The Symphony
®™ Studio software tools support the entire Symphony audio DSP family, along with all NXP
® DSP56300-based DSPs. By using the extensible development platform Eclipse, which is an open source industry standard, Symphony Studio provides DSP users a fresh way to develop, debug and simulate through an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The IDE allows code creation and editing as well as project management, debugging and code compilation all in one software suite. Symphony Studio includes a variety of enhancements designed to streamline and optimize the development process. The C/C++ Development Tooling (CDT) plug-in for Eclipse enables limited C DSP software development and full assembly language support. Debugging is achieved through the GDB (GNU project debugger) debugger interface within Eclipse, which has been customized specifically for the DSP563xx/DSP567xx. Customers who are looking to do all their software development in C are advised to consider the
Tasking toolset available from Altium