MCX W Series Microcontrollers

Key Features

Single MCU Platform

MCX W expands the MCX microcontroller family by offering single a MCU platform for developers with a common core, the Arm Cortex-M33, architecture, intelligent peripherals and software experience.

IoT Security

As part of NXP's Edgelock® Assurance program, the MCX W series integrates NXP's Edgelock Secure Enclave Core Profile and offers support for NXP's Edgelock 2GO key and certificate management service.

Robust Wireless Performance

With an upgradeable, dedicated radio subsystem, the MCX W series is built to support Matter, Thread™, Zigbee™, Bluetooth® LE and future wireless standards.

Design Resources

MCX MCU Community


Take advantage of the thousands of technical Q&A in our online engineering communities.

MCX W Series Videos


Explore a mix of different videos around the MCX W Series.

MCUXpresso Developer Experience

Software and Tools

Supported by the MCUXpresso suite of software and tools.