High-Speed CAN Transceiver for Partial Networking
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The TJA1145A is a high-speed CAN transceiver that provides an interface between a controller area network (CAN) protocol controller and the physical two-wire CAN bus. The transceiver is designed for high-speed CAN and CAN FD applications in the automotive industry, providing differential transmit and receive capability to a microcontroller with a CAN protocol controller.
TJA1145A supports reliable communication in the CAN FD fast phase at data rates up to 5 Mbit/s.
The TJA1145A features very low power consumption in standby and sleep modes and supports ISO 11898-2:2016 compliant CAN Partial Networking by means of a selective wake-up function.
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Mini High-Speed CAN System Basis Chip for Partial Networking
S32K1 Microcontrollers for Automotive General Purpose
High-Speed CAN Transceiver with 5 V LDO and Sleep Mode
Self-Supplied High-Speed CAN Transceiver with Sleep Mode
Mini High-Speed CAN System Basis Chip with Standby Mode and Watchdog
Mini High-Speed CAN System Basis Chip with Standby Mode
Mini High-Speed CAN System Basis Chip with Standby/Sleep Mode and Watchdog
Self-Supplied High-Speed CAN Transceiver with Standby Mode
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