Product Brief (1)
S32 Linux® BSP Product Brief[S32LINUXPB]Featured
Training Presentation (1)
Introduction to S32G Software Offering[TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE]
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Linux® board support packages (BSPs) for NXP Silicon are tested and verified, ensuring a fully operational toolset, kernel and board specific modules that are ready to be used together within a fixed configuration for specific hardware reference platforms. These BSPs, combined with Design Studio, provide the foundation you need to begin your project quickly.
Some features of a chip or an evaluation board may not be enabled by a Linux BSP. Please review the features listed in the “Devices Support” section of each Linux BSP information page/release notes. Each Linux BSP link provides detailed information on the version of the kernel, glibc, gcc, etc., as well as information about which applications and services are included within a specific BSP.
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