SESIP System-Level Security for IoT Applications | NXP Semiconductors

SESIP System-Level Security for IoT Applications



John Boggie

John Boggie

John is active in defining new certification techniques and aligning emerging technology with certification processes. John helped develop the SESIP certification — a GlobalPlatform IoT Certification Standard. Previously from 2013-2018, he was Director of Eurosmart ISCI Group, working with industry and government cyber agencies, defining the landscape for Security IC certifications. Throughout his career, he worked on a variety of hardware and software security certification projects across many different standards and industries, including Common Criteria, FIPS, banking, ID, transport, industrial and others. Before joining NXP, he worked in the Security IC industry at a number of companies, including Atmel and Inside Secure. He studied Physics and Electronics at Caledonian University, Hull University and Dundee University.