MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code

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MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code

MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code Block Diagram


Power with Ease-of-Use

  • Built on Microsoft Visual Studio Code platform, customize using marketplace extensions
  • Advanced editing: multi-cursor, auto-format, syntax highlighting, code snippets
  • Code smarter with Intellisense: completions for variables, methods and imported modules
  • Flexible use of MCUXpresso SDK using Github, with optional Open-CMSIS-Packs
  • Full support for Zephyr-based project development
  • Industry-standard GNU toolchain with a choice of libraries: optimized C library or the standard GNU Newlib / Nano library
  • Easy SDK example importing with MCUXpresso Configuration tools, including pins, clocks, peripheral and trusted execution tools
  • Source Control Management / Git integration
  • Project management view displays application information on target architecture, components, build configurations and software repository

Advanced Debug Capabilities

  • Supports PEmicro Multilink, SEGGER J-Link, MCU-Link or LPC-Link2 probes
  • Rich viewing capabilities for peripheral registers, global variables, textual/graphical live variables
  • Support for FreeRTOS, Azure RTOS ThreadX and Zephyr RTOS
  • Image Info view gives detailed overall memory usage, memory regions content and static call graphs including stack usage information
  • Device tree viewer to help with component structure of Zephyr projects
  • Integrated GUI Flash programming tool

Host Support

  • Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS / 22.04 LTS
  • MacOS 11.x Big Sur, 12.x Monterey, 13.x Ventura
  • Microsoft® Windows 10 and 11

Supported Devices

System Requirements


Quick reference to our software types.

1 download

  • Development IDEs and Build Tools

    Visual Studio Code Marketplace

Note: For better experience, software downloads are recommended on desktop.


Quick reference to our documentation types.

2 documents


Quick reference to our board types.

1 hardware offering

Related Software

Quick reference to our software types.

2 software files

Note: For better experience, software downloads are recommended on desktop.


3 trainings


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