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The MCUXpresso SDK is complimentary and includes full source code under a permissive open source license for all hardware abstraction and peripheral driver software.
The MCUXpresso SDK contains USB Type-C Power Delivery middleware to support rapid development.
Click below for instructions on how to use the SDK Builder to create a custom SDK package with USB Power Delivery support.
Use the online MCUXpresso SDK Builder to create a custom SDK package for the FRDM-KL28Z board.
)Use the online MCUXpresso SDK Builder to create a custom SDK package for the FRDM-KL28Z board.
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NXP offers a complimentary toolchain called MCUXpresso IDE
Want to use a different toolchain?
No problem. The MCUXpresso USB Power Delivery SDK includes support for IAR Embedded Workbench IDE .
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The MCUXpresso Config Tool is an integrated suite of configuration tools that guide users in creating new MCUXpresso SDK projects, and also provides pin and clock tools to generate initialization C code for custom board support.
Get MCUXpresso Config ToolsSomething went wrong! Please try again.
Many of the example applications output data over the MCU UART so you'll want to make sure that the driver for the board's virtual COM port is installed. Before you run the driver installer, you MUST have the board plugged into your PC.
With the serial port driver installed, run your favorite terminal application to view the serial output from the MCU's UART. Configure the terminal to 115200 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity, and one stop bit. To determine the port number of the FRDM-KL28Z virtual COM port, open the device manager and look under the "Ports" group.
Not sure how to use a terminal application? Try one of these tutorials: Tera Term Tutorial, PuTTY Tutorial
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The MCUXpresso SDK comes with an extensive list of example applications code.
The USB Power Delivery SDK middleware provides several example codes compatible with the USB Type-C PD Shield Board located at <sdk_install_directory>/boards/frdmkl28z_om13588/usb_examples</sdk_install_directory>
To learn more about specific example code, open the readme.txt file in an example's directory.
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If one or more of the demo applications or driver examples sounds interesting, you probably want to know how you can build and debug yourself. The Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK guide provides easy, step-by-step instructions on how to configure, build, and debug demos for all toolchains supported by the SDK.
Use the guide below to learn how to open, build, and debug a USB PD example application using the MCUXpresso IDE.
The following steps will guide you through open. Compile and download the usb_pd application to the FRDM-KL28Z.
The following steps guide you trough opening the usb-pd example.
” to C library “printf
” to use the MCUXpresso SDK console functions for printing instead of generic C library ones. Then click on Finishfrdmkl28z_om13588_usb_examples_usb_pd_bm
’ [Debug]The USB Type-C PD stack needs one provider and one consumer, repeat steps 1 through 6 to program the second board.
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Use the guide below for a step-by-step guide on how to assemble the hardware and running the usb_pd DRP example application.
The following steps show how to connect and run the usb_pd example application.
and J12
to the 2-3 positionJ5
and J8
pin 6 at the USB Type-C ShieldJ1
jackFor extra information, please use the "MCUXpresso SDK USB Type-C PD Stack User's Guide" located at the document folder
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Clone a USB PD example project from MCUXpresso SDK
Option A: Use the MCUXpresso IDE to clone an example project
category, and then click the checkbox next to usb_pd_sink_battery_bm
to choose that project. Select UART as the SDK Debug Console under the project options. Then, click NextPRINTF
” to C library “printf
” to use the MCUXpresso SDK console functions for printing instead of generic C library ones. Then click on FinishSomething went wrong! Please try again.
project. Then click NextSomething went wrong! Please try again.
Tera Term is a very popular open source terminal emulation application. This program can be used to display information sent from your Freescale development platform's virtual serial port.
baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. To do this, go to Setup → Serial Port and change the settingsPuTTY is a popular terminal emulation application. This program can be used to display information sent from your Freescale development platform's virtual serial port
file you downloaded or from the Start menu, depending on the type of download you selected115200