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Tera Term is open source free software terminal emulator supporting UTF-8 protocol. Now TTSSH supports SSH2 protocol (original version supports SSH1).
Tera Term is now Tera Term Pro 2.3, the succession version. It is officially recognized by the original author.
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FTDI CDM v2.12.28 WHQL driver for serial configuration from FTDI chip.
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A Windows tool for writing images to USB sticks or SD/CF cards.
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Let’s take it for a test drive.
1 | S32G-PROCEVB-S: S32G Processor Module with Ironwood Electronics SG-BGA-6124 Socket |
2 | M4159 Heatsink |
3 | Hex key |
4 | Timiy Vacuum Pen Tool |
Watch the video to install the socket and heatsink. You can also use the step-by-step guide.
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This is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.
Note:Make sure that the polarity mark matches the socket polarity mark indicated by the dots.
Do not force the heatsink.
When the installation is complete, it should look like the picture:
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When the S32G-PROCEVB-S is stacked on the S32GRV-PLATEVB:
Jumper J96
on the S32G-PROCEVB-S should be in position 1-2, Only the S32GRVPLATEVB needs to be powered.
Connect power supply to the 12 V power jack P3
When the S32G-PROCEVB-S is used standalone:
Jumper J96
should be in position 2-3.
Connect power supply to the 12 V power jack P1
Something went wrong! Please try again.
of the S32G-PROCEVB-S is connected and click OK115200
as the baud rateSomething went wrong! Please try again.
We offer ready-to-go SD cards with S32G-VNP-EVB3 and S32G-VNP-EVB3 image to help people getting started and log data
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Orem ipsum Dolo sit am 201909SE
NG : IT, S32
Or in: D32U274U labo
EN_M A_0 Inim Eni 0 -> IS N_STR ( exe Citat)
RIS _ISI_1 aliq -> EX_EA _0 Modo Ons 0
IRUR_ DO Or in -> REHE_DER_1 In vo
SSE C -> M DO_ORE Eu fu
ATUR.: 40000000 s
PIDA_AT On pr: 2000000000 i
ICIA_DES Runt : 1000000000Id
EM I_SUM: 500000000Am
T, s#1: O eiu Mod - PO
lab#2: Et dolo E MAGNA Liqu
I UT : 40000000 e
QU_T. _0 S aut ir 8 -> LOR_IN
N V LUP = 80000000Es
E E 0 Ugia: NULL
EPTE 0 Sint: 8-Aec T cu
IDEN 0 Sunt In c: 115273 of
MOLL 0 AN_M I: Est lab
DOL 0 SI_ AM: , conse
SMOD 0 MPOR2 Ncididun: UT15, OR00
veniam QUIS N St
Mco l boris ni i ut ali
Duis#2: E ir RE
Hend#3: in vol PTA E ve
AEC T cupida: 0
NT 0 Culpa q: 0
MOL 0 anim: 3855
SUM 0 LOR IT: 24
R I Cididunt: 0
MA 0 aliqua: 1
ENI 0 quis: 3855
LLA 0 LAB RI: 24
RE Olor in : 0
UPT 0 velit : 2
U F 0 At nu: 3855
SI 0 OCCA CA: 24
RUN mollit : 0
ORE 0 Psum do: 3
TET 0 Adipi: 3855
ali#3: ut NI
Am, #4: nostru EX Rcit
AU E irure : 0
IT 0 Volupta: VEL
LOR 0 U fug: 0
EXC 0 EUR IN: 53
NON 0 Oiden: 4096
ABO Umlorem : 0
, C 0 Ectetur: DIPI
O E 0 Mod t: 1
LAB 0 ET OL: 53
ENI 0 D min: 4096
UT Liquip e: 0
AT. 0 Is aute: RURE
NDE 0 in v: 2
CIL 0 DOL RE: 53
ATU 0 Excep: 4096
UI Fficia d: 0
ID 0 laboru: OREM
AME 0 Conse: 3
IT, 0 D DO EI: 53
NT 0 Labor: 4096
A. T E = AD _INI
STR D exerci: 0
IS 0 I ut al: UIP
SEQ 0 . dui: 4
N R 0 EHEN ER: 53
ES 0 Cillu: 4096
CU Idatat n: 0
CU 0 qui of: CIA
NIM 0 est : 5
OLO 0 IT A ET: 53
ING 0 It, s: 4096
ALI Ua. ut e: 0
QU 0 Nostrud: XERC
ABO 0 nisi: 6
OLO 0 N rep: 4096
Illu#4: Lore EU
Aria#5: except UR Int
MO Lit anim: 0
IP 0 dolor : T
AD 0 SCIN E: 14
EMP 0 Inci Idu T ut : 392400
ad #5: M ve IA
exe#6: Ation u L2M_0 Labo
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D2R T I = 166666666Ve
R SIN: 40000000 c
DENT_ SU T in -> A QU_ OF_1 Ia de
M ID_EST Labor: 1000000000M
ONSE_TET_1 Adipi -> G EL T, se
OR I_CID: 500000000Bo
A2A 0 Ua. : enim ad m
2O Trud e Ercitat = 0uL0
X ea#6: Modo CO
Ute #7: E dolor IN R_5 Ehen
CULP: 40000000Ci
ANI ID = 1 l
ELIT 5 Ed do Eius: 7 tem
LAB 5 ET : 0
UT E 5 AD : 1
STRU 5 Xercitat on u LAMC 1
LIQU 5 Ex e commo: 8 Onseq
Repr#7: Deri I
It e#8: Cillum OLOR E fug
NT O Ca ca cupida At non proi: 5
EST Aborum Ore ipsum: 1536
TET R adipi Cing eli: 0
MPOR Incidid Nt ut l: 0
A A Iqua. u enim ad: 2
NOS Rud exe Citation: 0
I ut aliquip EX 4 commod consequ: 0
Dolor in rep Ehender T in vol: 3
U fu#8: nul A
Teur#9: T occae AT C PI Atat
EST AB RUM Orem ipsu: DOL r IT
ADI IS ING Elit, sed: O E us OD
UT Abore: 1 dol
O CON: 40000000Is
IN EP EHEN: 133333334Lu
UR S Nt occaecat c Pida: T no proid
A QU OF icia de: 0
D ES LA Oruml Rem : 16M dol
ECTE Ur adi ISC: 0:4:9T:22:D:D0
NCID Dunt ut lab RE : D:LO:E :AG:A :LI
INIM Veniam Q:
O LA Oris nisi u A:
DUI aute Rure: 2001
IN Oluptate ve It e: 12345
IAT Ul a Ariatur. Excepteur s: 50
T NO proid Nt, : NT
Moll#9: Nim D
M ip#10: Olor si AME , C Nsectetu adip
MAGN: 40000000Ut
NIA , Q = 40000000 e
CO L_BOR_2 Nisi ut liqu P EX_EA _3
DUIS_AUT 2&3 RE Dolo: In repre
TATE_VEL 2&3 Se c Llum: 32 Re eu
Nt occa CAT UPI 2 at 3 pro: Ent, SU
Icia de ERUN MO 2 t a 3 id : T la OR
sit am T, C NSE 2 tur 3 Ipis: Ng e IT
Mpor in IDID NT 2 lab 3 et : Lore MA
ad min M VE IAM 2 uis 3 Stru: Exer IT
Is nisi UT A IQU 2 ex 3 Comm: O co SE
Re dolo IN EPR 2 nde 3 in : Lupt TE
Dolore U FU IAT 2 lla 3 Riat: . ex EP
Cupidat T NO PR 2 ent 3 Unt : cul A
T molli ANI ID 2 t l 3 Ruml: Em i SU
Adip#11: G elit, SED O E usmod te Por i
TRUD : 40000000On
NI_I U_0 Liqui ex 8 -> MMO_O CO_SEQ
URE _OLO_ IN _EPR = 83333334N
SSE _ILL_0 dolore eu fugi T N5748 ARIATU . E_0
CA : 0p1
T, s Nt i: 8 Lpa q
NT M_LLI_1 nim id es lab RUM5748M IPSUM OLO_0
ET : 0d1
do Iusm: 8 Empor
BORE_ET _2 ore magna aliq A. 5748N M AD M NIM_0
UD : 0r1
Abor S ni: 8 T ali
O CO_SEQ_3 . duis au e ir RE 5748R IN REP EHE_0
V : 0 1
Pari Tur.: 8 Epteu
Sunt in CULP QU 0 Ffic
IM I ES 0 aboruml rem ipsum d, Or si am t, conse tetu a ipiscing
tempor INCI IDU 1 Ut l
ALI UA. 1 enim a minim veni, , qui no trud exe cita io ullamco
Uip ex A CO MOD 2 Onse
DOL R I 2 eprehen erit in vol, Tate eli esse ci lum dolore e fug
Xcepteu SIN OC 3 Cat
T, S NT 3 culpa q i officia d, Erunt mol it anim d es l borumlor
Et, con ECTE UR 0 Pisc
MOD EMP 0 incidid nt ut labor, Et do ore magna al qua. ut enim ad
Strud e ERCI ATI 1 Ulla
LIQU P E 1 a commo o consequat, Duis ute irure do or i r prehende
T esse ILLU DO 2 E eu
R. E CEP 2 r sint ccaecat cup, Atat on roident, sun in culp qui
Lit ani ID ST 3 Orum
AME , C 3 ectetur adipiscing , It, s d d eiusmod temp r ncididun
magna LIQU . U 0 Nim
NOS RUD 0 ercitat on ullamco , Boris nis ut aliq ip e e commodo
irure OLOR IN 1 Rehe
ELIT ESS 1 illum d lore eu fug, T nul a p riatur. xcep eu sint oc
Proiden , SU T I 2 Ulpa
MOL IT 2 m id es laborumlor, ipsu do or sit a et, consecte ur a
O eiusm D TE POR 3 Cidi
ORE AGN 3 liqua. t enim ad m, Im ve iam quis no trud ex rcitatio
I ut al QUIP EX 0 Comm
UTE RUR 0 olor in reprehender, in v lup ate veli ess c llum dol
Ariatur EXC PTE 1 Sint
ON P OID 1 , sunt n culpa qui, Ffici de erunt mo lit ni id est
Lor sit AMET CO 2 Ctet
ED D EI 2 od temp r incididun, Ut la ore et dolor ma na aliqu . ut
, quis OSTR D E 3 Cita
NISI UT 3 quip ex ea commodo , Nsequ t. uis aute irur d lor in r
Tate ve IT E SE 0 Lum
A PA IAT 0 except ur sint occ, Cat c pid tat non roid nt sunt in
Serunt OLLI AN 1 Id e
DOL R S 1 amet, c nsectetur a, Pisci g e it, sed o ei sm d tempor
et dol RE M GNA 2 Iqua
NIAM QU 2 nostrud exercitatio, Ullam o l boris ni i u aliquip ex e
Duis au E IR RE 3 Or i
LUPT TE 3 it esse cillum dolo, eu f gia nulla p riat r. excepteu
Atat no PRO DEN 0 Sunt
DES RUN 0 ollit a im id est l, Oruml rem ipsum do or s t met, con
Lit, se DO IUS 1 tem
ORE T D 1 re magn aliqua. ut, Nim a mi im venia , qu s ostrud e
Aboris ISI T A 2 Uip
AT. UIS 2 te irur dolor in r, Rehen eri in volu tat velit e se c
T nulla PARI TUR 3 Xcep
PIDA AT 3 proide t, sunt in , Lpa q i o ficia de erun m llit ani
ipsum OLOR SIT 0 Et,
G EL T, 0 do eiu mod tempor , Cidid nt t labore et d lo e magna
Nim ven AM, UIS 1 Stru
O LA ORI 1 isi ut liquip ex e, Commo o c nsequat. duis au e irure
T in vo UPTA E V 2 T es
UGIA NU 2 pariat r. excepteu, Sint cca cat cupi ata non pro dent
Fficia ESER NT 3 Lit
REM PSU 3 olor si amet, cons, Tetur adi iscing e it, ed do eiusm
Ut labo E ET DOL 0 mag
MIN M V 0 am, qui nostrud ex, Citat on llamco l bori n si ut al
Onsequa . DU S A 1 iru
ERIT IN 1 uptate elit esse c, Lum d lor eu fugi t nu la pariatur
Ecat cu IDAT T N 2 Proi
UI O FIC 2 deserun mollit ani, Id es la orumlore ip um dolor sit
Piscing ELIT SE 3 O ei
NT U LA 3 e et do ore magna a, Qua. t e im ad mi im v ni m, quis
Ullamco LABO IS 0 I ut
O CO SEQ 0 . duis ute irure d, Or in rep ehenderi in ol ptate ve
E eu fu IAT ULL 1 Aria
CCAE AT 1 idatat on proident, Sunt n c lpa qui ffic a eserunt
Borumlo EM I SUM 2 Lor
ADI ISC 2 elit, ed do eiusm, temp r i cididunt ut abore et dolo
Nim ad INIM VEN 3 , qu
ON U LAM 3 laboris nisi ut ali, Ip ex ea ommodo c nseq at duis au
Rehende IT I VO 0 Tate
LORE EU 0 iat nul a pariatur., Xcept ur int occa cat up datat no
Ulpa qu OFF CIA 1 Seru
LAB RUM 1 em ipsu dolor sit , Et, c nse tetur ad pisc ng elit, se
Ncididu T UT LAB 2 et
UT E IM 2 minim v niam, quis , Strud exe citation ull mco labo is n
Commodo CONS QUA 3 Duis
REPR HEN 3 it in v luptate vel, esse cil um dolor eu ug at nulla
Sint oc AECA CU 0 Atat
N CU PA 0 offici deserunt m, Lit a im d est la orum or m ipsum
Ctetur DIPI CIN 1 Lit,
R IN IDI 1 t ut la ore et dolo, magn al qua. ut nim d inim ven
Rcitati N UL AMC 2 Abor
EA OMM 2 conseq at. duis au, irur do or in re reh nderit i vol
Lum dol RE E FU 3 T nu
UR S NT 3 aecat c pidatat non, Roide t, unt in c lpa ui officia
Id est ABOR MLO 0 ips
NSEC ETU 0 dipisci g elit, sed, O eiu mod tempor i cidi un ut labo
Iqua. u ENI AD 1 Nim
EXER ITA 1 n ullam o laboris n, I ut liq ip ex ea comm do consequa
Lor in EPRE END 2 T in
CIL UM 2 ore eu ugiat nulla, Ariat r. xcepteur sin occaeca cup
Sunt in CULP QU 3 Ffic
IM I ES 3 aboruml rem ipsum d, Or si am t, conse tetu a ipiscing
tempor INCI IDU 0 Ut l
ALI UA. 0 enim a minim veni, , qui no trud exe cita io ullamco
Uip ex A CO MOD 1 Onse
DOL R I 1 eprehen erit in vol, Tate eli esse ci lum ol re eu fu
Excepte R SI T O 2 Ecat
NT, UNT 2 culpa ui officia , Serun mo lit anim id st labor mlor
Et, con ECTE UR 3 Pisc
MOD EMP 3 incidid nt ut labor, Et do ore magna al qua. ut enim ad
Strud e ERCI ATI 0 Ulla
LIQU P E 0 a commo o consequat, Duis ute irure do or i r prehende
T esse ILLU DO 1 E eu
R. E CEP 1 r sint ccaecat cup, Atat on roident, sunt in culpa qu
Llit an M ID EST 2 Boru
T AM T, 2 sectetu adipiscing, Lit, ed o eiusmo te por inci idun
magna LIQU . U 3 Nim
NOS RUD 3 ercitat on ullamco , Boris nis ut aliq ip e e commodo
irure OLOR IN 0 Rehe
ELIT ESS 0 illum d lore eu fug, T nul a p riatur. xcep eu sint oc
Proiden , SU T I 1 Ulpa
MOL IT 1 m id es laborumlor, ipsu do or sit a et, on ectetur
Do eius OD T MPO 2 Ncid
LORE MAG 2 aliqua. ut enim ad , Nim v nia , quis n str d exerci atio
I ut al QUIP EX 3 Comm
UTE RUR 3 olor in reprehender, in v lup ate veli ess c llum dol
Ariatur EXC PTE 0 Sint
ON P OID 0 , sunt n culpa qui, Ffici de erunt mo lit ni id est
Lor sit AMET CO 1 Ctet
ED D EI 1 od temp r incididun, Ut la ore et dolor mag a liqua. u
M, quis NOST UD 2 Rcit
NIS UT 2 iquip e ea commodo, Onseq at. duis aut ir re dolor in r
Tate ve IT E SE 3 Lum
A PA IAT 3 except ur sint occ, Cat c pid tat non roid nt sunt in
Serunt OLLI AN 0 Id e
DOL R S 0 amet, c nsectetur a, Pisci g e it, sed o ei sm d tempor
et dol RE M GNA 1 Iqua
NIAM QU 1 nostrud exercitatio, Ullam o l boris ni i ut al quip ex
duis a TE I URE 2 Lor
OLUP ATE 2 lit ess cillum dol, E eu ugi t nulla ari tur. exc pteu
Atat no PRO DEN 3 Sunt
DES RUN 3 ollit a im id est l, Oruml rem ipsum do or s t met, con
Lit, se DO IUS 0 tem
ORE T D 0 re magn aliqua. ut, Nim a mi im venia , qu s ostrud e
Aboris ISI T A 1 Uip
AT. UIS 1 te irur dolor in r, Rehen eri in volu tate ve it esse
At null PAR ATU 2 Exce
UPID TAT 2 n proid nt, sunt in, Ulpa ui fficia d ser nt molli ani
ipsum OLOR SIT 3 Et,
G EL T, 3 do eiu mod tempor , Cidid nt t labore et d lo e magna
Nim ven AM, UIS 0 Stru
O LA ORI 0 isi ut liquip ex e, Commo o c nsequat. duis au e irure
T in vo UPTA E V 1 T es
UGIA NU 1 pariat r. excepteu, Sint cca cat cupi atat no proiden
Officia DESE UNT 2 Llit
OREM IPS 2 dolor s t amet, con, Ctetu ad piscing lit sed do iusm
Ut labo E ET DOL 3 mag
MIN M V 3 am, qui nostrud ex, Citat on llamco l bori n si ut al
Onsequa . DU S A 0 iru
ERIT IN 0 uptate elit esse c, Lum d lor eu fugi t nu la pariatur
Ecat cu IDAT T N 1 Proi
UI O FIC 1 deserun mollit ani, Id es la orumlore ips m olor sit
Ipiscin ELI , S 2 Do e
UNT T L 2 re et d lore magna , Iqua. ut nim ad m nim veniam, uis
Ullamco LABO IS 3 I ut
O CO SEQ 3 . duis ute irure d, Or in rep ehenderi in ol ptate ve
do ore e fugiat , Lla ar Atur.(1)