Application Note (24)
DALI leader using LPC134x[AN11174]
FM+ I2C on LPC1300[AN10900]
DALI leader using LPC134x[AN11175]
UUencoding for UART ISP[AN11229]
DSP library for LPC1700 and LPC1300[AN10913_CM3_DSP_LIBRARY_V1_0_0]
AN10973 - Using the LPC13xx low power modes and wake-up times on the LPCXpresso[AN10973_-_USING_THE_LPC13XX_LO]
AN10986 - USB In-system programming with the LPC1300[AN10986_-_USB_IN-SYSTEM_PROGRA]
AN10955 - Full-duplex software UART for LPC111x and LPC13xx[AN10955_-_FULL-DUPLEX_SOFTWARE]
AN11018 - USB composite device on the LPC134x (with software).zip[AN11018_-_USB_COMPOSITE_DEVICE]
USB composite device on the LPC134x[AN11018]
DSP library for LPC1700 and LPC1300[AN10913]
AN10905 - LPC1300 USB memrom[AN10905_LPC1300_USBMEMROM]
Brochure (3)
Data Sheet (1)
Errata (1)
Errata sheet LPC1342/43[ES_LPC134X]
Package Information (1)
Supporting Information (5)
ADC design guidelines[TN00009]
Footprint for wave soldering[HTQFP-HLQFP-LQFP-MSQFP-WAVE]
Footprint for wave soldering[SSOP-TSSOP-VSO-WAVE]
Training Presentation (1)
User Guide (2)
DALI getting started guide[UM10553]
LPC1311/13/42/43 User manual[UM10375]