Single-chip 16-bit/32-bit micro; 512 kB flash, Ethernet, CAN, ISP/IAP, USB 2.0 device/host/OTG, external memory interface

  • This page contains information on a product that is not recommended for new designs.

See product image

Product Details

Block Diagram

Block diagram: LPC2468FBD208, LPC2468FET208


  • Arm7TDMI-S processor, running at up to 72 MHz.
  • 512 kB on-chip flash program memory with In-System Programming (ISP) and In-Application Programming (IAP) capabilities. Flash program memory is on the Arm local bus for high performance CPU access.
  • 98 kB on-chip SRAM includes:
    • 64 kB of SRAM on the Arm local bus for high performance CPU access.
    • 16 kB SRAM for Ethernet interface. Can also be used as general purpose SRAM.
    • 16 kB SRAM for general purpose DMA use also accessible by the USB.
    • 2 kB SRAM data storage powered from the Real-Time Clock (RTC) power domain.
  • Dual Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB) system allows simultaneous Ethernet DMA, USB DMA, and program execution from on-chip flash with no contention.
  • EMC provides support for asynchronous static memory devices such as RAM, ROM and flash, as well as dynamic memories such as single data rate SDRAM.
  • Advanced Vectored Interrupt Controller (VIC), supporting up to 32 vectored interrupts.
  • General Purpose DMA controller (GPDMA) on AHB that can be used with the SSP, I²S-bus, and SD/MMC interface as well as for memory-to-memory transfers.
  • Serial Interfaces:
    • Ethernet MAC with MII/RMII interface and associated DMA controller. These functions reside on an independent AHB.
    • USB 2.0 full-speed dual port device/host/OTG controller with on-chip PHY and associated DMA controller.
    • Four UARTs with fractional baud rate generation, one with modem control I/O, one with IrDA support, all with FIFO.
    • CAN controller with two channels.
    • SPI controller.
    • Two SSP controllers, with FIFO and multi-protocol capabilities. One is an alternate for the SPI port, sharing its interrupt. SSPs can be used with the GPDMA controller.
    • Three I²C-bus interfaces (one with open-drain and two with standard port pins).
    • I²S (Inter-IC Sound) interface for digital audio input or output. It can be used with the GPDMA.
  • Other peripherals:
    • SD/MMC memory card interface.
    • 160 General purpose I/O pins with configurable pull-up/down resistors.
    • 10-bit ADC with input multiplexing among 8 pins.
    • 10-bit DAC.
    • Four general purpose timers/counters with 8 capture inputs and 10 compare outputs. Each timer block has an external count input.
    • Two PWM/timer blocks with support for three-phase motor control. Each PWM has an external count inputs.
    • RTC with separate power domain. Clock source can be the RTC oscillator or the APB clock.
    • 2 kB SRAM powered from the RTC power pin, allowing data to be stored when the rest of the chip is powered off.
    • WatchDog Timer (WDT). The WDT can be clocked from the internal RC oscillator, the RTC oscillator, or the APB clock.
  • Standard Arm test/debug interface for compatibility with existing tools.
  • Emulation trace module supports real-time trace.
  • Single 3.3 V power supply (3.0 V to 3.6 V).
  • Four reduced power modes: idle, sleep, power-down, and deep power-down.
  • Four external interrupt inputs configurable as edge/level sensitive. All pins on port 0 and port 2 can be used as edge sensitive interrupt sources.
  • Processor wake-up from Power-down mode via any interrupt able to operate during Power-down mode (includes external interrupts, RTC interrupt, USB activity, Ethernet wake-up interrupt, CAN bus activity, port 0/2 pin interrupt).
  • Two independent power domains allow fine tuning of power consumption based on needed features.
  • Each peripheral has its own clock divider for further power saving. These dividers help reduce active power by 20 % to 30 %.
  • Brownout detect with separate thresholds for interrupt and forced reset.
  • On-chip power-on reset.
  • On-chip crystal oscillator with an operating range of 1 MHz to 25 MHz.
  • 4 MHz internal RC oscillator trimmed to 1 % accuracy that can optionally be used as the system clock. When used as the CPU clock, does not allow CAN and USB to run.
  • On-chip PLL allows CPU operation up to the maximum CPU rate without the need for a high frequency crystal. May be run from the main oscillator, the internal RC oscillator, or the RTC oscillator.
  • Boundary scan for simplified board testing.
  • Versatile pin function selections allow more possibilities for using on-chip peripheral functions.

Target Applications

  • Industrial control
  • Medical systems
  • Protocol converter
  • Communications


N true 0 PSPLPC2468FET208en 22 Application Note Application Note t789 14 Brochure Brochure t518 2 Data Sheet Data Sheet t520 1 Errata Errata t522 1 Package Information Package Information t790 1 Supporting Information Supporting Information t531 2 User Guide User Guide t792 1 en_US en_US en Data Sheet Data Sheet 1 1 6.3 English NXP Semiconductors designed the LPC2468 microcontroller around a 16-bit/32-bit ARM7TDMI-S CPU core with real-time debug interfaces that include both JTAG and embedded trace. The LPC2468 has 512 kB of on-chip high-speed flash memory. This flash memory includes a special 128-bit wide memory interface and accelerator architecture that enables the CPU to execute sequential instructions from flash memory at the maximum 72 MHz system clock rate. This feature is available only on the LPC2000 ARM microcontroller family of products. 1442057424344702234755 PSP 2.4 MB None None documents None 1442057424344702234755 /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC2468.pdf 2414991 /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC2468.pdf LPC2468 documents N N 2020-10-27 Single-chip 16-bit/32-bit micro; 512 kB flash, Ethernet, CAN, ISP/IAP, USB 2.0 device/host/OTG, external memory interface /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC2468.pdf /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC2468.pdf Data Sheet N 980000996212993340 2022-12-07 pdf N en Oct 27, 2020 980000996212993340 Data Sheet Y N Single-chip 16-bit/32-bit micro; 512 kB flash, Ethernet, CAN, ISP/IAP, USB 2.0 device/host/OTG, external memory interface Application Note Application Note 14 2 1.1 English 1442088474117708195799 PSP 151.2 KB None None documents None 1442088474117708195799 /docs/en/application-note/AN11392.pdf 151246 /docs/en/application-note/AN11392.pdf AN11392 documents N N 2016-07-06 Guidelines for full-speed USB on NXP's LPC microcontrollers /docs/en/application-note/AN11392.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN11392.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf N en Feb 20, 2014 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Guidelines for full-speed USB on NXP's LPC microcontrollers 3 1.1 English 1442088592901733936348 PSP 7.5 MB None None documents None 1442088592901733936348 /docs/en/application-note/ 7469203 /docs/en/application-note/ AN10687 documents N N 2016-07-06 IEC 60601-1-8 audible alert generator using the LPC2000 /docs/en/application-note/ /docs/en/application-note/ Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 zip N en Aug 9, 2013 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N IEC 60601-1-8 audible alert generator using the LPC2000 4 1.0 English Using IAP for LPC2000 Arm devices 1442087697754710004757 PSP 125.9 KB None None documents None 1442087697754710004757 /docs/en/application-note/AN10256.pdf 125883 /docs/en/application-note/AN10256.pdf AN10256 documents N N 2016-07-06 Using IAP for LPC2000 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Jul 18, 2007 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N uC/OS-II Time Management in LPC2000 15 1.0 English 1442088086548713214133 PSP 191.0 KB None None documents None 1442088086548713214133 /docs/en/application-note/AN10576.pdf 191000 /docs/en/application-note/AN10576.pdf AN10576 documents N 2015-09-12 Migrating to the LPC2300/2400 family /docs/en/application-note/AN10576.pdf /docs/en/application-note/AN10576.pdf Application Note N 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 pdf en Feb 5, 2007 645036621402383989 Application Note Y N Migrating to the LPC2300/2400 family User Guide User Guide 1 16 1.0 English 1442125905658747136561 PSP 4.8 MB None None documents None 1442125905658747136561 /docs/en/user-guide/UM10237.pdf 4824000 /docs/en/user-guide/UM10237.pdf UM10237 documents N 2015-09-12 LPC24XX User manual /docs/en/user-guide/UM10237.pdf /docs/en/user-guide/UM10237.pdf User Guide N 132339537837198660 2022-12-07 pdf en Aug 26, 2009 132339537837198660 User Guide Y N LPC24XX User manual Brochure Brochure 2 17 1.0 English Arm<sup>&#174;</sup>7 MCU with Ethernet, USB OTG, CAN, and optional LCD controller; 72-MHz, 32-bit microcontroller with Arm7TDMI-S™ core LPC24xx 1442048141064696887636 PSP 123.0 KB None None documents None 1442048141064696887636 /docs/en/brochure/75016574.pdf 122993 /docs/en/brochure/75016574.pdf 75016574 documents N N 2011-07-03 Arm<sup>&#174;</sup>7 MCU with Ethernet, USB OTG, CAN, and optional LCD controller; 72-MHz, 32-bit microcontroller with Arm7TDMI-S™ core LPC24xx /docs/en/brochure/75016574.pdf /docs/en/brochure/75016574.pdf Brochure N 712453003803778552 2022-12-07 pdf N en Aug 31, 2008 712453003803778552 Brochure Y N Arm<sup>&#174;</sup>7 MCU with Ethernet, USB OTG, CAN, and optional LCD controller; 72-MHz, 32-bit microcontroller with Arm7TDMI-S™ core LPC24xx 18 1.0 English Arm<sup>&#174;</sup>7 MCU with Ethernet, USB OTG, CAN, and optional LCD controller 1442049037514729948457 PSP 202.9 KB None None documents None 1442049037514729948457 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Application Note N en None Y pdf 1.1 N N Guidelines for full-speed USB on NXP's LPC microcontrollers 151.2 KB AN11392 N 1442088474117708195799 /docs/en/application-note/ 2016-07-06 1442088592901733936348 PSP 3 Aug 9, 2013 Application Note None /docs/en/application-note/ English documents 7469203 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/ IEC 60601-1-8 audible alert generator using the LPC2000 /docs/en/application-note/ documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y zip 1.1 N N IEC 60601-1-8 audible alert generator using the LPC2000 7.5 MB AN10687 N 1442088592901733936348 /docs/en/application-note/AN10256.pdf 2016-07-06 1442087697754710004757 PSP 4 Jul 21, 2013 Application Note Using IAP for LPC2000 Arm devices None /docs/en/application-note/AN10256.pdf English documents 125883 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/application-note/AN10256.pdf Using IAP for LPC2000 Arm<sup>&#174;</sup> devices /docs/en/application-note/AN10256.pdf documents 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1442088086548713214133 PSP 15 Feb 5, 2007 Application Note None /docs/en/application-note/AN10576.pdf English documents 191000 None 645036621402383989 2022-12-07 /docs/en/application-note/AN10576.pdf Migrating to the LPC2300/2400 family /docs/en/application-note/AN10576.pdf documents 645036621402383989 Application Note N en None Y pdf 1.0 N Migrating to the LPC2300/2400 family 191.0 KB AN10576 N 1442088086548713214133 Brochure 2 /docs/en/brochure/75016574.pdf 2011-07-03 1442048141064696887636 PSP 17 Aug 31, 2008 Brochure Arm<sup>&#174;</sup>7 MCU with Ethernet, USB OTG, CAN, and optional LCD controller; 72-MHz, 32-bit microcontroller with Arm7TDMI-S™ core LPC24xx None /docs/en/brochure/75016574.pdf English documents 122993 None 712453003803778552 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/brochure/75016574.pdf Arm<sup>&#174;</sup>7 MCU with Ethernet, USB OTG, CAN, and optional LCD controller; 72-MHz, 32-bit microcontroller with Arm7TDMI-S™ core LPC24xx /docs/en/brochure/75016574.pdf documents 712453003803778552 Brochure N en None Y pdf 1.0 N N Arm<sup>&#174;</sup>7 MCU with Ethernet, USB OTG, CAN, and optional LCD controller; 72-MHz, 32-bit microcontroller with Arm7TDMI-S™ core LPC24xx 123.0 KB 75016574 N 1442048141064696887636 /docs/en/brochure/75015914.pdf 2015-02-12 1442049037514729948457 PSP 18 Aug 31, 2008 Brochure Arm<sup>&#174;</sup>7 MCU with Ethernet, USB OTG, CAN, and optional LCD controller None /docs/en/brochure/75015914.pdf English documents 202927 None 712453003803778552 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/brochure/75015914.pdf Arm<sup>&#174;</sup>7 MCU with Ethernet, USB OTG, CAN, and optional LCD controller /docs/en/brochure/75015914.pdf documents 712453003803778552 Brochure N en None Y pdf 1.0 N N Arm<sup>&#174;</sup>7 MCU with Ethernet, USB OTG, CAN, and optional LCD controller 202.9 KB 75015914 N 1442049037514729948457 Data Sheet 1 /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC2468.pdf 2020-10-27 1442057424344702234755 PSP 1 Oct 27, 2020 Data Sheet NXP Semiconductors designed the LPC2468 microcontroller around a 16-bit/32-bit ARM7TDMI-S CPU core with real-time debug interfaces that include both JTAG and embedded trace. The LPC2468 has 512 kB of on-chip high-speed flash memory. This flash memory includes a special 128-bit wide memory interface and accelerator architecture that enables the CPU to execute sequential instructions from flash memory at the maximum 72 MHz system clock rate. This feature is available only on the LPC2000 ARM microcontroller family of products. None /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC2468.pdf English documents 2414991 None 980000996212993340 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC2468.pdf Single-chip 16-bit/32-bit micro; 512 kB flash, Ethernet, CAN, ISP/IAP, USB 2.0 device/host/OTG, external memory interface /docs/en/data-sheet/LPC2468.pdf documents 980000996212993340 Data Sheet N en None Y pdf 6.3 N N Single-chip 16-bit/32-bit micro; 512 kB flash, Ethernet, CAN, ISP/IAP, USB 2.0 device/host/OTG, external memory interface 2.4 MB LPC2468 N 1442057424344702234755 Errata 1 /docs/en/errata/ES_LPC2468.pdf 2015-09-12 1442124169698718912625 PSP 19 Jul 23, 2012 Errata None /docs/en/errata/ES_LPC2468.pdf English documents 163000 None 155452329886410597 2022-12-07 /docs/en/errata/ES_LPC2468.pdf Errata sheet LPC2468 /docs/en/errata/ES_LPC2468.pdf documents 155452329886410597 Errata N en None Y pdf 11.1 N Errata sheet LPC2468 163.0 KB ES_LPC2468 N 1442124169698718912625 Package Information 1 /docs/en/package-information/SOT950-1.pdf 2016-03-17 1455078625210712841787 PSP 20 Feb 8, 2016 Package Information None /docs/en/package-information/SOT950-1.pdf English documents 607000 None 302435339416912908 2022-12-07 /docs/en/package-information/SOT950-1.pdf plastic thin fine-pitch ball grid array package; 208 balls; body 15 x 15 x 0.7 mm /docs/en/package-information/SOT950-1.pdf documents 302435339416912908 Package Information N en None Y pdf 1.0 N plastic thin fine-pitch ball grid array package; 208 balls; body 15 x 15 x 0.7 mm 607.0 KB SOT950-1 N 1455078625210712841787 Supporting Information 2 /docs/en/supporting-information/TN00009.pdf 2016-07-07 1442133580577719961178 PSP 21 May 9, 2014 Supporting Information None /docs/en/supporting-information/TN00009.pdf English documents 148799 None 371282830530968666 2022-12-07 N /docs/en/supporting-information/TN00009.pdf ADC design guidelines /docs/en/supporting-information/TN00009.pdf documents 371282830530968666 Supporting Information N en None Y pdf 1.0 N N ADC design guidelines 148.8 KB TN00009 N 1442133580577719961178 /docs/en/supporting-information/ 2015-09-13 1442133587656723427615 PSP 22 Jun 22, 2007 Supporting Information None /docs/en/supporting-information/ English documents 52000 None 371282830530968666 2022-12-07 /docs/en/supporting-information/ PWM dual edge driver for 3-phase motor control using LPC23xx, LPC24xx /docs/en/supporting-information/ documents 371282830530968666 Supporting Information N en None Y zip 1.0 N PWM dual edge driver for 3-phase motor control using LPC23xx, LPC24xx 52.0 KB TN0700X N 1442133587656723427615 User Guide 1 /docs/en/user-guide/UM10237.pdf 2015-09-12 1442125905658747136561 PSP 16 Aug 26, 2009 User Guide None /docs/en/user-guide/UM10237.pdf English documents 4824000 None 132339537837198660 2022-12-07 /docs/en/user-guide/UM10237.pdf LPC24XX User manual /docs/en/user-guide/UM10237.pdf documents 132339537837198660 User Guide N en None Y pdf 1.0 N LPC24XX User manual 4.8 MB UM10237 N 1442125905658747136561 true Y Products


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