Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) Applications

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Converter and Charger

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Stop and Start System

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Stop and Start System

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N true 0 ASPHEV-APPLICATIONSen 2 Brochure Brochure t518 2 en_US en_US en Brochure Brochure 2 1 7 Japanese NXPの電動化ソリューションの堅牢でオープンなアーキテクチャは、電動化されたエンドポイントとクラウド間での、より安全でセキュアな双方向通信を可能にします。 1558558721899728783369ja ASP 2.1 MB None None documents None 1558558721899728783369 /docs/ja/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf 2120510 /docs/ja/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf VEHELECTSOLBRA4 documents N N 2019-05-22 Vehicle Electrification Solutions Brochure /docs/ja/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf /docs/ja/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2024-06-11 ja Oct 23, 2023 712453003803778552 Brochure Y N NXP電動化ソリューション - パンフレット 4 Chinese 利用恩智浦的电气化解决方案加速实现零排放。从电池管理到动力域控制,我们的产品组合覆盖面广,旨在帮助客户简化电气化转型流程。恩智浦提供的电气化系统解决方案,具有出色的性能、强大的功能安全性和电源管理功能,满足汽车制造商和开发者打造下一代汽车的需求。 1558558721899728783369zh ASP 2.1 MB None None documents None 1558558721899728783369 /docs/zh/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf 2120510 /docs/zh/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf VEHELECTSOLBRA4 documents N N 2019-05-22 Vehicle Electrification Solutions Brochure /docs/zh/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf /docs/zh/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2024-06-11 zh Jun 21, 2022 712453003803778552 Brochure Y N 汽车电气化解决方案 7 English NXP delivers the optimal performance, robust functional safety and power management that automakers and developers require for the next generation of electric and hybrid vehicles. 1558558721899728783369 ASP 2.1 MB None None documents None 1558558721899728783369 /docs/en/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf 2120510 /docs/en/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf VEHELECTSOLBRA4 documents N N 2019-05-22 Vehicle Electrification Solutions Brochure /docs/en/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf /docs/en/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2024-06-11 pdf N en May 2, 2023 712453003803778552 Brochure Y N Vehicle Electrification Solutions Brochure 2 1 English NXP offers development platforms (featuring S32S MCU or MPC5775B/E microcontroller, FS6500 safety power SBC, and MC33771C Li-ion IC) and comprehensive software offerings (partnered with MathWorks) plus worldwide automotive presence and support for engineers to develop the next HEV generation. 1649089571144714998578 ASP 456.4 KB None None documents None 1649089571144714998578 /docs/en/brochure/APELECSOLSBR.pdf 456444 /docs/en/brochure/APELECSOLSBR.pdf APELECSOLSBR documents N N 2022-04-04 NXP Electrification Solutions Based on Automotive Processors and Microcontrollers /docs/en/brochure/APELECSOLSBR.pdf /docs/en/brochure/APELECSOLSBR.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2024-05-09 pdf N en Aug 8, 2022 712453003803778552 Brochure Y N NXP Electrification Solutions Based on Automotive Processors and Microcontrollers false 0 HEV-APPLICATIONS downloads en true 0 Y ASP Brochure 2 /docs/en/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf 2019-05-22 1558558721899728783369 ASP 1 May 2, 2023 Brochure NXP delivers the optimal performance, robust functional safety and power management that automakers and developers require for the next generation of electric and hybrid vehicles. None /docs/en/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf English documents 2120510 None 712453003803778552 2024-06-11 N /docs/en/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf Vehicle Electrification Solutions Brochure /docs/en/brochure/VEHICLE-ELECTRIFICATION-BR.pdf documents 712453003803778552 Brochure N en None Y pdf 7 N N Vehicle Electrification Solutions Brochure 2.1 MB VEHELECTSOLBRA4 N 1558558721899728783369 /docs/en/brochure/APELECSOLSBR.pdf 2022-04-04 1649089571144714998578 ASP 2 Aug 8, 2022 Brochure NXP offers development platforms (featuring S32S MCU or MPC5775B/E microcontroller, FS6500 safety power SBC, and MC33771C Li-ion IC) and comprehensive software offerings (partnered with MathWorks) plus worldwide automotive presence and support for engineers to develop the next HEV generation. None /docs/en/brochure/APELECSOLSBR.pdf English documents 456444 None 712453003803778552 2024-05-09 N /docs/en/brochure/APELECSOLSBR.pdf NXP Electrification Solutions Based on Automotive Processors and Microcontrollers /docs/en/brochure/APELECSOLSBR.pdf documents 712453003803778552 Brochure N en None Y pdf 1 N N NXP Electrification Solutions Based on Automotive Processors and Microcontrollers 456.4 KB APELECSOLSBR N 1649089571144714998578 true N Applications


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