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Connect the Sensor Demonstration Kit to the PC via the USB cable between the OpenSDA USB port on the board and the USB connector on the PC.
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All the supported sensor demonstration kits should work “Out of Box” with the FreeMASTER Sensor Tool. These sensor kits do not require any hardware configuration changes. Refer to “Hardware Configuration” subsection of FreeMASTER Sensor Tool GUI to get more details on default jumper settings on the sensor kit.
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NXP Freedom MCU boards are supplied with OpenSDA firmware preloaded.
For a smooth ‘Out of Box’ experience with FreeMASTER Sensor Tool, make sure that the latest version of the default OpenSDA boot loader and Firmware application is on the supported Freedom development board. This allows debugging, flash programming and serial communication over a USB cable.
Obtain the latest OpenSDA drivers for FRDM boards from the link below.
OpenSDA Update to the FRDM boards
Locate the section "Download – OpenSDA Bootloader and Application" and select your FRDM Board from the dropdown list. Strictly follow the provided instructions to program the board.
For Windows 10 systems, the older versions of the OpenSDA drivers could get corrupted when the board is plugged on a Windows 10 machine. As a result, many boards might get not detected as an MSD or a COM port on Win 10. The latest versions of the OpenSDA software are compatible with Windows 10 and can be obtained from the link above. The current FRDM-K64F, FRDM-K22F and FRDM-KL27Z boards come with an older version of OpenSDA drivers from the factory and require a mandatory OpenSDA update.
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The output data from the provided example applications is provided over the MCU UART. This requires that the driver for the board’s virtual COM port is installed on the PC. The board MUST be plugged into the PC before the driver installer is run.
If you have not installed already an Arm IDE toolchain, download and Install the Windows drivers corresponding to the default OpenSDA Application selected above:
Once the Windows Serial Port Drivers are installed on the PC, determine the port number of the board’s virtual COM port by opening the device manager and looking under the "Ports" group.
The demonstration kit is now ready to communicate with the PC.
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The FreeMASTER application is distributed as a standalone, single-file, self-extracting, executable file. Download the latest FreeMASTER Tool – Windows Installer file from FreeMASTER Tool page, install the tool and proceed according to the onscreen instructions.
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The FreeMASTER sensor tool provides the following:
Perform following steps to download and install FreeMASTER sensor tool:
Run the installer and follow any onscreen instructions. By default, the installer app installs the package into c:\nxp\FreeMASTER_Sensor Tool folder and refer to it as "FreeMASTER Sensor Tool directory"
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This section refers to FRDM-K22F-A8974 (FXLS8974CF Demo) for execution steps. For other supported sensor demos, apply similar steps.
Go to “<FreeMASTER sensor tool directory>/sensors/fxls8974cf” folder.
Drag and drop “frdmk22f_a89xx_i2c_project.bin” firmware into “FRDM-K22F” virtual mass drive on your Windows PC. When the file copy operation completes, unplug and replug the board into your Windows PC.
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Import the “frdmk22f_a89xx_i2c_project” available under "<FreeMASTER Sensor Projects directory> to start with the template project.
Identify the target output variables to control, monitor and visualize using the FreeMASTER Sensor Tool host application.
Create a TSA (Target Side Addressable) translation table using FreeMASTER macros and add user identified output variables into TSA.
Rebuild your embedded project and program the FRDM-K22F-A8974 evaluation kit.
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Create custom sensor host GUI application using out-of-the-box demo template.
Launch the FreeMASTER Windows application and connect the FRDM-K22F-A8974 evaluation kit to your development PC via the USB cable between the OpenSDA USB port on the board and the USB connector on the PC.
Run the connection wizard on the FreeMASTER application. The connection wizard detects the COM port and starts an empty project.
Add TSA mapped variables into the FreeMASTER “Variable Watch” window.
Right-click on your project name and select “Create Oscilloscope” to add one or more oscilloscopes to your project and add watch variables (for example, Accel X):
Create the GUI control page using FreeMASTER json-rpc APIs for reading/writing mapped variables.
Use the available, out-of-the-box example HTML control page template (index.html available under “<FreeMASTER sensor tool directory>/sensors/fxls8974cf” folder) as a reference to add custom widgets such as drop-down, display boxes, buttons and charts.
Save the the GUI project (*pmpx).
After performing these steps, the sensor host application is ready for use.
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Want to learn more about using the FreeMASTER Sensor tool? Check out our selection of training offerings ranging from online mini tech sessions to hands-on deep-dive training for help.