15 Watt AUTOSAR® Wireless Charging Transmitter ICs for Automotive Applications
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The NCx3321 is an automotive-grade and NFC Forum-compliant frontend IC optimized for smart car access applications. The NCx3321 offers outstanding RF performance in terms of the maximum RF power combined with dynamic power control (DPC) and excellent receiver sensitivity.
The NCx3321 also sets new benchmarks for ultra-low power card detection and self-diagnostics, making it an ideal solution for door handle/bi-pillar and center console applications. The NCx3321 is accompanied by an automotive NFC (aNFC) reader library, which is easily portable across different MCUs.
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KW39/38/37: 32-Bit Bluetooth 5.0 Long-Range MCUs with CAN FD and LIN Bus Options, Arm® Cortex®-M0+ Core
65W+ Wireless Power Transmitter Controller
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