About NXP | NXP Semiconductors

Together We Accelerate the Breakthroughs That Advance Our World

We build solutions—not just products—that enhance the capabilities of people, organizations and the world at large. We are committed to keeping our customers ahead of the competition and helping them to prepare for change.

  • The title of the SVG A longer, more complete description for complex graphics.
    Present in 30+ countries
  • The title of the SVG A longer, more complete description for complex graphics.
    Total quality, zero-defect mindset
  • The title of the SVG A longer, more complete description for complex graphics.
    Secure, cost-competitive capacity
  • The title of the SVG A longer, more complete description for complex graphics.
    ~34K talented team members

A Smarter World Will Be More Sustainable

As our digitally-enhanced world is evolving to anticipate and automate people’s needs, NXP strives to engage, protect and respect our relationship with the world. View our sustainability goals.

Sustainability Stories

NXP is committed to sustainability and helping to improve people’s lives around the world through technology. Our sustainability magazine gives you a glimpse of how our teams are advancing towards a more sustainable future.


To Learn More About Us