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The DEVKIT-MOTORGD is Arduino UNO compatible, as with its compatible base boards. The inner rows conform to the Arduino standard while the outer rows accommodate propriety NXP function pins. Let's take your DEVKIT-MOTORGD for a test drive! Follow the detailed actions listed below.
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Driving a motor requires a higher input voltage than what a USB is capable of supplying. The base board will therefore need to be configured to power from an external power supply. On S32K144EVB-Q100, connect J107.1
to J107.2
, like so.
You can do the same thing on DEVKIT-MPC5744P. Connect J13.1
to J13.2
and also apply a jumper to J39
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Plug in DEVKIT-MOTORGD Arduino-style into the base board. Make sure the pins match up.
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Connect a 3-phase motor to DEVKIT-MOTORGD at J13
. DEVKIT-MOTORGD supports BLDC (sensored and sensorless) and PMSM. Connect the phase terminals to what suits your application best. NXP sample code uses the Linux 45ZWN24-40 BLDC motor and connects Phase A to White, Phase B to Blue, and Phase C to Green.
If your motor has a hall encoder or position sensor, connect it to the terminal JP1
like so.
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An alternative motor is the Nanotec DB41M024030-A . The motor ships with its wires like so:
The three thick wires are the phases (red, yellow, black) and the five slender wires are the hall sensor (red, black, white, green, blue). To run NXP sample code connect Phase A to Yellow, Phase B to Red, and Phase C to Black.
The Hall interface wires follow the same color coding as the Linux 45ZWN24-40. Connect the wires going down from the JP1
label as follows: red, black, white, green, blue, no wire (leave JP1.6
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Download Quick Start Guide and sample software to kickstart your design.
Get DEVKIT-MOTORGD Quick Start Guide
The software below is for evaluation purposes only. Its purpose is to show how DEVKIT-MOTORGD supports easy prototyping. The setup steps described on this "Getting Started" page describe general steps that all projects using DEVKIT-MOTORGD would need to go through. Click on the button below to access the full setup instructions for NXP's sample software.
How to setup NXP software example
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NXP offers a complimentary toolchain called S32 Design Studio (S32DS). The S32 Design Studio is an Eclipse-based IDE that offers comprehensive software writing and debugging capabilities. It supports multiple debuggers including GDB and Lauterbach.
NXP also offers the Model-Based Design Toolbox, which is a Simulink-based tool that lets you graphically build your application before generating code.
Get Model-Based Design Toolbox
Click on the buttons below for more information on the toolbox's capabilities with each platform.
Get S32K MBDT Information Get MPC5744P MBDT Information
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FreeMASTER is a free-to-use debug monitor from NXP. Supports non-intrusive monitoring of variables on a running system. You can display multiple variables changing over time on an oscilloscope-like display or view the data in text form.
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Learn how to create a new project in S32 Design Studio IDE for Power Architecture and the basics to create your own code by running an easy example code.
Both S32K144EVB-Q100 and DEVKIT-MPC5744P support OpenSDA. Plug in USB. Program a motor control program using S32 Design Studio or debug interface of your choice.
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Tera Term is a very popular open source terminal emulation application. This program can be used to display information sent from your NXP development platform's virtual serial port.
PuTTY is a popular terminal emulation application. This program can be used to display information sent from your NXP development platform's virtual serial port.