202005038A:Incorporation of Tape Holder for TSSOP48 Assembly
  • Product Change Notification (PCN)
  • 202005038A

202005038A : Incorporation of Tape Holder for TSSOP48 Assembly

Two changes will be made:1) NXP will implement a leadframe tape holder to provide long lead stability at wire bond.2) Realign MSL rating to MSL3 to be consistent with other package types. (which results in a change from non-drybagged to a dry bag ship format)

PCN Type Change Category Issue Date
Advanced Product Change Notification Assembly materials, Packing/Shipping/Labeling 21-Oct-2020

Reason of Change

1) Implement a 'tape holder' in the assembly process where the laedframe is afixed to the platten in the wire-bond process. This is being done to eliminate vibration during wire bonding thereby improving wire bond robustness. Its key to note that the current assembly methodology is robust as Millions of the TSSOP48/56 package have been produced without the tape and there has been only 1 return where a broken ball neck was observed. This implementation will assure customer deliveries. The 'to-be' implememented tape solution has been successfully employed on several package types within NXP.2) To further improve package robustness Ratings on those TSSOP48/56 products with rating MSL1 will be changed to MSL3 to be internally consistent within the package family. This change virtually eliminates package delamination after assembly reflow. As there will be a reclassification from MSL1 to MSL3 the associated orderable 12NC will need to also be changed. The Final PCN will contain the updated 12NC information.

Identification of Affected Products

Packing labels Packing labels will reflect an MSL3.

Anticipated Impact

Data sheet revision: No impact to existing datasheet

No difference in reliability results pre/post implementation of tape holder.No impact on form fit function reliability or quality.

Timing and Logistics

The Final PCN is planned to be issued on 15-Nov-2020

Affected Parts

Part Number / 12NC Last Time Buy Date Last Time Delivery Date Replacement Part
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