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Development Board for MC56F83xxx Digital Signal Controllers.
The MC56F83000-EVK is an ultra-low-cost development platform for digital signal controller MC56F83xxx MCU.
The kit is form-factor compatible with the Arduino™ R3 pin layout and features ROM bootloader supporting SCI, IIC and CAN.
Peripherals enable rapid prototyping, including a 6-axis digital accelerometer and magnetometer to create full eCompass capabilities, 6 buffered LEDs indicating PWM signals, 4 user LEDs, 4 user push-buttons for direct interaction, an SPI interfaced Flash memory, a high speed CAN transceiver circuit, a USBOTG connector and a USB to UART bridge circuit.
The MC56F83000-EVK features onboard OSBDM circuit enabling debugging and programming with CodeWarrior.
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Development Board for MC56F83xxx Digital Signal Controllers.
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