Application Note (2)
LPC86x SPI Secondary Bootloader[AN13867]
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MCU-Link is the NXP single, unified debug probe architecture for all NXP general-purpose Arm® Cortex-M® based MCUs. MCU-Link is implemented on NXP´s latest evaluation boards (known as MCU-Link OB) and standalone versions (MCU-Link and MCU-Link Pro) are available for use with any system with a supported target NXP MCU. MCU-Link uses common firmware images for all implementations, with strap pins used to define the target type and supported features. The LinkServer utility installs drivers and provides firmware update and other useful utilities and should be installed to use all versions of MCU-Link.
MCU-Link can be used with MCUXpresso IDE or MCUXpresso for VS Code to fully utilize all available features, but can also be used with third-party IDEs. MCU-Link can also provide USB to UART, SPI and/or I²C interfaces (depending on MCU-Link type/implementation), a feature supported by the NXP open source LIBUSBSIO host library for Windows, MacOS and Linux. MCU-Link is also compatible with the MCUXpresso SEC tools, SP SDK and FreeMASTER.
MCU-Link is based on the LPC55S69 microcontroller to provide high-performance debug over high-speed USB.
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