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The NXP analog product development boards provide an easy-to-use platform for evaluating NXP products. The boards support a range of analog, mixed-signal and power solutions. They incorporate monolithic integrated circuits and system-in-package devices that use proven high-volume technology. NXP products offer longer battery life, a smaller form factor, reduced component counts, lower cost and improved performance in powering state-of-the-art systems.
This page will guide you through learning about how to set up the SJA1105SMBEVM board.
The SJA1105SMBEVM contents include:
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To use this kit, you need:
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The primary functional components of the SJA1105SMBEVM Evaluation Module are:
SW development environment S32 Design Studio for Power.
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The SJA1105SMBEVM (SJA1105S Mother Board Evaluation Module, see Fig 1) is designed for evaluating the capabilities of the SJA1105P/Q/R/S Automotive Ethernet switch family and the TJA1102 Automotive Ethernet PHYs, by developing and running customer software. Therefore, the board features the MPC5748G MCU with a rich set of peripherals for communication and automotive applications.
It is designed to allow early adaptions of applications, like a X-to-Ethernet gateway, communication hub, etc.
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If you want to download and run SW on the SJA1105SMBEVM you also need a JTAG-Debug adapter. The easiest solution is the PEMicro “USB Multilink Universal” USB-to-JTAG debug probe (http://www.pemicro.com/products/product_viewDetails.cfm?product_id=15320168 ), as this is already integrated into the S32 Design Studio IDE.
The following steps are required to bring the SJA1105SMBEVM into operation:
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The S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture home page is at S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture®.
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Board block diagram, Jumper, LED and additional board descriptions and images are available in the User Guide. Refer to AH1721: SJA1105SMBEVM User Manual (NDA Required).
The overview tab provides an overview of the device, product features, a description of the kit contents, a list of (and links to) supported devices, list of (and links to) any related products and a Get Started section.
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