CodeWarrior embedded software development studio is a complete integrated development environment (IDE) that provides a highly visual and automated framework to accelerate development of more complex embedded applications.
You will get all the features from the developer suites plus
DDR Validation tool: The DDR (Double Data Rate RAM Memory) Validation tool (DDRv) is a software application that helps you “tune” the DDR settings that can be more difficult to get "centered."
SerDes Validation: The SerDes Validation tool (SerDes-v) is a software application that helps you “tune” the SerDes settings so you can get the optimal SerDes performance.
Debug print Ability to perform printf-like operations from for bare-metal, Linux kernel or Linux user-space applications directly in hardware trace buffers. This vastly reduces logging facility intrusiveness.
General purpose program Arm® Trace Ability to configure, retrieve and display Arm® core trace including program and data.
Unlimited C/C++ compiler and source-level debugger
P&E Flash Programmer and Debugger
OSEK kernel-aware debugging
PC-lint plug-in support
Compiler exports optimization level as predefined macro
Compiler supports fused MAC instructions (efsmadd, efsmsub,...)
VLE compiler updates the base register of big structures to ensure the structure items’ offsets are within the range of 16-bit load/store instructions
Linker can be used to fill unused bytes with a defined byte pattern
The spe header file has been updated to be in sync with latest release of "Enhanced Signal Processing Extension and Embedded Floating-Point Version 2 Auxiliary Processing Units Programming Interface Manual
Classic IDE
Unlimited assembler
Unlimited C/C++ compiler and source-level debugger
Unlimited C/C++ Compiler and Debugger (restrictions based on suite)
Integrated Flash Programmer
Full Chip Simulation (RS08, S08 only)
Device Initialization tool
Processor Expert® with basic, software and advanced components (restrictions based on suite)
Processor Expert Component Wizard (restrictions based on suite)
OSEK kernel awareness (restrictions based on suite)
Profile analysis (restrictions based on suite)
Code coverage (restrictions based on suite)
PC-Lint plug-in (restrictions based on suite)
Support for new HC9RS08, HC9S08 and ColdFire® V1 derivatives
New ColdFire V1 compiler with Embedded Warrior Libraries (EWL), which focus on reducing the memory footprint taken by I/O operations and simplifying memory allocation
Support for the new Open Source BDM connection based on HCS08JM60 platform. "S08 FSL Open Source BDM" and "CFV1 FSL Open Source BDM" connections can be selected in New Project Wizard for new derivatives
Support for external memory debugging with MCF51CN128l
Classic IDE
Unlimited assembler
C compiler and C source-level debugger code and data size restricted to:
Unlimited C/C++ Compiler and Debugger (restrictions based on suite)
Integrated flash programmer
Flash tool kit to create flash programming algorithms for external memory devices
Device Initialization tool
Processor Expert® with Basic, Software and Advanced Components (restrictions based on suite)
Processor Expert Component Wizard (restrictions based on suite)
RTOS awareness (restrictions based on suite)
Profile Analysis (restrictions based on suite)
Support for new ColdFire® derivatives
New ColdFire compiler with Embedded Warrior Libraries (EWL), which focus on reducing the memory footprint taken by I/O operations and simplifying memory allocation
Support for the new NXP® Open Source BDM connection on the M52259DEMO board
Compatible with MQX™ RTOS 3.6
Classic IDE
Unlimited assembler
C compiler and C source-level debugger code and data size restricted to 512 KB
Integrated flash programmer
Flash tool kit to create flash programming algorithms for external memory devices
Basic Components (or standard components) refer to the basic blocks such as parallel ports, timers, A/D converters, and simple serial interfaces as well as simple functions using them.
The Software Components are collection of software modules developed to interface to popular external peripherals such as serial SPI sensors, LCD modules, Flash memory modules, A/D and D/A converters as well as implementing low level functions such as keyboard matrix, software SPI function, 7-segment display or simple FFT or FIR functions.
Advanced Components (or complex components) refer to the Processor Expert components supporting complex peripherals such as complex A/D conversions.
Will you use the Processor Expert Component Wizard?
The Processor Expert Component Wizard™ is the tool that allows you to create your own components to address the specific needs of an application, like the support of using a generic peripheral in a very specific way.
Do you need kernel aware debug for OSEK turbo?
What type of license do you plan to use?
Which programming language do you plan to use?
What code-size will your project require?
Will you use the Processor Expert Component Wizard?
Do you need kernel aware debug for the MQX RTOS?
What type of license do you plan to use?
Node-locked licenses are tied to a specific computer via a Windows C: hard-drive ID or Ethernet MAC address. (USB dongle*) denotes an add-on option with a node-locked license. In the USB dongle license implementation, the CodeWarrior license is node-locked to a dongle that is connected to the USB port. CodeWarrior will be enabled on any computer when the appropriate license.dat file is installed and the corresponding USB dongle is connected. Therefore, the USB dongle license can be shared among many computers by moving the dongle.
Floating licenses are installed on a server typically in a multi-user environment and may be checked-out by anyone with access to that server.
Which programming language do you plan to use?
What code-size will your project require?
Will you use the Processor Expert Component Wizard?
Do you need kernel aware debug for Linux or the MQX RTOS?
What type of license do you plan to use?
Which programming language do you plan to use?
What code-size will your project require?
Will you use the Processor Expert Component Wizard?
Do you need kernel-aware debug for the MQX RTOS?
What type of license do you plan to use?
Which programming language do you plan to use?
What code-size will your project require?
Do you need kernel aware debug for AUTOSAR®?
What type of license do you plan to use?
What code-size will your project require?
What type of license do you plan to use?
Which programming language do you plan to use?
What code-size will your project require?
Which Processor Expert Components will you use?
Will you use the Processor Expert Component Wizard?
Do you need RTOS-aware debugging capability or the Profile Analysis tool?
What type of license do you plan to use?
Do you need to create Linux applications on an already deployed Linux kernel?
Do you need to debug multiple threads, processes, applications, and shared libraries?
Do you need to deploy and debug a Linux kernel, in addition to creating Linux applications?
What type of license do you plan to use?
Node-locked licenses are tied to a specific computer via a Windows C: hard-drive ID or Ethernet MAC address.
Floating licenses are installed on a server typically in a multi-user environment and may be checked-out by anyone with access to that server.
Which of the following tools will you use?
What type of license do you plan to use?
What code-size will your project require?
What type of license do you plan to use?
Which of the following tools will you use?
Do you need kernel aware debug for OSEK turbo?
Which programming language do you plan to use?
What type of license do you plan to use?
Node-locked licenses are tied to a specific computer via a Windows C: hard-drive ID or Ethernet MAC address.
Floating licenses are installed on a server typically in a multi-user environment and may be checked-out by anyone with access to that server.
Node-locked licenses are tied to a specific computer via a Windows C: hard-drive ID or Ethernet MAC address.
Floating licenses are installed on a server typically in a multi-user environment and may be checked-out by anyone with access to that server.
Which programming language do you plan to use?
Are you planning to use Our XGATE module?
What code-size will your project require?
Which Processor Expert Components will you use?
Do you need access to any of the following tools?
Processor Expert Component Wizard
Profile Analysis
Code Coverage
PC-lint plug-in
Kernel aware debug for OSEK turbo
What type of license do you plan to use?
Node-locked licenses are tied to a specific computer via a Windows C: hard-drive ID or Ethernet MAC address. (USB dongle*) denotes an add-on option with a node-locked license. In the USB dongle license implementation, the CodeWarrior license is node-locked to a dongle that is connected to the USB port. CodeWarrior will be enabled on any computer when the appropriate license.dat file is installed and the corresponding USB dongle is connected. Therefore, the USB dongle license can be shared among many computers by moving the dongle.
Floating licenses are installed on a server typically in a multi-user environment and may be checked-out by anyone with access to that server.
Which programming language do you plan to use?
What code-size will your project require?
Will you use any of the following tools?
Processor Expert Component Wizard
Profile Analysis
Code Coverage
PC-lint plug-in
Do you need kernel aware debug for OSEK turbo?
What type of license do you plan to use?
Which programming language do you plan to use?
What code-size will your project require?
Which Processor Expert Components will you use?
Will you use any of the following tools?
Processor Expert Component Wizard
Profile Analysis
Code Coverage
PC-lint plug-in
Do you need kernel aware debug for OSEK turbo?
What type of license do you plan to use?
Node-locked licenses are tied to a specific computer via a Windows C: hard-drive ID or Ethernet MAC address.
Floating licenses are installed on a server typically in a multi-user environment and may be checked-out by anyone with access to that server.
Are you doing board bring up and will you want to perform in-depth DDR analysis?
Will you want to do extra networking analysis such as packet throughput or latency?
What type of license do you plan to use?
What code-size will your project require?
What type of license do you plan to use?
Which programming language do you plan to use?
What code-size will your project require?
Will you use the Processor Expert Component Wizard?
Do you need kernel-aware debug for the MQX-lite RTOS?
What type of license do you plan to use?
Which programming language do you plan to use?
What code-size will your project require?
Will you use the Processor Expert Component Development Environment?
What type of license do you plan to use?
Are you doing board bring up and will you want to perform in-depth DDR analysis?
Will you want to do extra networking analysis such as packet throughput or latency?
What type of license do you plan to use?
Node-locked licenses are tied to a specific computer via a Windows C: hard-drive ID or Ethernet MAC address.
Floating licenses are installed on a server typically in a multi-user environment and may be checked-out by anyone with access to that server.
Are you doing board bring up and will you want to perform in-depth DDR analysis?
Select your shipment option?
What type of license do you plan to use?
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