/en/fact-sheet/MCUXPRESSO-VSC-FS.pdf MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code /docs/en/fact-sheet/MCUXPRESSO-VSC-FS.pdf documents 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet N en None Y pdf 2 N N MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code 279.0 KB MCUXPRESSO-VSC-FS N 1690475939903726144674 User Guide 1 2023-07-05 1688569210287743573603 SSP 1 Jul 5, 2023 User Guide MCUXpresso tools extension for Microsoft Visual Studio Code provides an easy and fast way to create, build and debug applications based on MCUXpresso SDK or Zephyr projects. EXTERNAL None English documents kb None 132339537837198660 2023-07-05 N MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en None N Y EXTERNAL 1.0 N MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code Y USER-GUIDE-MCUXPRESSO-VISUAL N 1688569210287743573603 true Y Softwares


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Note: For better experience, software downloads are recommended on desktop.


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