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Development Board for PN5190.
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PNEV5190BP is a flexible and easy to use development board connected to a Kinetis K82 microcontroller, that supports the design cycle of Access readers and contactless EMVCo3.0 terminals based on the NFC Frontend PN5190. The board is prepared for immediate connection of the unique PC-based development tool “NFC Cockpit” from NXP, which allows the configuration and optimization of products based on NXP’s NFC IC’s without the need of programming even a single line of code.
The antenna of the board can be easily removed and replaced by a custom antenna of the target design. With this, tests like EMVCo analog for contactless payment or power consumption tests for Access applications can be quickly executed.
The NXP reader library (EMVCo3.0 L1 digital compliant) can be flashed to the K82 using the Open SDA debug interface, which is available on the board. This allows software development without the need of an additional debug interface.
The Kinetis K82 is the non-secure version of the Kinetis K81 Microcontroller. All software, which had been developed based on the PNEV5190BP can be ported with low efforts to the secure version Kinetis K81. With this approach, an EMVCo3.0 compliant POS terminal hardware can be quickly realized.
A EMVCo L2 software for the PN5190 is available from NXP partners.
Development Board for PN5190.
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