Fact Sheet (1)
NXP Touch Software Library Fact Sheet[FSLTCHSWFS]
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The NXP Touch Library is designed to work seamlessly with NXP’s touch sensing interface (TSI) peripheral available on the KE15Z MCU to detect finger touch, movement or gestures. Available as source code in the MCUXpresso SDK, this software includes touch detection algorithms and is supported by NXP FreeMASTER for visualization and debugging. Features of the NXP Touch Library include:
The LPC804 family of general purpose MCUs features a capacitive touch interface (Cap Touch) that supports up to five mutual-capacitance touch sensors. Driver level examples are provided through the MCUXpresso SDK and the LPC804 Code Bundle packages as a starting point for user application development. Additionally, FreeMASTER support is available for monitoring the run-time sensor value.
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