Plug & Trust for IoT | NXP Semiconductors

Plug-and-Trust for IoT Deployments/IoT Connectivity Alliance Certified

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Product Details


  • Secure, zero-touch connectivity
  • IC-level root of trust for security from chip to edge to cloud
  • Protected access to credentials via encrypted channel
  • Device-to-cloud authentication
  • RSA key generation (512- to 2048-bit key length)
  • TDES RSA key generation and signature verification
  • Alibaba® Cloud configuration
    • ICA-security certified
    • ID2(*) credentials pre-injected in secure storage
  • Baidu® Cloud configuration
    • Baidu Cloud credentials pre-provisioned
  • High-performance RSA/RSA-CRT 512- to 2048-bit key, AES crypto-coprocessors, TRNG
  • Easy access to any MCU/MPU with I²C 400 kbps target interface
  • Standard (-25 to +85 °C, A7101) and extended (-40 to +90 °C, A7102) temperature range
  • Compact HVSON8 package


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1 @ US$50.90

1 @ US$50.90

N true 0 PSPA71CLen 9 Application Note Application Note t789 4 Brochure Brochure t518 1 Data Sheet Data Sheet t520 2 Fact Sheet Fact Sheet t523 1 Supporting Information Supporting Information t531 1 en_US en_US en Data Sheet Data Sheet 2 1 3.0 Chinese 1545152622800714804217zh PSP 385.2 KB None None documents None 1545152622800714804217 /docs/zh/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL-ALIBABASDS.pdf 385190 /docs/zh/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL-ALIBABASDS.pdf A71CL-ALIBABA documents N N 2018-12-18 Plug and Trust Secure Element for Alibaba Cloud /docs/zh/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL-ALIBABASDS.pdf /docs/zh/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL-ALIBABASDS.pdf Data Sheet N 980000996212993340 2023-07-12 zh 980000996212993340 Data Sheet N Plug & Trust Secure Element for Alibaba Cloud 3.1 English 1545152622800714804217 PSP 385.2 KB None None documents None 1545152622800714804217 /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL-ALIBABA.pdf 385190 /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL-ALIBABA.pdf A71CL-ALIBABA documents N N 2018-12-18 Plug and Trust Secure Element for Alibaba Cloud /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL-ALIBABA.pdf /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL-ALIBABA.pdf Data Sheet N 980000996212993340 2023-07-12 pdf N en Sep 24, 2020 980000996212993340 Data Sheet Y N Plug and Trust Secure Element for Alibaba Cloud 2 A7101CLTK2,A71CLARD-ALI,A71CLARD-BAI 3.1 English 1545152623139719263238 PSP 329.1 KB None None documents None 1545152623139719263238 /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL.pdf 329076 /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL.pdf A71CL documents N N 2018-12-18 Plug and Trust Secure Element /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL.pdf /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL.pdf Data Sheet N 980000996212993340 2023-07-12 pdf N en Sep 10, 2020 980000996212993340 Data Sheet Y N Plug and Trust Secure Element Application Note Application Note 4 3 1.0 English 1545151060267732080539 PSP 6.1 MB None None documents None 1545151060267732080539 /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN11803.pdf 6072494 /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN11803.pdf AN11803 documents N N 2018-12-18 A71CL Quick start guide for A71CLARD-ALI and Kinetis /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN11803.pdf /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN11803.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Dec 14, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N A71CL Quick start guide for A71CLARD-ALI and Kinetis 4 A71CLARD-ALI 1.2 English 1545151060605715049114 PSP 569.6 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1545151060605715049114 /secured/assets/documents/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12297.pdf 569594 /secured/assets/documents/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12297.pdf AN12297 documents Y N 2018-12-18 APDU Specification of A71CL for Alibaba Cloud /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12297 /secured/assets/documents/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12297.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf Y en Dec 13, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N APDU Specification of A71CL for Alibaba Cloud 5 1.0 English This document provides the APDU API description for the A71CL security module. 1545232811373714495888 PSP 436.4 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1545232811373714495888 /secured/assets/documents/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12305.pdf 436367 /secured/assets/documents/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12305.pdf AN12305 documents Y N 2018-12-19 APDU Specification of A71CL Security Module /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12305 /secured/assets/documents/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12305.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Dec 12, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N APDU Specification of A71CL Security Module 6 1.0 English 1545151060931706604843 PSP 2.0 MB None None documents None 1545151060931706604843 /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12306.pdf 1971818 /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12306.pdf AN12306 documents N N 2018-12-18 A71CL Quick start guide for A71CLARD-BAI and Kinetis /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12306.pdf /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12306.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Dec 11, 2018 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N A71CL Quick start guide for A71CLARD-BAI and Kinetis Brochure Brochure 1 7 2.1 Chinese The IoT Security brochure provides an overview of today’s IoT and its opportunities and risks, explains why true protection starts with security at the silicon level and how NXP supports the “Plug & Trust” approach to IoT Security, including examples for NXP security in the real world. 1607719747469712002204zh PSP 14.8 MB None None documents None 1607719747469712002204 /docs/zh/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf 14844124 /docs/zh/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf A71CH-IOT documents N N 2020-12-11 IoT Security Brochure /docs/zh/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf /docs/zh/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2023-06-08 zh Oct 25, 2018 712453003803778552 Brochure N IoT Security Brochure 2.0 Japanese The IoT Security brochure provides an overview of today’s IoT and its opportunities and risks, explains why true protection starts with security at the silicon level and how NXP supports the “Plug & Trust” approach to IoT Security, including examples for NXP security in the real world. 1607719747469712002204ja PSP 14.8 MB None None documents None 1607719747469712002204 /docs/ja/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf 14844124 /docs/ja/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf A71CH-IOT documents N N 2020-12-11 IoT Security Brochure /docs/ja/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf /docs/ja/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2023-06-08 ja Feb 14, 2018 712453003803778552 Brochure N IoT Security Brochure 2.3 English The IoT Security brochure provides an overview of today’s IoT and its opportunities and risks, explains why true protection starts with security at the silicon level and how NXP supports the “Plug and Trust” approach to IoT Security, including examples for NXP security in the real world. 1607719747469712002204 PSP 14.8 MB None None documents None 1607719747469712002204 /docs/en/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf 14844124 /docs/en/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf A71CH-IOT documents N N 2020-12-11 IoT Security Brochure /docs/en/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf /docs/en/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2023-06-08 pdf N en Nov 6, 2020 712453003803778552 Brochure Y N IoT Security Brochure Fact Sheet Fact Sheet 1 8 1.1 English Plug & Trust: For IoT deployments/IoT Connectivity Alliance certified 1545232550591710186117 PSP 5.9 MB None None documents None 1545232550591710186117 /docs/en/fact-sheet/A71CLFS.pdf 5890789 /docs/en/fact-sheet/A71CLFS.pdf A71CLFS documents N N 2018-12-19 NXP IoT security IC A71CL /docs/en/fact-sheet/A71CLFS.pdf /docs/en/fact-sheet/A71CLFS.pdf Fact Sheet N 736675474163315314 2022-12-07 pdf N en Dec 20, 2018 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet Y N NXP IoT security IC A71CL Supporting Information Supporting Information 1 9 kb 0 English 1622125183533727516889 PSP None None documents None 1622125183533727516889 TECH-DAY-EVENT-SURVEY documents N N N 2021-05-27 Tech Day Event Survey Supporting Information N 371282830530968666 Y 2022-12-07 EXTERNAL en May 27, 2021 371282830530968666 Supporting Information Y N Tech Day Event Survey external true 0 A71CL downloads en true 1 Y PSP Application Note 4 /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN11803.pdf 2018-12-18 1545151060267732080539 PSP 3 Dec 14, 2018 Application Note None /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN11803.pdf English documents 6072494 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN11803.pdf A71CL Quick start guide for A71CLARD-ALI and Kinetis /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN11803.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1.0 N N A71CL Quick start guide for A71CLARD-ALI and Kinetis 6.1 MB AN11803 N 1545151060267732080539 /secured/assets/documents/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12297.pdf 2018-12-18 1545151060605715049114 PSP 4 Dec 13, 2018 Application Note Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12297.pdf English documents 569594 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12297 APDU Specification of A71CL for Alibaba Cloud /secured/assets/documents/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12297.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en Extended Y pdf 1.2 Y N APDU Specification of A71CL for Alibaba Cloud 569.6 KB A71CLARD-ALI AN12297 N 1545151060605715049114 /secured/assets/documents/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12305.pdf 2018-12-19 1545232811373714495888 PSP 5 Dec 12, 2018 Application Note This document provides the APDU API description for the A71CL security module. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12305.pdf English documents 436367 None 645036621402383989 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=AN12305 APDU Specification of A71CL Security Module /secured/assets/documents/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12305.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en Extended Y pdf 1.0 Y N APDU Specification of A71CL Security Module 436.4 KB AN12305 N 1545232811373714495888 /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12306.pdf 2018-12-18 1545151060931706604843 PSP 6 Dec 11, 2018 Application Note None /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12306.pdf English documents 1971818 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12306.pdf A71CL Quick start guide for A71CLARD-BAI and Kinetis /docs/en/nxp/application-notes/AN12306.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1.0 N N A71CL Quick start guide for A71CLARD-BAI and Kinetis 2.0 MB AN12306 N 1545151060931706604843 Brochure 1 /docs/en/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf 2020-12-11 1607719747469712002204 PSP 7 Nov 6, 2020 Brochure The IoT Security brochure provides an overview of today’s IoT and its opportunities and risks, explains why true protection starts with security at the silicon level and how NXP supports the “Plug and Trust” approach to IoT Security, including examples for NXP security in the real world. None /docs/en/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf English documents 14844124 None 712453003803778552 2023-06-08 N /docs/en/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf IoT Security Brochure /docs/en/brochure/A71CH-IOT.pdf documents 712453003803778552 Brochure N en None Y pdf 2.3 N N IoT Security Brochure 14.8 MB A71CH-IOT N 1607719747469712002204 Data Sheet 2 /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL-ALIBABA.pdf 2018-12-18 1545152622800714804217 PSP 1 Sep 24, 2020 Data Sheet None /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL-ALIBABA.pdf English documents 385190 None 980000996212993340 2023-07-12 N /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL-ALIBABA.pdf Plug and Trust Secure Element for Alibaba Cloud /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL-ALIBABA.pdf documents 980000996212993340 Data Sheet N en None Y pdf 3.1 N N Plug and Trust Secure Element for Alibaba Cloud 385.2 KB A71CL-ALIBABA N 1545152622800714804217 /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL.pdf 2018-12-18 1545152623139719263238 PSP 2 Sep 10, 2020 Data Sheet None /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL.pdf English documents 329076 None 980000996212993340 2023-07-12 N /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL.pdf Plug and Trust Secure Element /docs/en/nxp/data-sheets/A71CL.pdf documents 980000996212993340 Data Sheet N en None Y pdf 3.1 N N Plug and Trust Secure Element 329.1 KB A7101CLTK2,A71CLARD-ALI,A71CLARD-BAI A71CL N 1545152623139719263238 Fact Sheet 1 /docs/en/fact-sheet/A71CLFS.pdf 2018-12-19 1545232550591710186117 PSP 8 Dec 20, 2018 Fact Sheet Plug & Trust: For IoT deployments/IoT Connectivity Alliance certified None /docs/en/fact-sheet/A71CLFS.pdf English documents 5890789 None 736675474163315314 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/fact-sheet/A71CLFS.pdf NXP IoT security IC A71CL /docs/en/fact-sheet/A71CLFS.pdf documents 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet N en None Y pdf 1.1 N N NXP IoT security IC A71CL 5.9 MB A71CLFS N 1545232550591710186117 Supporting Information 1 2021-05-27 1622125183533727516889 PSP 9 May 27, 2021 Supporting Information external None English documents kb None 371282830530968666 2022-12-07 N Tech Day Event Survey documents 371282830530968666 Supporting Information N en None Y N EXTERNAL 0 N Tech Day Event Survey Y TECH-DAY-EVENT-SURVEY N 1622125183533727516889 true Y Products


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