Out of the Box2
Get Software3
Plug It In4
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Download and Install S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform v.3.5
Note: You will receive an activation code via email or under the Licence Keys tab.
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In S32DS, go to Help → S32DS Extensions and Updates from the top menu to open the S32DS Extensions and Updates dialogue.
Install S32M2xx Development Package.
Note: In case of installation issues, please ensure that the latest version of the S32 Design Studio Platform package and S32 Design Studio Platform Tools package are installed.
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Download RTD for S32K3 and S32M27x version 4.0.0.
Select "Automotive SW - S32K3/S32M27x - Real-Time Drivers for Cortex-M" package to download updated site files.
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Download RTD for S32K3 and S32M27x version 4.0.0 patch P20.
Select "Automotive SW - S32K3/S32M27x - Real-Time Drivers for Cortex-M " package to download updated site files.
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In S32DS, go to Help → S32DS Extensions and Updates from the top menu to open the S32DS Extensions and Updates dialogue where you click on "Add Update Sites" link.
Select downloaded SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0_D2311_DS_updatesite.zip file (shorter one from the file names).
Note: Do not add RTD 4.0.0 P20 file now! If RTD 4.0.0 P20 is added, the RTD 4.0.0 will not appear in in the list. If this happen, you may click on Manage Sites link and delete the RTD 4.0.0 P20 file location from the list.
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Install the RTD 4.0.0 from the list. Be aware that RTD 4.0.0 may appear on the list more than twice. Ensure that you selected the version that supports only/also S32M27x (See content of the Overview window on the right side).
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Repeat the installation steps 2.5 and 2.6 also for patch P20 (the longer one from the file names) SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_4.4_4.0.0_P20_D2403_DS_updatesite.zip file.
Again, ensure that you selected the version that supports only/also S32M27x.
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Download and install FreeMASTER application tool for real-time debugging.
Tip: For this training you may even skip the Lite service installation (for which the activation code is required).
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Download and install AMMCLib for S32M27X.
Tip: If possible, install AMMCLib in their default path location for later easy path modification.
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Download and install the S32M276 motor control application software.
Note: The application checks version and whether appropriate AMMCLib was correctly installed or not. If not (red note), install AMMCLib and reinstall the S32M276 motor control application software. That will simplify the next project import (paths to the latest AMMCLib will be already updated).
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The recommended accessory kit for S32M276SFFRD board is BLDC_KIT (software developed and tuned for given motor), however you may use any suitable 3 ph motor and 12 V power supply instead.
BLDC_KIT Content:
In addition to BLDC_KIT, you will also need:
Optionally plug in the Encoder/HALL sensors (only for sensor-based sw application).
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Let's take your S32M276SFFRD motor control kit for a test drive.
Select the appropriate PMSM or BLDC motor control application from the installed directory.
To import the installed application software project in the S32 Design Studio IDE for S32 Platform:
and choose appropriate project and click OK. Then, click Finish
Note: Check the box for the option Copy projects into workspace.
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file to open the project configuration in S32 Configuration Tool Something went wrong! Please try again.
In S32DS, return back to the C/C++ perspective.
Use the Debug Configuration menu and select the predefined debug configuration for building and uploading software into MCU.
The S32DS will switch into debug perspective where you may let the code run by clicking on Resume (or press F8), and use Disconnect to avoid interference between the S32DS IDE debugger and the FreeMASTER tool.
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Launch the FreeMASTER application.
To open the *.pmpx
FreeMASTER project <selected project>\FreeMASTER_control
, click File → Open Project .
Note: You can also start it by double clicking directly in the S32DS project folder.
To enable communication, in the FreeMASTER tool bar, click Go (or press Ctrl + G).
Successful communication displays in the status bar at the bottom as: RS-232 UART Communication;COMn;speed = 115200
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If you do not use BLDC_KIT (motor Sunrise 42BLY3A78-24110), you may need to edit the motor parameters according to used BLDC/PMSM motor. In the Motor Control Application Tuning (MCAT) Tool switch to Parameters tab and edit values on left side.
Once you finish, click on Store Data, switch to Output File tab and Generate static configuration file.
Now repeat step 4.3 to build the project and upload the code into MCU.
Note: MCU will go to reset, FreeMASTER reconnecting might be need (Ctrl + K, Ctrl + G).
Click the App Control tab on the Motor Control Application Tuning (MCAT) Tool menu to display the application control page.
Configure the motor rpms and turn on the motor drive.
In case of pending faults, click the Clear FAULT on the FreeMASTER MCAT control page.
Click On/Off on the control page to initiate clockwise/counterclockwise spinning of the rotor.
Change the speed required variable to set the speed. Go to the Variable Watch window and modify Speed Required variable or click on the speed gauge.
Stop the application by clicking On/Off button on the FreeMASTER MCAT control page.
Connect with other engineers and get expert advice on designing with the S32M276SFFRD Reference Design Board using our community sites.
Download and Install IDE
Install the S32M2xx Development Package
Download the RTD Drivers
Download the Patch for RTD Drivers
Add the RTD Drivers to S32DS
Install the RTD Drivers
Add the RTD Patch 20 to S32DS
Get FreeMASTER Application Tool
Get AMMCLib for S32M27X
Get the S32M276 Motor Control Application
Plug In the Motor
Plug In the Encoder/HALL Sensors
Plug In the JTAG Debug Interface
Plug In the UART to USB Interface