Layerscape 1024A Applications Solutions Kit (ASK) for High-Performance Vertically-Oriented Networking Applications


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LS1024A Block Diagram

LS1024A Block Diagram

LS1024A Block Diagram

LS1024A Block Diagram Thumb Nail


  • Programmable packet forwarding engine
    • Delivers 2Gbps performance and provides flexibility to offload current and future bandwidth demanding applications. Offloads NAS TSO and LRO operations to hardware. Reduces CPU load
  • Hardened OpenWRT distribution
    • Over four years of rigorous field tests and millions of deployments. Hardened and mature software distribution reduces time to market
  • Flexible and optimized software architecture
    • Easy to port and integrate third-party software stacks. Significantly reduces software design cycle. Ensures ample headroom for run-time services even during peak performance
  • BSPs for hardware reference EVM
    • Suitable for software development and ASK performance benchmarking
  • VoIP module
    • Carrier-class voice with a globally deployed echo canceller for residential VoIP, DECT and SMB gateway solutions
  • NXP® rich partner ecosystem
    • NXP offers a diverse third-party ecosystem delivering ready-to-use integrated solutions such as OSGi, JVM, IMS/VoLTE, Android, etc
  • Support for emerging technologies
    • 802.11ac, DPI, NAS, LTE, DECT-ULE

Supported Devices

  • LS1024A: Layerscape® 1024A Dual-Core Processor


Quick reference to our software types.

1 download

  • Libraries

    EAR2 ASK Loadable binaries for LS1024A

Note: For better experience, software downloads are recommended on desktop.


Quick reference to our documentation types.

1 documents


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