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QorIQ DPAA Primer for Software Architecture[QORIQDPAAWP]
The NXP® ASK (Applications Solutions Kit) Software package for the LS1043A processor turns the LS1043A into a packet processing beast, offering dozens of amazing NO-CPU-NEEDED packet transfers so that the FOUR incredible ARM A53 CPUs can be harnessed to make applications that thrill your customers.
Imagine routing routine traffic through the LS1043A at 10G and the ARM A53 were doing some amazing task you invented, perhaps running a VoIP, IP TV or other function – and those A53’s never missed a beat!
The ASK SW Package makes this single chip routing/switching engine possible.
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The package includes access to the source code of all the board support packages and OpenWRT Broadband Home Router ASK and binaries of packet forwarding engine.
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