Fact Sheet (1)
MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code[MCUXPRESSO-VSC-FS]
User Guide (1)
MCUXpresso for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) provides an optimized embedded developer experience for code editing and development. MCUXpresso for VS Code supports NXP MCUs based on Arm® Cortex®-M cores including MCX, LPC, Kinetis and i.MX RT. MCUXpresso for VS Code allows developers the flexibility to work on projects from Zephyr, or MCUXpresso SDK in conjunction with Open-CMSIS-Packs.
The VS Code extension organizes relevant information including installed SDK repositories, available debug probes, user projects and links to help get started. A popular QuickStart panel provides access to the most popular actions. Intellisense improves upon standard auto-complete and auto-format features. The debug view provides access to breakpoints, variable/register views, call stack and thread awareness while using normal debug controls to step through the code. MCUXpresso for VS Code supports debug connections with probes from NXP, PEmicro and SEGGER®.
For more information on NXP support for Visual Studio Code please review the resources below and visit our Community Forum.
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