BSP for S32 MCUs and Processors | NXP Semiconductors

BSP for S32 Microcontrollers and Processors

Software Details


  • Linux kernel and device drivers
  • Applications/services
  • Libraries
  • GNU tools (compilers, linkers, etc.)
  • Deployment mechanisms

Supported Devices

  • S32G3: S32G3 Processors for Vehicle Networking
  • S32G2: S32G2 Processors for Vehicle Networking
  • S32V234: S32V2 Processors for Vision, Machine Learning and Sensor Fusion
  • S32R45: S32R45 High-Performance Processor for Imaging Radar


Quick reference to our software types.


  • BSPs and Device Drivers

    Automotive SW for S32G2 – Linux BSP

  • BSPs and Device Drivers

    Automotive SW for S32R45 – Linux BSP

  • BSPs and Device Drivers

    Automotive SW for S32G3 – Linux BSP

  • BSPs and Device Drivers

    Automotive SW for S32V234 – Linux BSP

Note: For better experience, software downloads are recommended on desktop.

Y true 0 SSPBSP-S32en 2 Product Brief Product Brief t532 1 Training Presentation Training Presentation t878 1 en_US 1 1 2.3 Chinese Following the general layout of a BSP, containing a bootloader (U-Boot) the Linux kernel, a root file system, which can contain various libraries and middleware, and sample applications. 1619120167659715045402zh SSP 310.0 KB None None documents None 1619120167659715045402 /docs/zh/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf 310047 /docs/zh/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf S32LINUXPB documents N N 2021-04-22 S32 Linux<sup>®</sup> BSP Product Brief /docs/zh/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf /docs/zh/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf /docs/zh/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf Product Brief N Y 899114358132306053 2023-03-05 N zh Jan 24, 2022 899114358132306053 Product Brief Y N S32 Linux<sup>®</sup> BSP Product Brief 3.0 English Following the general layout of a BSP, containing a bootloader (U-Boot) the Linux kernel, a root file system, which can contain various libraries and middleware, and sample applications. 1619120167659715045402 SSP 310.0 KB None None documents None 1619120167659715045402 /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf 310047 /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf S32LINUXPB N N 2021-04-22 S32 Linux<sup>®</sup> BSP Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf Product Brief N Y 899114358132306053 2023-03-05 pdf N en Feb 28, 2023 Product Brief t532 Product Brief Product Brief Y N S32 Linux<sup>®</sup> BSP Product Brief false en_US en Training Presentation Training Presentation 1 2 0 English From this training, you will be able to understand what is the S32G software ecosystem, and how to get support, also get familiar with some of the S32G software quality and delivery terms. 1678775282521721687527 SSP 2.7 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1678775282521721687527 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE.pdf 2690432 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE.pdf TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE documents Y N 2023-03-13 Introduction to S32G Software Offering /webapp/Download?colCode=TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE.pdf Training Presentation N 501713016990820713 2024-12-19 pdf Y en Dec 19, 2024 501713016990820713 Training Presentation Y N Introduction to S32G Software Offering false 0 BSP-S32 downloads en true 1 Y SSP Product Brief 1 /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf 2021-04-22 1619120167659715045402 SSP 1 Feb 28, 2023 Product Brief Product Brief Following the general layout of a BSP, containing a bootloader (U-Boot) the Linux kernel, a root file system, which can contain various libraries and middleware, and sample applications. None /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf English 310047 None Product Brief 2023-03-05 N /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf S32 Linux<sup>®</sup> BSP Product Brief /docs/en/product-brief/S32LINUXPB.pdf documents 899114358132306053 Product Brief N Y en None Y t532 pdf 3.0 N N S32 Linux<sup>®</sup> BSP Product Brief 310.0 KB S32LINUXPB N 1619120167659715045402 Training Presentation 1 /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE.pdf 2023-03-13 1678775282521721687527 SSP 2 Dec 19, 2024 Training Presentation From this training, you will be able to understand what is the S32G software ecosystem, and how to get support, also get familiar with some of the S32G software quality and delivery terms. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE.pdf English documents 2690432 None 501713016990820713 2024-12-19 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE Introduction to S32G Software Offering /secured/assets/documents/en/training-presentation/TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE.pdf documents 501713016990820713 Training Presentation N en Extended Y pdf 0 Y N Introduction to S32G Software Offering 2.7 MB TP-INTRO-S32G-SOFT-OFFE N 1678775282521721687527 true Y Softwares


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