MQX™ Real-Time TCP/IP Communication Suite (RTCS) – Now with IPv6 | NXP Semiconductors

MQX™ Real-Time TCP/IP Communication Suite (RTCS) – Now with IPv6

The Real-Time TCP/IP Communication Suite (RTCS) provides IP networking for embedded devices. NXP® MQX RTCS provides a rich assortment of TCP/IP networking application protocols and uses the NXP MQX RTOS drivers for Ethernet and serial connectivity. RTCS is tightly integrated with the NXP MQX RTOS and the NXP MQX File System (MFS). RTCS is implemented in ANSI C, and full source code is provided. It is re-entrant and is responsive to the demands of real-time systems. The RTCS supports any number of hardware interfaces and any number of IP addresses on each hardware interface.

RTCS can be optionally extended to add IPv6 protocol support. Get IPv6 for RTCS to enable dual stack (IPv4 + IPv6) as well as single stack (IPv6) operation.

Key Benefits


  • Supports TCP, IPv4 and IPv6, UDP, ARP, ICMP, CIDR, IGMP, AND PPP
  • Supports application-layer protocols such as DNS resolver, DHCP, HTTP, FTP, TFTP, Telnet, SMTP, SNMPv1, and SNMPv2
  • Supports lower-layer protocols such as Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) and PPP (includes CHAP, LCP, PAP, CCP, and IPCP)
  • Provides a Berkeley Socket (BSD) API and supports stream and datagram sockets
  • Supports high-performance, re-entrant operation
  • Supports multihoming and multiple devices
  • Includes configurable network parameters
  • Works with Ethernet drivers that accompany NXP MQX RTOS
  • Supports dynamically configurable gateways
  • Provides network status and diagnostics
  • Is written in 100% ANSI C

MQX Real-Time TCP/IP Communication Suite (RTCS)

MQX Real-Time TCP/IP Communication Suite (RTCS)
Product Description
MQX v5 Software Solutions MQX v5 is a continuation of the MQX Classic product available under low-cost commercial licensing terms.
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) The IPv6 extension for MQX Real Time Communication Suite (RTCS) is an optional IPv6 add-on for MQX RTCS.