202102025F01:Smart Power SO8 and SO16 Capacity Expansion from ASEN to ATBK
  • Product Change Notification (PCN)
  • 202102025F01

202102025F01 : Smart Power SO8 and SO16 Capacity Expansion from ASEN to ATBK

Add assembly and test capacity in SO8 (SOT96) and SO16 (SOT109) next to ASEN also in ATBK combined with Cu-wire introduction. ASEN will continue assembling in Gold wire. Full traceability available on the origin of products via packing packing label and assembly date code. For TEA2016AAT/1/S30 and TEA2016AATH1/1/S30 only: change MSL level from MSL 1 to MSL 3 (shelf life change only).

PCN Type Change Category Issue Date Effective Date
Final Product Change Notification Assembly materialsassembly locationtest location 01-Apr-2021 30-Jun-2021

Reason of Change

In view of increased demand for Smart Power products and semiconductors in particular we have qualified a second source for a part of our product portfolio being our internal assembly fab in Bangkok Thailand. Additional benefit of qualifying an internal industrial facility is that we are able to deal with fluctuations in customer demand having a more reliable commitment on production capacity needed. In the light of standardization and process- and capacity optimization we qualified the main stream Cu wire technology and related bill of material for products concerned.

Identification of Affected Products

Top side marking ASEN and ATBK use identical Marking blank Line 1 no changes: marking will be the same for both ASEN as ATBK Line 2 no changes: Diffusion lot number / batch ID + Assembly sequence ID of Die Line 3: assembly location indicator “X” or ASEN and “n” for ATBK Line 3 coding: Manufacturing code to NX3-00130 (Traceability requirements) + RoHS indicator + Date code + Mask version + Release status code Line 3 examples: ASEN: rXDywwn "X" is ASEN location ATBK: rnDywwn "n" is ATBK location

Anticipated Impact

Data sheet revision: No impact to existing datasheet

Affected Parts

Part Number / 12NC Last Time Buy Date Last Time Delivery Date Replacement Part
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