ICODE DNA NFC Forum Type 5 Tag with AES Cryptography

Block Diagram

ICODE DNA Block Diagram

ICODE DNA Block Diagram


ICODE DNA RF interface (ISO/IEC 15693)

  • Contactless transmission of data and supply energy (no battery needed)
  • Operating frequency: 13.56 MHz (ISM, world-wide license freely available)
  • Fast data transfer: up to 53 kbit/s
  • High data integrity: 16-bit CRC, framing
  • True anticollision
  • Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS)
  • Application Family Identifier (AFI) supported
  • Data Storage Format Identifier (DSFID)
  • Cryptographic tag/mutual authentication
  • Additional fast anticollision read
  • Persistent quiet mode to enable faster inventory speed


  • 2048 bits user memory, organized in 64 blocks of 4 bytes each (last blockreserved for counter feature)
  • 50 years data retention
  • Write endurance of 100,000 cycles


  • Unique identifier for each device (8 bytes)
  • 32 byte originality signature
  • Lock mechanism for each user memory block (write protection)
  • Lock mechanism for DSFID, AFI, EAS
  • AES Crypto-core for tag/mutual authentication with three 128-bit keys
  • User memory segmentation with flexible access conditions with mutualauthentication (privileges)
  • Separate privileges for Read/Write access, EAS/AFI, Privacy and Destroy
  • 16-bit counter



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