5G PNG (1.0 MB)
Illustrations of NXP technology applications available for download.
Image Utilization: Photo may be used to accompany reports on NXP provided the source in mentioned. Resale to third parties is prohibited.
5G PNG (1.0 MB)
5G Use Cases PNG (2.0 MB)
6G City WB PNG (2.0 MB)
Battery Management PNG (1.73 MB)
Change Lane Detection PNG (601 KB)
City of Tomorrow PNG (1.55 MB)
Connected Car PNG (2.0 MB)
Connected Car Devices PNG (2.0 MB)
Emergency Braking PNG (810 KB)
Ethernet PNG (393 KB)
Exit Parking PNG (2.0 MB)
Factory Automation with iMX9 PNG (1.34 MB)
Factory Process Automation PNG (859 KB)
Industrial Safety PNG (799 KB)
IVN CAN Network and ECUs PNG (993 KB)
Loss of Steering PNG (2.0 MB)
Mobile Wallet PNG (646 KB)
NXP Car PNG (556 KB)
OTA with S32G2 PNG (1.15 MB)
Parking Assist PNG (1.0 MB)
People Detection PNG (1.0 MB)
Rain RFID PNG (455 KB)
Rear Collision Radar View PNG (747 KB)
Road Condition Sensors PNG (465 KB)
Smart Building PNG (675 KB)
Smart City Connected PNG (1.0 MB)
Smart Home Connected PNG (1.0 MB)
Secure ID PNG (922 KB)
Sigfox Anti-jam PNG (493 KB)
Sigfox Foodchain PNG (377 KB)
Sigfox Remote Service PNG (2.2 MB)
Sigfox Supply Chain PNG (2.97 MB)
Sigfox Tracking PNG (1.68 MB)
Supermarket Parking PNG (1.0 MB)
Trimension Portfolio JPG (52 KB)
Unintended Acceleration on Grade PNG (1.0 MB)
UWB Autonomous Parking PNG (2.31 MB)
UWB Autonomous Payment PNG (1.4 MB)
UWB Car Access PNG (2.37 MB)
UWB Car Positioning PNG (1.43 MB)
UWB Car Starting PNG (2.37 MB)
UWB Item Tracking PNG (2.11 MB)
UWB Parking Spot Detection PNG (2.16 MB)
UWB Smart City PNG (1.11 MB)
Vehicle Detection PNG (842 KB)
Zero Road Accidents PNG (2.0 MB)
Zero Vehicle Emission PNG (2.0 MB)
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Technology Visualizations
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