201812013I : MKE02/MKE04/MKE06 Datasheet Update and MKE06MKE04(Z64Z128)Reference Manual Update
NXP Semiconductors announces that the MKE04Z8 DS has been updated to Rev 4(MKE04P24M48SF0_Rev.4).NXP Semiconductors announces that the MKE02 DS has been updated to Rev 5(MKE02P64M40SF0_Rev.5) and Rev 6(MKE02P64M20SF0_Rev.6).NXP Semiconductors announces that the MKE06MKE04(Z64Z128) DS has been updated to Rev 5 (MKE04P80M48SF0_Rev.5 MKE06P80M48SF0_Rev.5).NXP Semiconductors announces that the MKE06MKE04(Z64Z128) Reference Manual has been updated to Rev 4 (MKE04P80M48SF0RM_Rev.4MKE06P80M48SF0RM_Rev.4).The revision history included in the updated document provides a detailed description of the changes. Changes are summarized below:MKE04P24M48SF0_Rev.4:1.Added a new section of Thermal operating requirements.2. Added a footnote of "Max power supply ramp rate is 500 V/ms." to Operating voltage in the DC characteristics.3. Added a footnote to the 'factory trimmed internal oscillator accuracy' in the External oscillator (OSC) and ICS characteristics.MKE02P64M40SF0_Rev.5:1. Added a footnote of "Max power supply ramp rate is 500 V/ms." to Operating voltage in the DC characteristics.2. Added a footnote to the 'factory trimmed internal oscillator accuracy' in the External oscillator (OSC) and ICS characteristicsMKE02P64M20SF0_Rev.6:1. Added a footnote of "Max power supply ramp rate is 500 V/ms." to Operating voltage in the DC characteristics.2. Added a footnote to the 'factory trimmed internal oscillator accuracy' in the External oscillator (OSC) and ICS characteristicsMKE06P80M48SF0_Rev.5/MKE04P80M48SF0_Rev.5:1. Added a footnote of "Max power supply ramp rate is 500 V/ms." to Operating voltage in the DC characteristics.2. Added a footnote to the 'factory trimmed internal oscillator accuracy' in the External oscillator (OSC) and ICS characteristics.MKE04P80M48SF0RM_Rev.4/MKE06P80M48SF0RM_Rev.4:A.17 WDOG changes:Updated the access of CNTH and CNTL registers to be R/W in the memory map.A.19 FTMRE changes:Updated the access of FPROT and FOPT to be RW. Updated the figures of 128/64 KB flash protection memory map.A.21 ICS changes:Updated the access of ICS_S to be RW in the ICS memory map.A.31 SPI changes:Updated the S register to be RW and S[SPMF] to be W1C added a note to the S[SPMF].A.33 MSCAN changes:Updated the access of the receive registers and TTSRH TTSRL to be Read only and added note to the receiveregisters.The updated Datasheet can be found at:https://www.nxp.com/search?category=documents&keyword=MKE02&filter=type>>Data Sheet&siblings=falseThe updated Reference manual can be found at:https://www.nxp.com/search?category=documents&keyword=MKE&filter=type>>Reference Manual&siblings=false
PCN Type | Change Category | Issue Date | Effective Date |
Customer Information Notification | Electrical spec./Test coverage, Other | 21-Feb-2019 | 22-Feb-2019 |
Reason of Change
The Datasheets and the Reference Manual have been updated to provide additional technical clarification on some device features.
Identification of Affected Products
Product identification does not change
Anticipated Impact
Data sheet revision: A new datasheet will be issued
No impact on form fit function reliability or quality.
Affected Parts
Part Number / 12NC | Last Time Buy Date | Last Time Delivery Date | Replacement Part |
MKE02Z16VFM4 (935325932557) |
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MKE02Z16VLC2 (935314884557) |
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MKE02Z16VLC2R (935314884528) |
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MKE02Z16VLC4 (935317985557) |
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MKE02Z16VLD2 (935320029557) |
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MKE02Z16VLD4 (935324724557) |
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MKE02Z32VFM4 (935322222557) |
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MKE02Z32VFM4R (935322222528) |
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MKE02Z32VLC2 (935315854557) |
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MKE02Z32VLC2R (935315854528) |
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MKE02Z32VLC4 (935312988557) |
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MKE02Z32VLC4R (935312988528) |
- | - | - |
MKE02Z32VLD2 (935321812557) |
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MKE02Z32VLD2R (935321812528) |
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MKE02Z32VLD4 (935311563557) |
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MKE02Z32VLD4R (935311563528) |
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MKE02Z32VLH2 (935314985557) |
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MKE02Z32VLH4 (935311558557) |
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MKE02Z32VQH2 (935323335557) |
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MKE02Z32VQH4 (935324725557) |
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MKE02Z64VFM4 (935324815557) |
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MKE02Z64VLC2 (935318442557) |
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MKE02Z64VLC4 (935317983557) |
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MKE02Z64VLD2 (935317775557) |
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MKE02Z64VLD4 (935314938557) |
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MKE02Z64VLD4R (935314938528) |
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MKE02Z64VLH2 (935321944557) |
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MKE02Z64VLH4 (935318162557) |
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MKE02Z64VLH4R (935318162528) |
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MKE02Z64VQH2 (935311224557) |
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MKE02Z64VQH4 (935317939557) |
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MKE04Z128VLD4 (935315108557) |
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MKE04Z128VLD4R (935315108528) |
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MKE04Z128VLH4 (935320756557) |
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MKE04Z128VLH4R (935320756528) |
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MKE04Z128VLK4 (935320237557) |
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MKE04Z128VQH4 (935324775557) |
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MKE04Z128VQH4R (935324775528) |
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MKE04Z64VLD4 (935318189557) |
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MKE04Z64VLH4 (935311826557) |
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MKE04Z64VLK4 (935315282557) |
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MKE04Z64VLK4R (935315282528) |
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MKE04Z64VQH4 (935318266557) |
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MKE04Z8VFK4 (935317918557) |
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MKE04Z8VFK4R (935317918528) |
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MKE04Z8VTG4 (935321946574) |
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MKE04Z8VTG4R (935321946534) |
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MKE04Z8VWJ4 (935317919574) |
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MKE04Z8VWJ4R (935317919518) |
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MKE06Z128VLD4 (935314881557) |
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MKE06Z128VLH4 (935311879557) |
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MKE06Z128VLK4 (935315176557) |
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MKE06Z128VQH4 (935311249557) |
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MKE06Z64VLD4 (935311823557) |
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MKE06Z64VLH4 (935323429557) |
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MKE06Z64VLK4 (935315509557) |
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MKE06Z64VQH4 (935312086557) |
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