SDK Examples for Wireless MCUs


MCUXpresso SDK Examples

  • Bluetooth LE wireless examples
  • Zigbee wireless examples
  • Driver examples
  • Demo applications
  • RTOS examples

NXP Github Examples

Supported Devices

  • MCX-W71X: MCX W71x Secure and Ultra-Low-Power MCUs for Matter, Thread, Zigbee and Bluetooth LE
  • K32W148: Secure and Ultra-Low-Power MCU for Matter Over Thread and Bluetooth® LE 5.3
  • K32W061_41: K32W061/41: High-Performance, Secure and Ultra-Low-Power MCU for Zigbee®,Thread, and Bluetooth® LE 5.0 with Built-In NFC Option
  • QN9090-30: QN9090/30: Bluetooth Low-Energy MCU with Arm®Cortex®-M4 CPU, Energy Efficiency, Analog and Digital Peripherals and NFC Tag Option


Quick reference to our software types.

1 download

  • Application Example Software

    MCUXpresso SDK - Github

Note: For better experience, software downloads are recommended on desktop.

Related Software

Quick reference to our software types.

1 software file

Note: For better experience, software downloads are recommended on desktop.


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