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The NXP EasyEVSE EV Charging Signal Board is an add-on board for several EV charging development platforms. This get started helps you to get the board up and running which integrates with an NXP host platform evaluation board. The main host of the system is on a separate processor development board. For EVSE simulation, the host platform board can be a i.MX 8 or 9 applications processor boards (MIMX93-EVK) or a i.MX RT crossover MCU board (MIMXRT1060/1064-EVK).
For EV simulation the host platform can be a i.MX 8 or 9 applications processor boards (MIMX93-EVK), a i.MX RT crossover MCU board (MIMXRT1060/1064-EVK), a S32G automotive processor board (S32G-VNP-RDB3) or a S32K3 MCU board (S32K3X4EVB-T172).
The NXP EasyEVSE EV Charging Signal Board kit contains the following:
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Get the required hardware and miscellaneous hardware and tools.
The EVSE-SIG-BRD kit can be used as add-on board to the EasyEVSE development platforms for the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) side or for the Electric Vehicle (EV) side. The EVSE-SIG-BRD2X kit contains the following:
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The NXP EasyEVSE EV Charging Signal Board takes the power from the host EVK connectors, for example, Arduino, EXP-CN, or MFP connector. To drive external relays (140 mA or above generated at 12 V), the board has a DC power jack for supplying 5 V external power. The kit comes with an 5V DC power supply. For using additional power supplies, please refer to the User Guide.
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Part identifier | Jumper type/default | Description |
1x3-pin header |
5V_SYS power source selection jumper:
1x3-pin header |
3.3V_SYS power source selection jumper:
1x2-pin header |
12V0_ISO supply enable jumper:
1x2-pin header |
-12V0_ISO supply enable jumper:
1x2-pin header |
EVSE/EV PWM loopback enable jumper:
2x2-pin header |
Control pilot selection jumper:
1x3-pin header |
Proximity pilot board test points:
1x2-pin header |
3V3_CG5317 supply enable jumper:
Open: 3V3_CG5317 supply is OFF Shorted (default setting): 3V3_CG5317 supply is produced from 3.3V_SYS supply |
1x2-pin header |
VCORE supply enable jumper:
1x2-pin header |
3.3 VA supply enable jumper:
1x3-pin header |
1x2-pin header |
MCU_VDD supply enable jumper:
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The NXP EasyEVSE EV Charging Signal Board application software for the EVSE and EV runs as bare metal environment on the LPC55s36 microcontroller. Two separate software is used for the EVSE and EV side of the board usage and can be downloaded via the provided SW zip file on the main NXP EasyEVSE EV Charging Signal Board design page. One Windows, Linux or MAC PC is required to build the LPC55S36 signal board software.
To program the signal board, the following software requirements needs to be downloaded and installed:
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MCUXpresso IDE is a free-of-charge, code-size-unlimited, and easy-to-use IDE for Kinetis and LPC MCUs and i.MX RT crossover processors.
To install MCUXpresso IDE, perform the following steps:
Note: Ensure to download the latest MCUXpresso version available.
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The following steps and illustrations show the setup processes for LPC5536-EVK, which can be used to as the SDK for LPC5536/LPC55S36 based EVSE-SIG-BRD2X.
Note: Get the recommended SDK release version from section A.3 Recommended SDK release version.
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After installing MCUXpresso, go to the EasyEVSE EV Charging Signal board design page, under the section Software and click on the download button for the EVSE-SIG-BRD2X Software_EVSE to be able to download the related software from GitHub.
Note: Make sure to download the related release of the software, depending on either using the MPU or MCU EasyEVSE application. Do the same for the EVSE-SIG-BRD2X Software_EV.
After downloading the EVSE-SIG-BRD EVSE and the EVSE-SIG-BRD EV from GitHub, import and program the corresponding project variant for the specific NXP EasyEVSE EV Charging Signal Board for EVSE and EV simulations.
To build the EVSE simulation software, perform the following steps in MCUXpresso:
To build the EV simulation software, perform the following steps:
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