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Through our online catalog and shopping cart, you can quickly and easily buy parts, software, development tools or third-party products that have a "Add to cart" button Add to cart next to them. Simply click the button to add the product to your cart and then make your purchase using major credit cards, wire transfers or purchase orders. Items can be shipped to virtually anywhere in the world. There is no minimum order quantity. Follow the simple four-step instruction process to the right to get started with buying direct from NXP.
If there is not a ‘Add to cart’ button next to a part or other product, it is not available for sale on the NXP website. In this instance, click the "Order from Distributor" link Order from Distributor or contact your local distributor. Find an authorized distributor near you.
Order free samples to investigate, prototype and test in your designs before you buy.
Step 1:
Register at If you are already a member, just sign in.
Step 2:
Search for a device. Orderable parts are identified with a "Add to cart" button Add to cart located next to the part number.
Step 3:
Select the "Add to cart" button Add to cart to add the item to your shopping cart. Once you've added an item to your cart, you can update your cart, continue shopping or proceed to checkout.
You can access the contents of your shopping cart at any time by clicking the shopping cart icon at the top of the page.
Step 4:
Once you have placed your order, you will receive a confirmation email. At any time you can track the progress of your order from your personalized registered user home page. (Delivery time varies upon product availability and shipping method.)
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