202107021DN:R01 - Discontinuation TSSOP48/56 for New Tape/Pack Method Release
  • Product Change Notification (PCN)
  • 202107021DN

202107021DN : R01 - Discontinuation TSSOP48/56 for New Tape/Pack Method Release

The devices in this Discontinuation Notice are NOT being discontinued. This discontinuation notice is required to discontinued the existing orderable part number (118 or J) as a new dry bag orderable part number (518 or Y) is required to be released. Please refer to PCN202102010F01 which covers all devices except PCA/PCF8551 devices which are covered under PCN202005038F01. One specific automotive customer is notified under PCN 202102009F01. New lead frames will start shipping as existing material is depleted and this is expected on Wk2144 based on leadframe delivery of WW2143 as listed in the PCN. NXP Customer Service Representative (CSR) will move orders to the new orderable part number as required with the same confirmation dates as before. If desired the customer can do a life time buy on the existing orderable part number but this is not required as the new dry bag orderable part numbers have the same silicon electrical specifications/tests and package outline and are drop ins for the existing orderable devices. Once manufacturing has moved to the new LF then NXP is no longer able to manufacture existing LF devices. Life Time Buy (LTB) material will be limited based on current leadframe (LF) availability and is 9/1/2021 with Last Time Ship (LTS) three months after LTB. PCF/A8551A and B TSSOP48 have already converted manufacturing in 2Q’21 with orders moved to the new orderable part number. There is no LTB available for these devices.

Discontinuation Information 

This Discontinuation informs that NXP Semiconductors (NXP) is now discontinuing the manufacture of parts. In accordance with NXP product discontinuation policy and JEDEC EIA/JESD48, we are hereby giving notice of these product changes so that our customers and partners can adjust their product purchasing records, or make any final lifetime purchases of the discontinued products that can still be supplied by NXP. 

Discontinued Product Terminology:  

  • Orderable Part Number 
  • NXP Part Number which includes part type and packing designator as referenced on the Customer’s order. 

  • Discontinuation Type 
  • Short description of the withdrawal status. Products listed as “Full Withdrawal“ indicate that all Product Types with similar functionality are being discontinued. Products listed as “Version Withdrawal“ indicates that a specific version or package is being discontinued but at least one other Product Type with similar functionality is still available.  

  • Availability Non-Manufacturable: 
  • Some Product Types may not be available and are identified as Non-Manufacturable. NXP can no longer produce these products and no supply or inventory exists for various reasons such as “not acceptable product quality” or “unique manufacturing restrictions”. Non-Manufacturable products cannot have a last time buy for commercially impracticable reasons. 

  • Availability Limited: 
  • For Limited Availability Product Types, a unique manufacturing or limited inventory or time condition exists. Where Limited Availability coded products are still manufacturable, a limited quantity of the Product Type has been, or will be, produced within NXP remaining capacity to meet our customers, or our distributors, commercially reasonable last time buy orders. Limited Availability products will be scheduled by NXP on a first-come/first-serve basis until the remaining Product Type manufacturing capacity or inventory is depleted. When the inventory for the Limited Availability Product Type is depleted, no additional last time buy order Product Type quantities can be supplied by NXP. 

  • Availability Standard End of Life: 
  • Standard End of Life Products Types have no known supply restriction and NXP customers and distributors' last time buy orders can be met according to NXP discontinued product (DOD) policy. 

  • Source 
  • Sole Source indicates that the Product Type being discontinued is unique to NXP Semiconductors. Multiple Sources indicates that the Product Type being discontinued could be available through other suppliers. 

  • Discontinued Part Last Time Buy Date 
  • Date indicates the last date NXP will accept an order on the discontinued product. NXP allows a six (6) month last order period for multiple-source products and a nine (9) month last order period for sole-source discontinued products or customer specific products. Last Time Buying is not possible for "Non-Manufacturable" discontinued products. "Limited availability" discontinued products are subject to the remaining product inventory, or limited manufacturing conditions set forth in the DN notice. Ordering shall be limited on a first-come/first serve condition until the remaining product capacity or inventory has been sold. All Last Time Buy order periods are measured from the Issue Date of the Discontinuation Notice. 

  • Discontinued Part Last Time Delivery Date 
  • Date indicates the last date NXP will ship a discontinued product. Unless a Non-Manufacturable or Limited Availability condition and shorter time period is indicated in the PTA, NXP allows a twelve (12) month delivery time period for discontinued products measured from the Issue Date of the Discontinuation Notice. (For some products, NXP may extend the Last Time Delivery date beyond the standard horizon.) 

  • Discontinued Part 12nc 
  • NXP 12nc number represents the NXP master internal manufacturing control identification number for reference to each part type, version of the part type or packaging/conditioning (3 last digits), being discontinued. 

  • Replacement 12nc 
  • Any known NXP replacement 12nc for the discontinued NXP type number is reference only information. NXP replacement part designation is NOT intended as a statement of warranty, or an indication that the listed replacement product meets the same form, fit, function or performance of the discontinued product until such time as NXP customers or distributors qualify such product to their specifications. 

    PCN Type Issue Date Effective Date
    Discontinuation Notification 11-Aug-2021 12-Aug-2021

    Reason of Change

    Package assembly will implement tape holder R970 at wire bond to prevent ball neck breaks due to lead frame vibration. This also changes MSL rating from MSL1 to MSL3 to maintain consistent classification among package types. Orderable part numbers will change from MSL1 standard tape and reel non dry bag 3NC 118 (seen as 118 or J on end of part number) to MSL3 dry bag pack method 3NC 518 (seen as 518 or Y on end of part number). Therefore the existing orderable part number must be formally discontinued and customers start to use the new orderable part number.

    Affected Parts

    Part Number / 12NC Discontinuation Type Availability Source Last Time Buy Date Last Time Delivery Date Replacement Part
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Limited Availability Sole Source 01-Sep-2021 01-Dec-2021 PCA85176T/Q900/1Y
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Limited Availability Sole Source 01-Sep-2021 01-Dec-2021 PCA85262ATT/AY
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Limited Availability Sole Source 01-Sep-2021 01-Dec-2021 PCA8536AT/Q900/1Y
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Limited Availability Sole Source 01-Sep-2021 01-Dec-2021 PCA8536BT/Q900/1Y
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Non-Manufacturable Sole Source 10-Aug-2021 17-Aug-2021 PCA8551ATT/AY
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Non-Manufacturable Sole Source 10-Aug-2021 17-Aug-2021 PCA8551BTT/AY
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Limited Availability Sole Source 01-Sep-2021 01-Dec-2021 PCF85162T/1Y
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Limited Availability Sole Source 01-Sep-2021 01-Dec-2021 PCF85176T/1Y
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Limited Availability Sole Source 01-Sep-2021 01-Dec-2021 PCF8536AT/1Y
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Limited Availability Sole Source 01-Sep-2021 01-Dec-2021 PCF8536BT/1Y
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Limited Availability Sole Source 01-Sep-2021 01-Dec-2021 PCF8545BTT/AY
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Non-Manufacturable Sole Source 10-Aug-2021 17-Aug-2021 PCF8551ATT/AY
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Limited Availability Sole Source 01-Sep-2021 04-Aug-2022 PCF8553DTT/AY
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Limited Availability Sole Source 01-Sep-2021 01-Dec-2021 PCF8562TT/2,518
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Limited Availability Sole Source 01-Sep-2021 01-Dec-2021 PCF8562TT/S400/2,5
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Limited Availability Sole Source 01-Sep-2021 01-Dec-2021 PCF8576DT/2,518
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Limited Availability Sole Source 01-Sep-2021 01-Dec-2021 PCF8576DT/S400/2Y
    PACKING OPTION WITHDRAWAL Limited Availability Sole Source 01-Sep-2021 01-Dec-2021 SC28L202A1DGG,518