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Let's take your FRDM-KW40Z for a test drive.
Note: K32W061/41 is preferred for any new Zigbee®, Thread and Bluetooth® LE 5.0 design. No new software releases planned.
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End of dialog window.
This is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.
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In this step, you will be guided to download the software and tools required to build and run the connectivity solutions.
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Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.
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This is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.
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The KW40Z Connectivity Software package integrates the Kinetis Software Development Kit v1.3 and all the wireless connectivity stacks required to develop your solution using IEEE 802.15.4 and/or Bluetooth Low Energy.
Click below to download the KW40Z Connectivity Software for your computer.
Get KW40Z Connectivity SoftwareSomething went wrong! Please try again.
IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm (EWARM) version 7.40.2 or later is the development toolchain used to deploy software applications using the NXP® Connectivity stacks. NXP provides example EWARM workspace projects for you to start your development.
Get IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm
Right now, the only supported toolchain is IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm; we are currently working on the enablement of NXP KDS for the Connectivity stacks.
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Many of the example applications output data over the MCU UART so you'll want to make sure that the driver for the board's virtual COM port is installed. Before you run the driver installer, you MUST have the board plugged in to your PC.
Download DriverWith the serial port driver installed, run your favorite terminal application to view the serial output from the MCU's UART. Configure the terminal to 115,200 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. To determine the port number of the FRDM-KW40Z's virtual COM port, open the device manager and look under the "Ports" group.
Not sure how to use a terminal application? Try one of these tutorials: Tera Term Tutorial, PuTTY Tutorial.
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Each of our Wireless Connectivity Stack comes with a list of demo applications and driver examples ready to be compiled and run.
Select the Connectivity Stack that you want to explore.
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Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.
End of dialog window.
This is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.
Browse to the examples\smac
folder to see the application demos:
If you are interested in running the preprogrammed Connectivity Test Application that comes with your board, go to the following sections.
The Connectivity Test Application is a SMAC based demo application which provides the user with means to test basic transmission-reception functionalities along with several advanced testing features based on the ASP and SMAC APIs.
The runtime configuration is performed using shortcut keys which are available in most of the application's menus. The menus or tests will change their behavior based on what settings are applied.
Connectivity Test Shortcuts Menu:The Connectivity Test Application has four main features:
For additional details on how to run the Connectivity Test Application, please refer to the SMAC's Demonstration Applications User's Guide.
Use the guide below to learn how to build and debug an example application using one of the Wireless Connectivity Stacks provided by NXP.
These steps show how to:
Build the platform libraries required by the application demo
Build the demo application
Download and run the demo application
The example used below is for the SMAC Connectivity Test demo, but these steps can be applied to any of the Wireless Connectivity demo applications.
Open the Connectivity_Test.eww
IAR workspace
After the workspace is open, some projects are shown: one for the KSDK platform libraries and one for the demo application. Build ALL the required KSDK libraries by right clicking on the SDK projects and click on 'Make'
Select and build the "Connectivity_Test - Debug" project
Note: If you select another project, don't forget to build the required KSDK libraries for that project.
Connect your FRDM-KW40Z board to your PC
Right click on the "Connectivity_Test - Debug" project and select "Set as Active"
Click on "Download and Debug" icon to flash the board
Open a Terminal Emulator program and open a session to your FRDM-KW40Z COM port. Configure the terminal with these settings:
Press "Go" button
The following output will be displayed in the serial terminal
If you don't see this output, verify your terminal settings and connections
Now, unplug the first board and plug in the other FRDM-KW40Z
Program the second FRDM-KW40Z with the same Connectivity Test firmware by using the same steps as above
Close any open terminal windows, then power cycle both boards, and with both boards plugged into your computer, open up a terminal window for each board
Hit the reset button of each board to bring up the Connectivity Test options
Refer to
- "KW40Z Simple Media
AccessController (SMAC) Demonstration
Applications" document for
instructions on how to run all the demo applications
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Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.
End of dialog window.
This is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.
Browse to the examples\ieee_802_15_4
folder to see the application demos:
If you are interested in running the preprogrammed Connectivity Test Application that comes with your board, go to the following sections.
The Connectivity Test Application is a SMAC based demo application which provides the user with means to test basic transmission-reception functionalities along with several advanced testing features based on the ASP and SMAC APIs.
The runtime configuration is performed using shortcut keys which are available in most of the application's menus. The menus or tests will change their behavior based on what settings are applied.
Connectivity Test Shortcuts Menu:
The Connectivity Test Application has four main features:
For additional details on how to run the Connectivity Test Application, please refer to the SMAC's Demonstration Applications User's Guide.
Use the guide below to learn how to build and debug an example application using one of the Wireless Connectivity Stacks provided by NXP.
These steps show how to:
Build the platform libraries required by the application demo
Build the demo application
Download and run the demo application
The example used below is for "MyWirelessApp" application demo (Coordinator), but these steps can be applied to any of the Wireless Connectivity demo applications.
Open the MyWirelessAppCoordinator.eww
IAR workspace
After the workspace is open, some projects are shown: one for the KSDK platform libraries and one for the demo application. Build ALL the required KSDK libraries by right clicking on the SDK projects and click on 'Make'
Select and build the "MyWirelessAppCoordinator - Debug" project
Note: If you select another project, don't forget to build the required KSDK libraries for that project.
Connect your FRDM-KW40Z board to your PC
Right click on the "MyWirelessAppCoordinator - Debug" project and select "Set as Active"
Click on "Download and Debug" icon to flash the board
Open a Terminal Emulator program and open a session to your FRDM-KW40Z COM port. Configure the terminal with these settings:
Press "Go" button
The following output will be displayed in the serial terminal
If you don't see this output, verify your terminal settings and connections
Now, unplug the first board and plug in the other FRDM-KW40Z
Program the second FRDM-KW40Z with the "MyWirelessApp" End Device demo application which can be found at
Close any open terminal windows, then power cycle both boards, and with both boards plugged into your computer, open up a terminal window for each board
Press SW3
or SW4
on the Coordinator board, and then press SW3
or SW4
on the
board programmed with the End Device application, and wait for them to connect
Once connected, type into the terminal of either of the boards, and you will see the text print out on the other board
Refer to
- "NXP 802.15.4 Media Access
Controller (MAC) Demo
Applications" document for instructions on how to run all the demo applications
This is a modal window.
Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.
End of dialog window.
This is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.
Browse to the examples\bluetooth
folder to see the application demos:
If you are interested in running the preprogrammed Connectivity Test Application that comes with your board, go to the following sections.
The Connectivity Test Application is a SMAC based demo application which provides the user with means to test basic transmission-reception functionalities along with several advanced testing features based on the ASP and SMAC APIs.
The runtime configuration is performed using shortcut keys which are available in most of the application's menus. The menus or tests will change their behavior based on what settings are applied.
Connectivity Test Shortcuts Menu:
The Connectivity Test Application has four main features:
For additional details on how to run the Connectivity Test Application, please refer to the SMAC's Demonstration Applications User's Guide.
Use the guide below to learn how to build and debug an example application using one of the Wireless Connectivity Stacks provided by NXP.
These steps show how to:
Build the platform libraries required by the application demo
Build the demo application
Download and run the demo application
The example used below is for the heart rate sensor demo, but these steps can be applied to any of the Wireless Connectivity demo applications.
Open the heart_rate_sensor.eww
IAR workspace
After the workspace is open, some projects are shown: one for the KSDK platform libraries and one for the demo application. Build ALL the required KSDK libraries by right clicking on the SDK projects and click on 'Make'
Select and build the "heart_rate_sensor - Debug" project
Note: If you select another project, don't forget to build the required KSDK libraries for that project.
Connect your FRDM-KW40Z board to your PC
Right click on the "heart_rate_sensor - Debug" project and select "Set as Active"
Click on "Download and Debug" icon to flash the board
Press "Stop Debugging" button
Unplug and plug again the USB cable to your PC
With the firmware programmed into the FRDM-KW40Z, continue with the instructions
to install the Kinetis BLE Toolbox phone app
and run the demo.
Also refer to
- "Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Demo
Applications User's
Guide" document for instructions on how to run all the demo applications
Kinetis BLE Toolbox comes with mobile applications acting as a BLE central device. The Kinetis BLE Toolbox allows you to play with different sensor applications provided by the KW40Z Connectivity Software.
After the Kinetis BLE Toolbox is installed, follow the next steps to learn how to configure and play with Kinetis BLE Toolbox app and Wireless Connectivity firmware.
button. This will put the board into an
advertising/discoverable mode, and LED1
will remain on to represent this state
This is a modal window.
Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.
End of dialog window.
This is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.
Browse to the examples\hybrid
folder to see the application demos:
If you are interested in running the preprogrammed Connectivity Test Application that comes with your board, go to the following sections.
The Connectivity Test Application is a SMAC based Demo Application which provides the user with means to test basic transmission-reception functionalities along with several advanced testing features based on the ASP and SMAC APIs.
The runtime configuration is performed using shortcut keys which are available in most of the application's menus. The menus or tests will change their behavior based on what settings are applied
Connectivity Test Shortcuts Menu:
The Connectivity Test Application has four main features:
For additional details on how to run the Connectivity Test Application, please refer to the SMAC's Demonstration Applications User's Guide.
Use the guide below to learn how to build and debug an example application using one of the Wireless Connectivity Stacks provided by NXP.
These steps show how to:
Build the platform libraries required by the application demo
Build the demo application
Download and run the demo application
The example used below is for "dual_mode_demo", but these steps can be applied to any of the Wireless Connectivity demo applications.
Open the dual_mode_demo.eww
IAR workspace
After the workspace is open, some projects are shown: one for the KSDK platform libraries and one for the demo application. Build ALL the required KSDK libraries by right clicking on the SDK projects and click on 'Make'
Select and build the "dual_mode_demo - dual_mode_debug_BM - Debug" project
Note: If you select another project, don't forget to build the required KSDK libraries for that project.
Connect your FRDM-KW40Z board to your PC
Right click on the "dual_mode_demo - dual_mode_debug_BM - Debug" project and select "Set as Active"
Click on "Download and Debug" icon to flash the board
Open a Terminal Emulator program and open a session to your FRDM-KW40Z COM port. Configure the terminal with these settings:
Press "Go" button
The following output will be displayed in the serial terminal
If you don't see this output, verify your terminal settings and connections
Now, unplug the first board and plug in the other FRDM-KW40Z
Program the second FRDM-KW40Z with the "MyWirelessApp" End Device demo application which can be found at
Close any open terminal windows, then power cycle both boards, and with both boards plugged into your computer, open up a terminal window for each board
Press SW3
or SW4
on the Hybrid board, and then press SW3
or SW4
on the board
programmed with the End Device application, and wait for them to connect
Once connected, type into the terminal of either of the boards, and you will see the text print out on the other board
With the firmware programmed into the FRDM-KW40Z, continue with the instructions
to install the Kinetis BLE Toolbox phone
app and run the BLE
demo. Also refer to
- "Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Demo
Applications User's
Guide" document for instructions on how to run all the demo applications
Kinetis BLE Toolbox comes with mobile applications acting as a BLE central device. The Kinetis BLE Toolbox allows you to play with different sensor applications provided by the KW40Z Connectivity Software.
After the Kinetis BLE Toolbox is installed, follow the next steps to learn how to configure and play with Kinetis BLE Toolbox app and Wireless Connectivity firmware.
button. This will put the board into an
advertising/discoverable mode, and LED1
will remain on to represent this state
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NXP provides a tool called "Project Cloner" which will allow you to copy an existing demo to use it as a base for your own development, keeping the original demo app sources for reference.
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Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.
End of dialog window.
This is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.
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Cloning an example application project allows users to load and develop application firmware without modifying the core installation source files or default project configurations.
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To create a clone of an example project:
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Navigate to the
<Destination root path>\<Cloned app name>
folder to access the application files. The
project files can be found and launched in IAR EWARM from the root of this folder.
Open the project with IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm, follow the same procedure described in Section 3.
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Modify your recently cloned application to start your own design!
For more information about the application and the APIs available, please, look at the applications
development guides which can be found in the
directory. The 802154MPADG.pdf covers 802.15.4 development and BLEADG.pdf
covers Bluetooth Low Energy development.
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The Connectivity stack's platform makes use of the Kinetis SDK low level drivers. Take a look at the Kinetis SDK Reference Manual if you want to add a driver that is not currently used on the Connectivity Demo Applications. Example applications are showcasing how to use the drivers can be found by installing Kinetis SDK 1.3 and looking at the Kinetis SDK Demo Applications User's Guide .
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Tera Term is a very popular open source terminal emulation application. This program can be used to display information sent from your NXP development platform's virtual serial port.
PuTTY is a popular terminal emulation application. This program can be used to display information sent from your NXP development platform's virtual serial port.
Getting Started with the FRDM-KW40Z Development Board
Attach the USB Cable
Run the Out-of-Box Demo
Installing Software for the FRDM-KW40Z
Download KW40Z Connectivity Software
Install Your Toolchain
PC Configuration