QorIQ® Qonverge B9132 | NXP Semiconductors

QorIQ® Qonverge BSC9132 Dual-Core Processor and Dual-Core DSP

HD Video Streaming Over LTE Demonstration

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Block Diagram

BSC9132 BD

QoriQ Qonverge BSC9132 Processor


  • Power Architecture subsystem including two e500 processors with 512-Kbyte shared L2 cache
  • Two StarCore® SC3850 DSP subsystems, each with a 512-Kbyte private L2 cache
  • The MAPLE-B2P multi-accelerator platform engine supports functions that enable LTE-FDD/TDD, WiMAX and WCDMA/HSPA+ wireless standards, as well as common DSP function acceleration including FFT, DFT and Turbo Viterbi coding
  • Two DDR3/3L memory interfaces with 32-bit data width (40 bits including ECC), up to 1333 MHz data rate
  • Integrated security acceleration (SEC)
  • Trust architecture secure boot
  • Two RF interfaces supporting JESD207 (ADI)
  • Support of MaxPhy interface (Maxim)
  • Two triple-speed Gigabit-Ethernet controllers featuring network acceleration including IEEE 1588 v2 hardware support for two SGMII ports
  • USB 2.0 host and device controller
  • Two DUART, Two SPI, and two I2C controllers
  • Four-lane SerDes PHY that multiplexes the following:
    • Two Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI) controller lanes
    • USIM interface


3 results

Exclude 3 NRND


CAD Model


Package Termination Count

Package Type

Core Type

Core: Number of cores (SPEC)

Operating Frequency [Max] (MHz)

L2 Cache (Max) (KB)

Ethernet Type

Ambient Operating Temperature (Min to Max) (℃)

End of Life



SC3850, e500





0 to 105

End of Life



SC3850, e500





-40 to 105

End of Life



SC3850, e500





-40 to 105

N true 0 PSPBSC9132en 17 Application Note Application Note t789 7 Data Sheet Data Sheet t520 1 Fact Sheet Fact Sheet t523 2 Reference Manual Reference Manual t877 3 Supporting Information Supporting Information t531 2 White Paper White Paper t530 2 en_US 3 1 5 English The BSC9132 is a highly integrated device that targets evolving microcell, picocell and enterprise femto base station applications. The BSC9132 device combines two e500 cores, built on Power Architecture&#174; technology, and two StarCore<sup>&#174;</sup> SC3850 cores. 1314647625212714846842 PSP 195.3 KB None None documents None 1314647625212714846842 /docs/en/fact-sheet/QORIQPSC9132FS.pdf 195251 /docs/en/fact-sheet/QORIQPSC9132FS.pdf QORIQPSC9132FS N N 2011-08-29 BSC9132 Fact Sheet /docs/en/fact-sheet/QORIQPSC9132FS.pdf /docs/en/fact-sheet/QORIQPSC9132FS.pdf Fact Sheet N Y 736675474163315314 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jan 14, 2015 Fact Sheet t523 Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Y N BSC9132 Fact Sheet 2 3 English The increased use of smartphones and other mobile devices utilizing Internet applications, video calls and email is driving an unprecedented increase in worldwide wireless network traffic. From a network operator&#8217;s perspective, the key factors in driving wireless network topologies are their ability to meet demand for bandwidth, user capacities, users&#8217; quality of service (QoS) and network costs. 1314912937111699817331 PSP 961.0 KB None None documents None 1314912937111699817331 /docs/en/white-paper/QORIQQONVERGEWP.pdf 960999 /docs/en/white-paper/QORIQQONVERGEWP.pdf QORIQQONVERGEWP N N 2016-10-31 Next-Generation Wireless Network Bandwidth and Capacity Enabled by Heterogeneous and Distributed Networks White Paper /docs/en/white-paper/QORIQQONVERGEWP.pdf /docs/en/white-paper/QORIQQONVERGEWP.pdf White Paper N Y 918633085541740938 2022-12-07 pdf N en Sep 4, 2013 White Paper t530 White Paper White Paper Y N Next-Generation Wireless Network Bandwidth and Capacity Enabled by Heterogeneous and Distributed Networks White Paper 3 0 English The QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> Qonverge<sup>&#174;</sup> BSC9131 and BSC9132 processors are highly integrated SoCs targeting network-connected industrial nodes and other systems requiring the computational power of a digital signal processor not met by off the shelf solutions today. 1398438366306719367652 PSP 216.7 KB None None documents None 1398438366306719367652 /docs/en/fact-sheet/BSC913xNW.pdf 216690 /docs/en/fact-sheet/BSC913xNW.pdf BSC913XNW N N 2014-04-25 QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> Qonverge<sup>&#174;</sup> BSC9131 and BSC9132 System on Chip Devices For Intelligent Industrial Nodes - Fact Sheet /docs/en/fact-sheet/BSC913xNW.pdf /docs/en/fact-sheet/BSC913xNW.pdf Fact Sheet N Y 736675474163315314 2022-12-07 pdf N en Apr 25, 2014 Fact Sheet t523 Fact Sheet Fact Sheet Y N QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> Qonverge<sup>&#174;</sup> BSC9131 and BSC9132 System on Chip Devices For Intelligent Industrial Nodes - Fact Sheet false en_US en Data Sheet Data Sheet 1 4 Rev 2 English BSC9132: This document describes the electrical characteristics of the BSC9132 QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> Qonverge<sup>&#174;</sup> multicore baseband processor. 1396275261949709226583 PSP 2.0 MB None None documents None 1396275261949709226583 /docs/en/data-sheet/BSC9132.pdf 2036991 /docs/en/data-sheet/BSC9132.pdf BSC9132 documents N N 2016-10-31 BSC9132, BSC9132 QorIQ Qonverge Multicore Baseband Processor Datasheet - Datasheet /docs/en/data-sheet/BSC9132.pdf /docs/en/data-sheet/BSC9132.pdf Data Sheet N 980000996212993340 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jan 25, 2018 980000996212993340 Data Sheet N BSC9132, BSC9132 QorIQ Qonverge Multicore Baseband Processor Datasheet - Datasheet Reference Manual Reference Manual 3 5 0 English BSC9131SECRM: The Security Reference Manual contains descriptions of the cryptographic modular and scalable acceleration and assurance engine, which implements block encryption algorithms, stream cipher algorithms, hashing algorithms, public key algorithms, run-time integrity checking, and a hardware NIST-compliant random number generation random number generator. 1351632282199686470284 PSP 5.1 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1351632282199686470284 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/BSC9131SECRM.pdf 5124000 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/BSC9131SECRM.pdf BSC9131SECRM documents Y N 2012-10-30 BSC9131SECRM, BSC9131 Security (SEC 4.4) Reference Manual with Updates /webapp/Download?colCode=BSC9131SECRM /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/BSC9131SECRM.pdf Reference Manual N 500633505221135046 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Aug 26, 2015 500633505221135046 Reference Manual Y N BSC9131SECRM, BSC9131 Security (SEC 4.4) Reference Manual with Updates 6 0 English BSC9132RM: This document describes the features of the BSC9132 multicore baseband processor. 1412095448358724851175 PSP 16.5 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1412095448358724851175 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/BSC9132RM.pdf 16548733 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/BSC9132RM.pdf BSC9132RM documents Y N 2014-09-30 BSC9132RM, QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> Qonverge<sup>&#174;</sup> BSC9132 Multicore Baseband Processor Reference Manual /webapp/Download?colCode=BSC9132RM /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/BSC9132RM.pdf Reference Manual N 500633505221135046 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Sep 30, 2014 500633505221135046 Reference Manual Y N BSC9132RM, QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> Qonverge<sup>&#174;</sup> BSC9132 Multicore Baseband Processor Reference Manual 7 1 English This reference manual describes the resources defined for the Power ISA embedded environment. 1319210247754725815434 PSP 10.4 MB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1319210247754725815434 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/EREF_RM.pdf 10448185 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/EREF_RM.pdf EREF_RM documents Y N 2016-10-31 EREF_RM, EREF: A Programmer's Reference Manual for Freescale Power Architecture Processors - Reference Manual /webapp/Download?colCode=EREF_RM /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/EREF_RM.pdf Reference Manual N 500633505221135046 2022-12-07 pdf Y en Jun 26, 2014 500633505221135046 Reference Manual Y N EREF_RM, EREF: A Programmer's Reference Manual for Freescale Power Architecture Processors - Reference Manual Application Note Application Note 7 8 Rev 0 English AN4990: This document demonstrates how to enable CPRI on BSC9132QDS using the Code Warrior CPRI demo project. 1410495124970722773375 PSP 2.2 MB None None documents None 1410495124970722773375 /docs/en/application-note/AN4990.pdf 2239208 /docs/en/application-note/AN4990.pdf AN4990 documents N N 2014-09-11 AN4990, Enabling CPRI on BSC9132QDS - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN4990.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN4990.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Sep 11, 2014 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN4990, Enabling CPRI on BSC9132QDS - Application Notes 9 0 English AN4827: This application note describes the basic recommendations that should be implemented for a cost sensitive system. 1395220556850704961506 PSP 158.7 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1395220556850704961506 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN4827.pdf 158745 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN4827.pdf AN4827 documents Y N 2014-03-19 AN4827, Hardware Basic Recommendations for Building Cost Sensitive System with BSC9132 /webapp/Download?colCode=AN4827 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN4827.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Mar 18, 2014 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN4827, Hardware Basic Recommendations for Building Cost Sensitive System with BSC9132 10 2 English This document describes the requirements and step-by-step procedures for forcing the DRAM into self-refresh mode. 1363012931515701443659 PSP 269.4 KB None None documents None 1363012931515701443659 /docs/en/application-note/AN4531.pdf 269380 /docs/en/application-note/AN4531.pdf AN4531 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN4531, Achieving Persistent DRAM on PowerQUICC III and QorIQ Processors - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN4531.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN4531.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Dec 16, 2013 645036621402383989 Application Note N AN4531, Achieving Persistent DRAM on PowerQUICC III and QorIQ Processors - Application Notes 11 6 English AN3940: This document provides general hardware and layout considerations and guidelines for hardware engineers implementing a DDR3 memory subsystem. 1264793052715706871063 PSP 547.7 KB Registration without Disclaimer None documents Extended 1264793052715706871063 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN3940.pdf 547662 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN3940.pdf AN3940 documents Y N 2016-10-31 AN3940, Hardware and Layout Design Considerations for DDR3 SDRAM Memory Interfaces - App Note /webapp/Download?colCode=AN3940 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN3940.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2023-06-18 pdf Y en Nov 25, 2013 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N AN3940, Hardware and Layout Design Considerations for DDR3 SDRAM Memory Interfaces - App Note 12 0 English AN4384: This application note describes how to configure the CodeWarrior tools to support developing and debugging of embedded software on the BSC9131RDB board. Because the QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> Qonverge<sup>&#174;</sup> BSC9131 processor contains two disparate processor cores, writing software for the part requires two different sets of CodeWarrior tools: one to manage the DSP core, and another to manage the system core. 1342105638623712398650 PSP 1.8 MB None None documents None 1342105638623712398650 /docs/en/application-note/AN4384.pdf 1821084 /docs/en/application-note/AN4384.pdf AN4384 documents N N 2012-07-12 AN4384, Configuring the CodeWarrior Tools to Debug a BSC9131RDB Board - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN4384.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN4384.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Jul 12, 2012 645036621402383989 Application Note N AN4384, Configuring the CodeWarrior Tools to Debug a BSC9131RDB Board - Application Notes 13 2 English Using Kernels with the SC3850 DSP core. 1290276152472700145810 PSP 814.8 KB None None documents None 1290276152472700145810 /docs/en/application-note/AN4207.pdf 814806 /docs/en/application-note/AN4207.pdf AN4207 documents N N 2016-10-31 Kernel Examples for the StarCore SC3850 DSP Core /docs/en/application-note/AN4207.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN4207.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en May 4, 2012 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Kernel Examples for the StarCore SC3850 DSP Core 14 0 English AN3531: This application note outlines general, high-level, architectural differences between the e600 and e500 family processors. Is intended as a general guideline for programmers and system designers who are assessing the efforts required in migrating to e500-based devices. 1194389312415718217914 PSP 961.6 KB None None documents None 1194389312415718217914 /docs/en/application-note/AN3531.pdf 961596 /docs/en/application-note/AN3531.pdf AN3531 documents N N 2016-10-31 AN3531, Migrating from e600- to e500-Based Integrated Devices - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN3531.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN3531.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Oct 31, 2007 645036621402383989 Application Note N AN3531, Migrating from e600- to e500-Based Integrated Devices - Application Notes Supporting Information Supporting Information 2 15 1.9 English FSLNISTCAVP: NXP<sup>&#174;</sup> Semiconductors has performed NIST CAVP testing of cryptographic accelerators (called Execution Units or EUs) found in multiple product families, including the PowerQUICC<sup>&#174;</sup> and QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> embedded communications processors, and the StarCore<sup>&#174;</sup> digital signal processors. 1368836090577704535160 PSP 303.5 KB None None documents None 1368836090577704535160 /docs/en/supporting-information/FSLNISTCAVP.pdf 303546 /docs/en/supporting-information/FSLNISTCAVP.pdf FSLNISTCAVP documents N N 2016-11-09 FSLNISTCAVP, NIST Crypto Algorithm Validation Program Certifications for NXP<sup>®</sup> Cryptographic Accelerators - White Paper /docs/en/supporting-information/FSLNISTCAVP.pdf /docs/en/supporting-information/FSLNISTCAVP.pdf Supporting Information N 371282830530968666 2022-12-07 pdf N en Oct 28, 2016 371282830530968666 Supporting Information Y N FSLNISTCAVP, NIST Crypto Algorithm Validation Program Certifications for NXP<sup>®</sup> Cryptographic Accelerators - White Paper 16 1 English 1475686557240715401438 PSP 16.8 KB None None documents None 1475686557240715401438 /docs/en/supporting-information/PSC913X-PECI.pdf 16814 /docs/en/supporting-information/PSC913X-PECI.pdf PSC913X-PECI documents N N 2016-11-09 PSC913x Family Customer Export Control Information /docs/en/supporting-information/PSC913X-PECI.pdf /docs/en/supporting-information/PSC913X-PECI.pdf Supporting Information N 371282830530968666 2023-06-19 pdf N en Oct 5, 2016 371282830530968666 Supporting Information Y N PSC913x Family Customer Export Control Information White Paper White Paper 1 17 0 English QORIQPMWP: This document describes how Power Management technologies will play a more important role in controlling or reducing power consumption of electronic systems. 1419964678458711207150 PSP 1.4 MB None None documents None 1419964678458711207150 /docs/en/white-paper/QORIQPMWP.pdf 1418055 /docs/en/white-paper/QORIQPMWP.pdf QORIQPMWP documents N N 2017-03-30 QORIQPMWP, QorIQ Power Management - White Paper /docs/en/white-paper/QORIQPMWP.pdf /docs/en/white-paper/QORIQPMWP.pdf White Paper N 918633085541740938 2023-06-19 pdf N en Mar 30, 2017 918633085541740938 White Paper N QORIQPMWP, QorIQ Power Management - White Paper false 0 BSC9132 downloads en true 1 Y PSP Y Y Application Note 7 /docs/en/application-note/AN4990.pdf 2014-09-11 1410495124970722773375 PSP 8 Sep 11, 2014 Application Note AN4990: This document demonstrates how to enable CPRI on BSC9132QDS using the Code Warrior CPRI demo project. None /docs/en/application-note/AN4990.pdf English documents 2239208 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN4990.pdf AN4990, Enabling CPRI on BSC9132QDS - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN4990.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf Rev 0 N N AN4990, Enabling CPRI on BSC9132QDS - Application Notes 2.2 MB AN4990 N 1410495124970722773375 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN4827.pdf 2014-03-19 1395220556850704961506 PSP 9 Mar 18, 2014 Application Note AN4827: This application note describes the basic recommendations that should be implemented for a cost sensitive system. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN4827.pdf English documents 158745 None 645036621402383989 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=AN4827 AN4827, Hardware Basic Recommendations for Building Cost Sensitive System with BSC9132 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN4827.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en Extended Y pdf 0 Y N AN4827, Hardware Basic Recommendations for Building Cost Sensitive System with BSC9132 158.7 KB AN4827 N 1395220556850704961506 /docs/en/application-note/AN4531.pdf 2016-10-31 1363012931515701443659 PSP 10 Dec 16, 2013 Application Note This document describes the requirements and step-by-step procedures for forcing the DRAM into self-refresh mode. None /docs/en/application-note/AN4531.pdf English documents 269380 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN4531.pdf AN4531, Achieving Persistent DRAM on PowerQUICC III and QorIQ Processors - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN4531.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None pdf 2 N N AN4531, Achieving Persistent DRAM on PowerQUICC III and QorIQ Processors - Application Notes 269.4 KB AN4531 N 1363012931515701443659 /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN3940.pdf 2016-10-31 1264793052715706871063 PSP 11 Nov 25, 2013 Application Note AN3940: This document provides general hardware and layout considerations and guidelines for hardware engineers implementing a DDR3 memory subsystem. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN3940.pdf English documents 547662 None 645036621402383989 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=AN3940 AN3940, Hardware and Layout Design Considerations for DDR3 SDRAM Memory Interfaces - App Note /secured/assets/documents/en/application-note/AN3940.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en Extended Y pdf 6 Y N AN3940, Hardware and Layout Design Considerations for DDR3 SDRAM Memory Interfaces - App Note 547.7 KB AN3940 N 1264793052715706871063 /docs/en/application-note/AN4384.pdf 2012-07-12 1342105638623712398650 PSP 12 Jul 12, 2012 Application Note AN4384: This application note describes how to configure the CodeWarrior tools to support developing and debugging of embedded software on the BSC9131RDB board. Because the QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> Qonverge<sup>&#174;</sup> BSC9131 processor contains two disparate processor cores, writing software for the part requires two different sets of CodeWarrior tools: one to manage the DSP core, and another to manage the system core. None /docs/en/application-note/AN4384.pdf English documents 1821084 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN4384.pdf AN4384, Configuring the CodeWarrior Tools to Debug a BSC9131RDB Board - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN4384.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None pdf 0 N N AN4384, Configuring the CodeWarrior Tools to Debug a BSC9131RDB Board - Application Notes 1.8 MB AN4384 N 1342105638623712398650 /docs/en/application-note/AN4207.pdf 2016-10-31 1290276152472700145810 PSP 13 May 4, 2012 Application Note Using Kernels with the SC3850 DSP core. None /docs/en/application-note/AN4207.pdf English documents 814806 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN4207.pdf Kernel Examples for the StarCore SC3850 DSP Core /docs/en/application-note/AN4207.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 2 N N Kernel Examples for the StarCore SC3850 DSP Core 814.8 KB AN4207 N 1290276152472700145810 /docs/en/application-note/AN3531.pdf 2016-10-31 1194389312415718217914 PSP 14 Oct 31, 2007 Application Note AN3531: This application note outlines general, high-level, architectural differences between the e600 and e500 family processors. Is intended as a general guideline for programmers and system designers who are assessing the efforts required in migrating to e500-based devices. None /docs/en/application-note/AN3531.pdf English documents 961596 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN3531.pdf AN3531, Migrating from e600- to e500-Based Integrated Devices - Application Notes /docs/en/application-note/AN3531.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None pdf 0 N N AN3531, Migrating from e600- to e500-Based Integrated Devices - Application Notes 961.6 KB AN3531 N 1194389312415718217914 Data Sheet 1 /docs/en/data-sheet/BSC9132.pdf 2016-10-31 1396275261949709226583 PSP 4 Jan 25, 2018 Data Sheet BSC9132: This document describes the electrical characteristics of the BSC9132 QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> Qonverge<sup>&#174;</sup> multicore baseband processor. None /docs/en/data-sheet/BSC9132.pdf English documents 2036991 None 980000996212993340 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/data-sheet/BSC9132.pdf BSC9132, BSC9132 QorIQ Qonverge Multicore Baseband Processor Datasheet - Datasheet /docs/en/data-sheet/BSC9132.pdf documents 980000996212993340 Data Sheet N en None pdf Rev 2 N N BSC9132, BSC9132 QorIQ Qonverge Multicore Baseband Processor Datasheet - Datasheet 2.0 MB BSC9132 N 1396275261949709226583 Fact Sheet 2 /docs/en/fact-sheet/QORIQPSC9132FS.pdf 2011-08-29 1314647625212714846842 PSP 1 Jan 14, 2015 Fact Sheet Fact Sheet The BSC9132 is a highly integrated device that targets evolving microcell, picocell and enterprise femto base station applications. The BSC9132 device combines two e500 cores, built on Power Architecture&#174; technology, and two StarCore<sup>&#174;</sup> SC3850 cores. None /docs/en/fact-sheet/QORIQPSC9132FS.pdf English 195251 None Fact Sheet 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/fact-sheet/QORIQPSC9132FS.pdf BSC9132 Fact Sheet /docs/en/fact-sheet/QORIQPSC9132FS.pdf documents 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet N Y en None Y t523 pdf 5 N N BSC9132 Fact Sheet 195.3 KB QORIQPSC9132FS N 1314647625212714846842 /docs/en/fact-sheet/BSC913xNW.pdf 2014-04-25 1398438366306719367652 PSP 3 Apr 25, 2014 Fact Sheet Fact Sheet The QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> Qonverge<sup>&#174;</sup> BSC9131 and BSC9132 processors are highly integrated SoCs targeting network-connected industrial nodes and other systems requiring the computational power of a digital signal processor not met by off the shelf solutions today. None /docs/en/fact-sheet/BSC913xNW.pdf English 216690 None Fact Sheet 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/fact-sheet/BSC913xNW.pdf QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> Qonverge<sup>&#174;</sup> BSC9131 and BSC9132 System on Chip Devices For Intelligent Industrial Nodes - Fact Sheet /docs/en/fact-sheet/BSC913xNW.pdf documents 736675474163315314 Fact Sheet N Y en None Y t523 pdf 0 N N QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> Qonverge<sup>&#174;</sup> BSC9131 and BSC9132 System on Chip Devices For Intelligent Industrial Nodes - Fact Sheet 216.7 KB BSC913XNW N 1398438366306719367652 Reference Manual 3 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/BSC9131SECRM.pdf 2012-10-30 1351632282199686470284 PSP 5 Aug 26, 2015 Reference Manual BSC9131SECRM: The Security Reference Manual contains descriptions of the cryptographic modular and scalable acceleration and assurance engine, which implements block encryption algorithms, stream cipher algorithms, hashing algorithms, public key algorithms, run-time integrity checking, and a hardware NIST-compliant random number generation random number generator. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/BSC9131SECRM.pdf English documents 5124000 None 500633505221135046 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=BSC9131SECRM BSC9131SECRM, BSC9131 Security (SEC 4.4) Reference Manual with Updates /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/BSC9131SECRM.pdf documents 500633505221135046 Reference Manual N en Extended Y pdf 0 Y N BSC9131SECRM, BSC9131 Security (SEC 4.4) Reference Manual with Updates 5.1 MB BSC9131SECRM N 1351632282199686470284 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/BSC9132RM.pdf 2014-09-30 1412095448358724851175 PSP 6 Sep 30, 2014 Reference Manual BSC9132RM: This document describes the features of the BSC9132 multicore baseband processor. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/BSC9132RM.pdf English documents 16548733 None 500633505221135046 2023-06-18 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=BSC9132RM BSC9132RM, QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> Qonverge<sup>&#174;</sup> BSC9132 Multicore Baseband Processor Reference Manual /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/BSC9132RM.pdf documents 500633505221135046 Reference Manual N en Extended Y pdf 0 Y N BSC9132RM, QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> Qonverge<sup>&#174;</sup> BSC9132 Multicore Baseband Processor Reference Manual 16.5 MB BSC9132RM N 1412095448358724851175 /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/EREF_RM.pdf 2016-10-31 1319210247754725815434 PSP 7 Jun 26, 2014 Reference Manual This reference manual describes the resources defined for the Power ISA embedded environment. Registration without Disclaimer /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/EREF_RM.pdf English documents 10448185 None 500633505221135046 2022-12-07 Y /webapp/Download?colCode=EREF_RM EREF_RM, EREF: A Programmer's Reference Manual for Freescale Power Architecture Processors - Reference Manual /secured/assets/documents/en/reference-manual/EREF_RM.pdf documents 500633505221135046 Reference Manual N en Extended Y pdf 1 Y N EREF_RM, EREF: A Programmer's Reference Manual for Freescale Power Architecture Processors - Reference Manual 10.4 MB EREF_RM N 1319210247754725815434 Supporting Information 2 /docs/en/supporting-information/FSLNISTCAVP.pdf 2016-11-09 1368836090577704535160 PSP 15 Oct 28, 2016 Supporting Information FSLNISTCAVP: NXP<sup>&#174;</sup> Semiconductors has performed NIST CAVP testing of cryptographic accelerators (called Execution Units or EUs) found in multiple product families, including the PowerQUICC<sup>&#174;</sup> and QorIQ<sup>&#174;</sup> embedded communications processors, and the StarCore<sup>&#174;</sup> digital signal processors. 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None /docs/en/white-paper/QORIQQONVERGEWP.pdf English 960999 None White Paper 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/white-paper/QORIQQONVERGEWP.pdf Next-Generation Wireless Network Bandwidth and Capacity Enabled by Heterogeneous and Distributed Networks White Paper /docs/en/white-paper/QORIQQONVERGEWP.pdf documents 918633085541740938 White Paper N Y en None Y t530 pdf 3 N N Next-Generation Wireless Network Bandwidth and Capacity Enabled by Heterogeneous and Distributed Networks White Paper 961.0 KB QORIQQONVERGEWP N 1314912937111699817331 true Y Products


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