Plug It In2
Get Software3
Build, Run4
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Let's take your EVK board for a test drive! You have the choice of watching the sequence in a short video or following the detailed actions listed below.
The LPC5500 board is pre-programmed with a diagnostic demo, which tests various features of the board. This program utilizes the MCU-LINK VCOM output connected to the debug probe(J1
), which acts as a serial to USB bridge to a host computer, as well as providing the CMSIS-DAP debug interface.
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MCU-Link is supported on host computers running on Windows 10, MacOS X and Ubuntu Linux operating systems (OSs). For each OS, an MCU-Link firmware package is available that includes the host device drivers, MCU-Link firmware and scripts to program CMSIS-DAP and J-Link firmware options.
To download and install the host device drivers and update the MCU-Link firmware, follow these steps:
connector on the board to the USB port of the host computer through a USB micro-B cable. MCU-Link gets powered up in (USB) ISP mode. The red MCU-Link status LED (D16
) lights up. The board gets enumerated as a human interface device (HID) class deviceJP25
and reconnect the boardSomething went wrong! Please try again.
Most of the MCUXpresso SDK examples and this out-of-box demo set up for MCUXpresso IDE, IAR and Keil tools use the MCU UART for print output. If you are not sure how to use a terminal application, try one of these tutorials: MCUXpresso Terminal Tutorial, Tera Term Tutorial, PuTTY Tutorial.
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Connect a micro USB cable from connector J1
to a host computer or power supply to power up the board and run the demo program. Open a terminal emulator program (such as Teraterm or PuTTY), and look for a port with a name of the form “COMxx MCU-LINK VCOM ...”, and connect to it. Set the serial port for 115200 baud rate, 8 bits, no parity.
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for mouse application test”. Connect another micro USB cable to J3
in order to enumerate the mouse device USB application. This will cause your mouse pointer to have a square movement.Something went wrong! Please try again.
The software and tools installation is detailed in two short videos or you can choose to follow the steps below. The LPCXpresso55S36 is supported by MCUXpresso SDK, which is described in this guide.
NXP offers a complimentary toolchain called MCUXpresso IDE. Please download MCUXpresso v11.3.0 or above.
Get MCUXpresso IDENo problem! The MCUXpresso SDK includes support for other tools such as IAR , KEIL and command-line GCC .
The MCUXpresso SDK is complimentary and includes full source code under a permissive open-source license for all hardware abstraction and peripheral driver software. You may install the MCUXpresso SDK directly form the MCUXpresso SDK website at mcuxpresso.nxp.com. Click on “Select Development Board” to search for the evaluation board.
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The MCUXpresso Config Tool is an integrated suite of configuration tools that guides users in creating new MCUXpresso SDK projects and also provides pin and clock tools to generate initialization C code for custom board support, It is fully integrated as a part of MCUXpresso IDE and also as a separate tool if using a different IDE.
Click the "Get MCUXpresso Config Tools" below to get the Config Tools installer.
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A short video is provided to walk you through this process or you can follow along the steps below.
The MCUXpresso SDK comes with a long list of example applications code. To see what's available, browse to the SDK boards folder of your SDK installation and select LPCXpresso55s36.
To learn more about specific example code, open the readme.txt file in an example’s directory.
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If one or more of the demo applications or driver examples sounds interesting, you're probably wanting to know how you can build and debug yourself. The Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK guide provides easy, step-by-step instructions on how to configure, build and debug demos for all toolchains supported by the SDK.
Use the guide below to learn how to open, build and debug an example application using the MCUXpresso IDE.
The following steps will guide you through the hello_world demo application using MCUXpresso IDE for the Cortex-M33 application. The MCUXpresso IDE installation can be found at the section “2. Get Software” of this Getting Started guide.
‘LINK USB’ port
This demo is also available for IAR and KEIL.
The following steps will guide you through opening the hello_world application. The instructions for compiling and debugging the Cortex M33 core are covered in the instructions below.
Please use IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm version 8.50.9 or above.
Note: In case of building errors, make sure that the correct Board is selected, right click in the project → Options → General Options → Target → Device, Select the NXP LPC55S36, this board is supported in IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm version 8.50.9 or Higher.
The MCU-LINK circuit on the board should have been updated to use the J-Link interface during Step 1.2 “Install Drivers” of the Getting Started website. See that section of the Getting Started website for more details on using LPCScrypt to update the debug firmware on the board to use the J-Link interface if this has not already been done
“Link USB”
After the MDK tools are installed, Cortex® Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) device packs must be installed to fully support the device from a debug perspective. These packs include things such as memory map information, register definitions and flash programming algorithms. Follow these steps to install the appropriate CMSIS pack.
Please use MDK-Arm Microcontroller Development Kit (Keil)® version 5.33 or above.
The following steps will guide you through opening the hello_world application. These steps may change slightly for other example applications as some of these applications may have additional layers of folders in their path.
The workspace file is named <application_name>.uvmpw, so for this specific example, the actual path is:
The LPC55S36 board comes loaded with the CMSIS-DAP debug interface from the factory. If you have changed the debug LPC-LINK2 application on your board, check the LPCScrypt tutorial described in the past section.
Connect the development platform to your PC via USB cable
to J1
“Debug Link”. Ensure the DFULink jumper
) is removed when powering the board to
boot the debug probe from internal flash
After the application is properly built, click the "Download" button to download the application to the target
Click on “Start/Stop Debug Session” to open the debug view
Run the code by clicking the "Run" button to start the application
The following steps will guide you through the hello_world demo application using MCUXpresso IDE for the Cortex-M33 application. The MCUXpresso IDE installation can be found at the section “2. Get Software” of this Getting Started guide.
‘LINK USB’ port
The following steps will guide you through opening the hello_world application. The instructions for compiling and debugging the Cortex M33 core are covered in the instructions below.
Please use IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm version 8.50.9 or above.
Note: In case of building errors, make sure that the correct Board is selected, right click in the project → Options → General Options → Target → Device, Select the NXP LPC55S36, this board is supported in IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm version 8.50.9 or Higher.
The MCU-LINK circuit on the board should have been updated to use the J-Link interface during Step 1.2 “Install Drivers” of the Getting Started website. See that section of the Getting Started website for more details on using LPCScrypt to update the debug firmware on the board to use the J-Link interface if this has not already been done
“Link USB”
After the MDK tools are installed, Cortex® Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) device packs must be installed to fully support the device from a debug perspective. These packs include things such as memory map information, register definitions and flash programming algorithms. Follow these steps to install the appropriate CMSIS pack.
Please use MDK-Arm Microcontroller Development Kit (Keil)® version 5.33 or above.
The following steps will guide you through opening the hello_world application. These steps may change slightly for other example applications as some of these applications may have additional layers of folders in their path.
The workspace file is named <application_name>.uvmpw, so for this specific example, the actual path is:
The LPC55S36 board comes loaded with the CMSIS-DAP debug interface from the factory. If you have changed the debug LPC-LINK2 application on your board, check the LPCScrypt tutorial described in the past section.
Connect the development platform to your PC via USB cable
to J1
“Debug Link”. Ensure the DFULink jumper
) is removed when powering the board to
boot the debug probe from internal flash
After the application is properly built, click the "Download" button to download the application to the target
Click on “Start/Stop Debug Session” to open the debug view
Run the code by clicking the "Run" button to start the application
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A short video is provided to walk you through this process, or you can follow along the steps below.
Option A: Use the MCUXpresso IDE to clone an example project.
The following steps will guide you through the manipulation of the general-purpose outputs. The example sets up a led_blinky, which blinks the RED LED periodically.
Note: On “Use Pin Tool” tutorial you will learn how to change the LED output pin of the board.
The following steps will guide you through the manipulation of the general-purpose outputs. The example sets up a led_blinky, which blinks the RED LED periodically.
Note: On “Use Pin Tool” tutorial you will learn how to change the LED output pin of the board.
Option B: Use the MCUXpresso Config Tool to clone an existing MCUXpresso SDK example for use with third-party IDEs.
Then select the project to clone. For this example, we want to use the gpio led output project. You can filter for this by typing “led_blinky” in the filter box and then selecting the “led_blinky” example project. You can then also specify where to clone the project and the name. Then click on Finish
Note: On “Use Pin Tool” tutorial you will learn how to change the LED output pin of the board.
Then select the project to clone. For this example, we want to use the gpio led output project. You can filter for this by typing “led_blinky” in the filter box and then selecting the “led_blinky” example project. You can then also specify where to clone the project and the name. Then click on Finish
Note: On “Use Pin Tool” tutorial you will learn how to change the LED output pin of the board.
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Something went wrong! Please try again.
Documents and Videos | Application Note SW (if applicable) | Description |
Firmware Update Using Secondary Bootloader | Application Note SW | It implements a simple dual image update example on LPC55xx |
MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool A GUI-based application provided to simply generation and provisioning of bootable executables on NXP LPC55Sxx
LPC Community Boot Look for answers to your boot questions or submit new questions in our Community.
Documents and Videos | Application Note SW (if applicable) | Description |
FlexSPI CoreMark Performance on LPC553x/LPC55S3x | This document emphasizes on how to port CoreMark project and run on external FlexSPI interface, including octal NOR flash and HyperRAM | |
LPC553x/LPC55S3x CoreMark on Cortex-M33 Porting Guide | Application Note SW | This application note describes how to port CoreMark code to LPC553x/LPC55S3x. |
LPC553X FLEXSPI Memory Management | Training video covering the basics of FlexSPI and how to use and expand the system memory. |
Several examples, demos and drivers are available within the SDK to help you get started. Some common examples for external memory are listed below.
How to use the FlexSPI driver with polling.
How to use the FlexSPI driver with polling.
How to use the FlexSPI driver with polling.
Documents and Videos | Application Note SW (if applicable) | Description |
How to Allow Computer to Turn Off MCU to Save Power via USB (LPC553x) | This application note describes the USB suspend/resume, remote wakeup-related knowledge, and how to use the LPC553x MCU USB module to implement this feature. | |
Using the DC-DC and LDO Features on the LPC553x/LPC55S3x Family | This application note provides a hardware design guide for the internal DC-DC converter and the internal LDO regulator on LPC553x/LPC55S3x devices. | |
MCU-Link Energy Measurement Capabilities | This document shows the results of the MCU-Link in different power settings using the LPC55S3x-EVK. | |
Low-power Modes and Wake-Up Time | Application Note SW | This application note introduces various low-power modes of the LPC553x/ LPC55S3x series. |
Using FreeRTOS Tickless Mode on LPC5500 | This application note describes how to implement the FreeRTOS tickless mode. | |
LPC553X Voltage Reference | Training video discusses overview of VREF module in LPC55S3x/3x. | |
LPC553X Power Management | Training video reviews the different power states, sources and capabilities of the power architecture of this device. |
Documents and Videos | Description |
Using FreeRTOS on LPC55Sxx Series Microcontrollers with TrustZone | This document takes an LPC55S69 as example to describe how to use FreeRTOS in an ARMv8-M processor that supports TrustZone. |
Building the Right Level of Security for Your Application With NXP and IAR Systems | In this training, experts from NXP and IAR Systems will give you an overview of C-Trust, show you how to take advantage of the available features and implement "security out of the box" |
Documents and Videos | Description |
IEC 60730 Class B Software Development Guidelines for LPC553x MCUs | The main purpose of this application note is to accelerate customer software development and certification processes for products based on LPC553x MCUs |
Several examples, demos and drivers are available within the SDK to help you get started. Some common examples for external memory are listed below.
This example user's guide describes how to set the hardware correctly and how to use the example code with the IEC60730B Safety library.
The test architecture, implementation, test and validation of corresponding tests are comprehensively described in independent sections for each test.
This example demonstrates the core self-test of the IEC60730B.
Documents and Videos | Application Note SW (if applicable) | Description |
Building an I3C Sensor Network Using LPC553x/LPC55S3x | Application Note SW | This application note describes how to use the LPC553x/LPC55S3x I3C controller as a master, take full advantage of some key features of the I3C such as DAA and IBI, how to build a sensor network and communicate with these slave sensors on the network |
LPC553x/LPC55S3x Crystal-Less USB Solution | Application Note SW | This section describes the steps required to implement a crystal-less USB full-speed operation for the LPC553x/LPC55S3x family. |
LPC553x/LPC55S3x Crystal-Less USB Solution | Training video on I3C including specifications and features as well as advantages over I2C. |
Documents and Videos | Application Note SW (if applicable) | Description |
Digital Signal Processing for NXP LPC553x/LPC55S3x Using PowerQuad | Application Note SW | The PowerQuad co-processor is a DSP accelerator that aids the CPU cores in performing mathematical operations such as matrix calculations, filtering and transform functions, including FFT. |
Computing FFT with PowerQuad and CMSIS-DSP on LPC5500 | Application Note SW | This application note discusses fixed-point FFT and floating-point FFT using the PowerQuad. |
A vast variety of powerquad examples provided for different mathematical algorithms.
Documents and Videos | Description |
Implementation of 5.1-channel Audio Solution on LPC55xx | The on-board DSP accelerator makes the LPC55S69 very suitable for USB audio applications. |
The maestro_demo application demonstrates audio processing on the ARM cortex core utilizing the Maestro Audio Framework library.
Bare metal and FreeRTOS examples that enumerate a recording or playback device.
USB Device: Audio generator, audio speaker, composite hid audio.
USB Host: Audio Speaker
Demonstrates the graphical widgets of the emWin library.
A demo application to show LVGL widgets.
Graphical User Interfaces for NXP Microcontrollers Learn more about your GUI options for NXP Microcontrollers.
Open Source LittlevGL GUI Library on Adafruit Touch LCDs with NXP LPC55S69-EVK Driving Adafruit LDC Display with Capacitive Touch and MCULib.
LVGL Open-Source Graphics Library LVGL is a free and open-source embedded graphic library with features that enable you to create embedded GUIs with intuitive graphical elements, beautiful visual effects and a low memory footprint.
GUI Guider A user-friendly graphical user interface development tool from NXP that enables the rapid development of high quality displays with the open-source LVGL graphics library.
NXP emWin Libraries NXP has partnered with SEGGER Microcontroller to offer the high performance emWin embedded graphics libraries in binary form for free commercial use with any Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers from NXP.
GUI Development With emWin and AppWizard How to use the different features in AppWizard to create complete, ready-to-run projects based on emWin.
Documents and Videos | Description | |
AN12868 Camera Interface in LPC55(S)xx | Application Note SW | Introduces the camera interface, features and API routines and demo. |
Documents and Videos | Application Note SW (if applicable) | Description |
Stepper Motor Control on LPC55S3x | Application Note SW | This application note deals with open loop control of bipolar stepper motor on LPC55S36 EVK equipped with two FRDM-MC-LVPMSM boards. |
Dual Servo Motor Demo on LPC553x/LPC55S3x | Application Note SW | This application note describes the dual servo demo with the NXP LPC553x/ LPC55S3x processor. |
BLDC Motor Control Demo on LPC553x/LPC55S3x | Application Note SW | This application note describes the implementation of the 3-phase Brushless DC motor (BLDC) control with Hall sensor based on the NXP LPC553x/ LPC55S3x processor |
FreeMASTER Four-Part Webinar Series | Introduces the camera interface, features and API routines and demo. |
This user's guide describes the implementation of the sensor and sensorless motor-control software for a 3-phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM).
This examples demonstrates the control of the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM).
This examples demonstrates the control of dual Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM).
This examples demonstrates the control of the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) with OPAMP.
FreeMASTER How To A starting guide for engineers using FreeMASTER tool.
FreeMASTER 3.0 Installation Guide This article will walk you through the installation process of FreeMASTER 3.0.
RTCESL Libraries A group of algorithms ranging from basic mathematics operations to advanced transformations and observers, which can be easily incorporated into complex real-time control applications and used in our motor control reference designs.
Documents and Videos | Application Note SW (if applicable) | Description |
OPAMP Usage on LPC553x/LPC55S3x | Application Note SW | This application note covers the aspects of the OPAMP and its different uses in the LPC55S3x. |
LPC553x/LPC55S3x High-Speed Comparator - Evaluation of Advanced Features | Application Note SW | This application note describes the advanced comparator features of LPC55S3x devices. |
LPC553x/LPC55S3x High-Speed Comparator - Evaluation of Basic Features | Application Note SW | This application note describes various design criteria that system designers should consider when implementing HSCMP designs with the LPC553x/ LPC55S3x family of microprocessors. |
LPC553x/LPC55S3x ADC with Hardware Trigger and ADC Calculator Tool | Application Note SW | This application note introduces the ADC features that are available with the LPC553x/LPC55S3x device as well as the attached tool to calculate sampling time or source impedance |
LPC 553X Analog | Training videos reviews the overview of analog modules in LPC55S3x/3x. | |
LPC553X 12-Bit General Purpose Low Power DAC | Training video reviews the details of the DAC module. |
Tera Term is a very popular open source terminal emulation application. This program can be used to display information sent from your NXP development platform's virtual serial port.
The most recent versions of MCUXpresso IDE count with a terminal emulation application. This tool can be used to display information sent from your NXP development platform's virtual serial port.
Verify that the connection is open. If connected, MCUXpresso IDE will look like the figure below at the Terminal view.
You're ready to go
Tera Term is a very popular open source terminal emulation application. This program can be used to display information sent from your NXP development platform's virtual serial port.
PuTTY is a popular terminal emulation application. This program can be used to display information sent from your NXP development platform's virtual serial port.
Connect with other engineers and get expert advice on designing with the LPC55S36-EVK evaluation board using our community sites.