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The NXP analog product development boards provide an easy-to-use platform for evaluating NXP products. The boards support a range of analog, mixed-signal and power solutions. They incorporate monolithic integrated circuits and system-in-package devices that use proven high-volume technology. NXP products offer longer battery life, a smaller form factor, reduced component counts, lower cost and improved performance in powering state-of-the-art systems.
This page will guide you through the process of setting up and using the FRDMGD3100HB8EVM board.
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In addition to the kit contents, the following hardware is necessary or beneficial when working with this kit.
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The kit requires the following to function properly with the software.
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The FRDMGD3100HB8EVM is a half-bridge evaluation kit populated with two GD3100 single channel gate drive devices. The kit includes the Freedom KL25Z microcontroller hardware for interfacing a PC installed with SPIGen software for communication to the serial peripheral interface (SPI) registers on the GD3100 gate drive devices in either daisy chain or standalone configuration.
The GD3100 translator board is used to translate 3.3 V signals to 5.0 V signals between the MCU and GD3100 gate drivers. The evaluation kit can be connected to a compatible insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) or SiC module for half-bridge evaluations and applications development.
3.3 V to 5.0 V Translator Board
KITGD3100TREVB translator enables level shifting of signals from MCU 3.3 V to 5.0 V SPI communication.
Kinetis KL25Z Freedom Board
The Freedom KL25Z is an ultra low-cost development platform for Kinetis L series MCU built on Arm Cortex-M0+ processor.
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Overview of the FRDMGD3100HB8EVM half-bridge evaluation board
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FRDMGD3100HB8EVM is connected to a GD3100 translator board and a FRDM-KL25Z board. Double pulse and short-circuit testing can be conducted using Windows based PC with SPIGen software.
Suggested equipment needed for test:
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Software for FRDMGD3100HB8EVM is distributed with the SPIGen GUI tool (available on NXP.com). Necessary firmware comes pre-installed on the FRDM-KL25Z with the kit.
Even if the user intends to test with other software or PWM, it is recommended to install this software as a backup or to help debugging.
The updated version of SPIGen supports the GD3100 and is designed to run on any Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 7 based operating system. To install the software, do the following:
C:\Program Files (x86)\SPIGen
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By default, the FRDM-KL25Z delivered with this kit is preprogrammed with current and up-to-date firmware available for the kit.
A way to check quickly that the microcode is programmed and the board is functioning properly, is to plug the KL25Z into the computer, open SPIGen and verify that the software version at the bottom is 5.4.7.
If a loss of functionality occurs following a board reset, reprogramming or you experience a corrupted data issue, the microcode may be rewritten per the following steps:
and copy or drag-and-drop into the
All uploaded firmware is stored in non-volatile memory until the reset button is selected the FRDM-KL25Z. There is no need to repeat this process upon every power up and there is no loss of data associated with a single unplug event.
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Begin embedded application development.
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View the product summary page for GD3100.
View the tool summary page for the FRDMGD3100HB8EVM board.
The page provides overview information, technical and functional specifications, ordering information, documentation and software. The Get Started guide provides quick-reference information applicable to using the FRDMGD3100HB8EVM board, including the downloadable assets.
In addition to our GD3100: Advanced single-channel gate driver for Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) page, you may also want to visit:
Product pages:
Application pages:
Hardware pages:
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