Sensor Algorithms for NXP Sensors


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Sensor Algorithms - Architecture View Block Diagram

Sensor Algorithms - Architecture View

Sensor Algorithms - Architecture View Block Diagram

Sensor Algorithms - Architecture View Block Diagram


  • Light weight design and implementation for limited memory and power constraint applications
  • Platform agnostic algorithm interfaces
  • Simple interface layer for application to achieve complex sensor algorithm logics hidden underneath
  • Sensor centric design and implementation cover broad sensor-based application space
  • Rapid development of application, providing sensor algorithms as platform independent components
  • Many sensor specific algorithms available such as machine learning (ML) for NXP sensors, angle calculation, quaternion tilt, filters and pedometer
  • Light weight machine learning (ML) algorithm for edge applications with NXP sensors
  • All interfaces are re-entrant to support RTOS and BareMetal

Supported Devices

  • FXLS8471Q: ±2g/±4g/±8g, Low g, 14-Bit Digital Accelerometer
  • FXOS8700CQ: Digital Motion Sensor - 3D Accelerometer (±2g/±4g/±8g) + 3D Magnetometer
  • MPXx5004: Differential and Gauge, Integrated Pressure Sensor (0 to 3.92 kPa)
  • MPL3115A2: Absolute Digital Pressure Sensor (20 to 110 kPa)
  • FXLS8962AF: ±2g/±4g/±8g/±16g, Low Power 12-bit Digital Accelerometer


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