Social Responsibility | NXP Semiconductors

Capacity Building

The purpose of our detailed capacity-building program is to make sure our manufacturing sites can recognize the signs of modern-day slavery for early intervention and a quick response. We educate our team members so they are aware of labor and human-rights issues. We particularly focus on team members whose job functions include purchasing, to understand compliance with applicable laws and standards.

Groups Training Received
Executive Management Team Requirements of NXP policies, codes and standards with the expectation that they will support the Program by approving/providing the resources necessary for its success
Manufacturing Management Team Requirements for facilitating and implementing the standards at a manufacturing site and how they can provide the necessary resources to sustain continuous improvement
Manufacturing Site Social Responsibility Team In-depth specifics for implementing the Program and standards at their manufacturing site and how, as individuals, they can support the effort in their respective functional area
Manufacturing Subject Matter Experts RBA lead-auditor training, or similar, and certification, emphasizing labor and ethics, so they can guide the site's Social Responsibility Team