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The EVSE-iMX93 kit comes pre-wired with two plexiglass platforms. One plexiglass platform is for the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) side and one plexiglass platform is for the Electric Vehicle (EV) side. The EVSE-iMX93 kit contains the following hardware boards and cables:
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The primary EasyEVSE application software for the EVSE and EV runs in the Linux operating environment on the i.MX 93 host controllers. (The same flash image is used on both i.MX 93 host controllers) A Linux PC is required to build the i.MX Linux image.
The below sections provide links to the required software.
Follow the instructions at github to build the i.MX 93 EasyEVSE software image on your Linux build host. Consult the i.MX Linux User's Guide for details.
1. $ repo init -u https://github.com/nxp-imx-support/nxp-easyevse-mpu-manifest -b release/easyevse-mpu-2.0 -m
2. repo sync
3. $ DISTRO=fsl-imx-wayland MACHINE=imx93evk-easyevse . imx-setup-easyevse.sh -b build_imx93 -r humble
4. bitbake imx-image-easyevse
Consult the i.MX Linux User's Guide for details flashing the system image on the i.MX 93 EVKs. The same image runs on both the EVSE and EV.
5. cd tmp/deploy/images/imx93evk-easyevse
6. uuu -b emmc_all imx-boot imx-image-easyevse-imx93evk-easyevse.wic.zst
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The firmware for the LPC5536 needs to be pre-loaded on the EVSE-SIG-BRD1X/2X signal board. Consult the EVSE-SIG-BRD1X/2X User Guide on the design page EasyEVSE EV Charging Signal Board for instructions on recompiling and installing the firmware as necessary.
Please follow the instructions for the MCUXpresso installer for Linux to flash the EVSE-SIG-BRD1X/2X with the related binary file here.
To run the setup, the used EVSE-SIG-BRD1X or EVSE-SIG-BRD2X needs to be flashed with the related software for the EVSE and EV side.
Download the software for the EVSE side for the EVSE-SIG-BRD1X/2X
Download the software for the EV side for the EVSE-SIG-BRD1X/2X
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The EVSE-iMX93 comes as a pre-wired kit.
Please consult the User Guide of the EasyEVSE Development Platform (Linux OS, Wi-Fi 6) for the required power up sequence of the platform.
The User Guide provides additional information on how to use the Azure IoT Central application to monitor telemetry, update properties and send commands to your EasyEVSE device.
The User Manuel of the EasyEVSE Development Platform (Linux OS, Wi-Fi 6) describes how to implement the EdgeLock SE050 Plug & Trust Middleware of the OM-SE050ARD-E EdgeLock SE050 development board.
This video describes the creation and setup of Azure IoT Central application, using a shareable link template and the configuration of a mutually secure and authenticated connection with the Azure Iot Central. Also the User Guide of the EasyEVSE Development Platform (Linux OS, Wi-Fi 6) provides additional information on how to use the Azure IoT Central application to monitor telemetry, update properties and send commands to your EasyEVSE device.
The account creation and template setup of Azure IoT Central is applicable for the Ethernet and Wi-Fi solution.
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