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NXP offers low-power, sub GHz wireless solutions for use in a wide range of applications. These high-performance, bi-directional radios operate over a wide frequency range, including 315, 433, 470, 868, 915, 928 MHz and 960 MHz in the license-free industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) frequency bands, based on proprietary modulations as FSK/GFSK/OOKn/MSK.
Wireless M-Bus is an open standard developed for ultra low power smart metering and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) applications, and is used for automatic electricity, gas, water and heat meter reading applications.
NXP’s leading-edge technology is reimagining logistics, leading to CO2 reduction and food waste minimization.
JN516x Zigbee Smart Energy is the world's leading standard for interoperable wireless products that monitor, control and automate the delivery and use of energy.
NXP's OL2385 RF wireless platform is a radio frequency transceiver with an embedded MCU ideal for industrial IoT and IoT applications such as smart metering.
NXP's OL2381AHN is a highly integrated single chip sub 1 GHz RF transceiver, suited to telemetry applications operating in the ISM/SRD bands.
Thomas Lorbach and Tom Pannell at NXP talk with Microwave Journal editorial director about the various types of LPWANs.
As a LPWAN protocol backed by a global connectivity service, Sigfox provides the kind of long-range that IoT devices need.
This embedded software solution provides high-level support for listed NXP analog parts (OL2385).
This application intended for FRDM-KL43Z allows users to control OL2385 by commands sent from PC terminal.
The OL2385 on a PIN-to-PIN compatible sub-wireless protocols such as Sigfox.
NXP is a leader in LPWAN technologies and offers highly integrated Sigfox options.
Sigfox solution delivers outstanding performance and optimized efficiency, and our Rapid IoT Development Platform makes it easy to explore ideas and create proof-of-concept designs.
Small, battery-powered devices, such as sensors, which collect and transmit readings for use in manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, utility grids and urban infrastructure.
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