C29x Family of Crypto Coprocessors | NXP Semiconductors

C29x Family of Crypto Coprocessors

With cybercrime growing at double-digit rates and companies like Facebook and Google adopting secure web pages as a means of protecting both the consumer and the corporation, it is clear that secure network traffic is on the rise – past the traditional credit card transaction. When the number of secure transactions grows past hundreds of transactions per second, software is no longer a feasible solution as network traffic bottlenecks around the public key handshake necessary to implement an SSL or IPsec transaction.

Introducing the C29x family of crypto coprocessors to address the public key offload required for data center and network security appliances as they scale into thousands of transactions per second. A scalable solution with three devices —the C291, C292 and C293 coprocessors—offer between 8 and 32k 2048-bit RSA transactions per second with power consumption from four to 10 watts.

As the C29x family is designed to offload over a PCIe bus, it can be used as a companion to a QorIQ® communications processors or other host processors on the market.

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